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Everything posted by CriticalNerd

  1. CriticalNerd

    No starting weapon or global chat encourage player killing too much?

    I'm all in for global chat, having more means to communicate with other players is a plus in any multiplayer game. Now, about the people that bring up immersion as a point for not bringing back chat, I call BS on this. Most likely you are a camper and don't want people to point you out.
  2. CriticalNerd

    Sniper problem solved!! I think?

    I can almost picture it in my head, DayZ Farmvill edition.
  3. CriticalNerd

    Approaching NWAF for first time, any tips?

    Well, everyone will think the same, I had more confrontations in situations like this rather than in broad daylight.
  4. CriticalNerd

    Sorry bro

    because there are 5 of em, medium loot tables with lots of spawn locations each and a pharmacy across the street. Looting the apartments and the pharmacy will net you enough equipment to venture forth into the mainland without the need to look back ever again.
  5. CriticalNerd

    Approaching NWAF for first time, any tips?

    1. If you see zombies in great distances, someone is allready over there. 2. If you see zombies dissapearing, someone is allready over there. 3. If you see zombies aggroing in the distance, someone is allready over there 4. If you see zombies running and then stopping, someone WAS allready over there [and may come back] 5. If you see zombies in great distances but no movement and/or shots for prolonged times, some griefer sniper is lurking 6. Go around the airfield, use the tree lines. 7. Aggroing zombies will give out your position 8. If you find mediocre to shitty loot, many people were there [you may need to loot-cycle, take care] 9. If you find lots of loot in the barracks, you sir are lucky as shit, pick up loot fast and bail out 10. Best approach the airfield from the NE and move cautiously, take your time and be PATIENT.
  6. CriticalNerd

    Looking to play now

    Almost reminded me of some late night TV hot line commercials. Your name doesn't help either.
  7. Creating hype all over the internet will surely bring flocks of players. Happens often enough and that's what happening with DayZ. The numbers of players mean nothing. Eventually, when the mod/game matures, you may safely assume the success of the title.
  8. CriticalNerd

    Sorry bro

    If you have any real hopes of asking for forgiveness you should post server name and time of incident.
  9. CriticalNerd

    Request for a new team

    Well maybe your name is a bit chessy for the gals to take it seriously.
  10. CriticalNerd

    Thanks for the ATV

    ATV's don't work well on certain bridges even in snail mode. [example: the bridge south of Vybor] Tried that allready, ATV switched to seisure mode.
  11. CriticalNerd

    Bulletproof windshield glass?!?

    No I am not attacking you, I am speaking generally. If its the game designed like this, it's flawed and unreal.
  12. CriticalNerd


    Scenario: Killing anything that moves while recording for youtube and having high grade snipers against newly spawned players Role: Master Camper Tactic: Just sit there and wait for hours, since this way you may actually kill someone This ain't my strategy but it's usually what I see on videos here and there.
  13. CriticalNerd

    Thanks for the ATV

    Just don't forget, if you ever happen to find one of those pesky bridges, GO AROUND THEM, unless you like rodeo.
  14. CriticalNerd

    Where do I find tents?

    You are better off finding an ATV and using it as your tent. Less glitches, bugs and you can move it around however you like. Tents seems to despawn, eat your gear and are more easy to find than an ATV you can hide in one of those christmas trees.
  15. CriticalNerd

    Bulletproof windshield glass?!?

    military grade penetrating bullets recosheting onto some 60's windshield car glass? cool story bro.
  16. CriticalNerd

    Sniper problem solved!! I think?

    Are we gonna go this far and have zombie companions like some weird ass necromancer? What's next, panda npcs and halfling characters?
  17. CriticalNerd

    Wilderness :( :( :( ....Can i get out ?

    Yep, experienced that myself, people spawned in debug area must do the olympic run in a consecutive try, no reconnects and no server switching for a 100% success.
  18. Well if you actually move away from cherno and stop killing newly spawned players with no means to defend themselves, you might actually spill some blood yourself.
  19. CriticalNerd

    Most intense firefight of my life

    Now wait a sec, am I seeing this right? You have 2 grenades in your inventory, neglecting the fact you exploit the system by spawning more dmr rounds, did the you pull out of your magic ass three more (3) grenades somehow after throwing the said two?
  20. CriticalNerd

    Admin abuse - What you need to know

    Since so many videos and reports were made because of admin abusing, and not just in these forums but in all over the internet, what is exactly the thread's purpose? It's obvious there are legit and honest admins, but there's alot of them abusing their limited power over their servers. Also @zoop, I know the servers restart for many reasons. While playing for 3-5 hours without interruption, on many occasions I experienced, when some vehicles change hands, server goes apeshit. it's not entirely coincidental that the server restarts, and multiple times in a row, alway then, always with the same motive.
  21. CriticalNerd

    Admin abuse - What you need to know

    In a span of one month, 9 times out of 10 server restarts unexpectedly when I get my hands on a vehicle, be it by killing the driver or finding a camp. Coincidence? I think not. Either way I lost numerous vehicles this way. Things like that occured in EU17, LU15, DE115 e.t.c. While players grief by alt-f4, admins grief by restarting server.
  22. CriticalNerd

    Experimental test patch

    Was playing on some server I usually play but they decided it was fun to post a message "update your stuff" then shut down and reopen to So, i did too and from then on couldnt play. Anyways, I'm too lazy to downgrade and switch to another server with 1.7.2
  23. CriticalNerd

    Experimental test patch

    Yep, me too, waiting for host indefinetely.
  24. Lol no, I am not a hoarder, neither I am mad. Please read what you are quoting next time. Nobody took my loot because I never had one. But I'd like to find a vehicle once in a while, which is almost impossible since you have been hoarding all of the vehicles to just stare at them. What usefulness are you talking about?
  25. Usually some mofo group has hoarded most of the vehicles either because their are greedy douchebags or to deny you easy exploration so you gonna have hard time finding their pixel loot.