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Everything posted by CriticalNerd

  1. CriticalNerd

    Tent Exact Amount of Storage

    I would like to know this myself since I keep filling my tent with a bunch of stuff to no end. It seems like it can hold an unlimited amount of things.
  2. well atm, if your mag's bullet count is below 1/2 of its initial capacity, you loose the mag. If it's over 1/2 you refill it.
  3. CriticalNerd

    AS50 turned into a DMR

    Same thing, Alice pack. Bison transformed into a FN Fal. The bison magazine didn't change to FN Fal magazines though. :s
  4. CriticalNerd

    How to find a Vehicle?

  5. CriticalNerd

    How to find a Vehicle?

    I know about vehicle hoarders and how much they suck but what the hell man, why do they have to be so greedy? Owning more pixels makes em feel better? Anyways, the only option I have is go to X spot where Y vehicle spawns, server hop like crazy then switch spots to Z vehicle spawn and server hop again. Repeat until I find a vehicle. That's ridiculous.
  6. Half an hour later and all the items from tent have gone poof. What goes? I saved tent [around 8 guns inside, mags, food, e.t.c.]
  7. CriticalNerd

    Tent Contents Disappearing

    Bump, anyone? I've searched the forum and did find some other people also experienced this but with no answers. Is it safe to use same tent? Is it server related? Are tents bugged? What must I do to avoid this?
  8. CriticalNerd

    Items Gone

    Had the same problem just now on LU 15. Logged out for 30 mins, went back in game, all of the items in tent are gone. No way a team of even 4 people would take all the contents and leave nothing inside.
  9. Only twice I came across people that responded as friendly and I didn't take a bullet at the back of the head. Once a guy was friendly for 20 minutes. We were having a talk via mic e.t.c. and when I did the mistake to say I only had 5k blood due to a horde encounter, he shot me while he was supposedly using a blood pack on me.
  10. CriticalNerd

    10 Reasons To Avoid Cherno/Elektro!

    Are you forgetting about morphine? I know it spawns in other places too, but in 2 weeks I've only come across morphine once outside of the major cities.
  11. CriticalNerd

    how long before body despawns?

    Are you sure about this? Is this why we usually can't find the bodies of our kills? Just the flies though. Also, what happens if someone aborts/or changes server? Does the dead body has the same effect?
  12. CriticalNerd

    Why do vehicles erupt in balls of flame?

    Cars IRL don't explode like in the game or the hollywood movies. Especially from bullets they dont. Most likely the fuel reservoir will pop [and you need to have a leak or a physical opening] but in no way that you think it will. Also, I'm guessing in Cherno vehicles use diesel fuel and not benzine fuel, which is even harder to "explode".
  13. From what it seems they are endlessly respawning. I have fought neverending hordes of zombies for 15mins in NW airfield. I think it would be better if there was an interval between spawns.
  14. CriticalNerd

    how long before body despawns?

    Died in Supermarket in Zelenogorsk. Spawned in Kamenka, run all the way up there, looted my curcass and still it stayed there for more than I needed. So I'd safely assume it stays there for more than 5mins.
  15. CriticalNerd

    10k for a Avatar pic is way too low..

    I don't think Rocket has any part in the site maintenance. Usually a 3rd party is maintaining the forums. Don't tell me to deal with it, if you have nothing to add here then don't, unless you are one of those people who care about post counts and will jump to any thread and post useless stuff?
  16. CriticalNerd

    10k for a Avatar pic is way too low..

    The avatar I m using wouldnt go lower than 20kb at quality 1/10 [.jpg]. Really, it wouldnt just go lower than that. Unless I set quality to 0/10 which looked ugly as shit. Saved as .gif now it's 7kb with the same quality of a .jpg set to 8/10 quality P.S. I hate .png formats for some reason
  17. CriticalNerd

    10k for a Avatar pic is way too low..

    Bump. Really forum? What kind of picture is 10kb or lower? Anyway, if you are using photoshop, saving X avatar as .jpg will not get you lower than 20kb. Try gif, it's the smallest format available. Same picture quality in photoshop ~20kb while as .gif it goes as low as ~4kb
  18. CriticalNerd

    US Navy {SEALs}

  19. CriticalNerd

    Night Vision Goggles

    Yeah sorry, not civilian clothes, i meant the "camo" clothes. Found ghillie suit multiple times though.
  20. Once I was a bandit [needed morphine badly] and I never heard the heartbeat sound when pointing to other people. Though when I found my dead curcass near the coast [spawned and run to it to reacquire my possesions] I did hear the heartbeat when pointing to it. Lol?
  21. CriticalNerd

    Night Vision Goggles

    After countless heli crash sites and a dozen NW airfield raids, I still haven't found nv googles. :( Also never found the "civilian clothes" or what's it called.
  22. Okay this is the second time (in 2 days) I spawn in the middle of nowhere outside the map borders, and I have to run AGAIN for two hours SE just to get in the map. Really modders you have to look into this because its getting really frustrating. As it seems, if you crash or cannot enter X game while your character is loading, you are screwed and you gonna spawn in the debug area.
  23. CriticalNerd

    Spawned outside of map ..... AGAIN

    Tried that allready last time. It spawned me in the same place 10000 kms to the NW and with 2fps.
  24. CriticalNerd

    New Players Check this out

    Basically you need to prioritize to get MORPHINE first of all. If you have 2-3 morphines, you may never need to visit those deathzone cities for some days.