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Everything posted by Garam

  1. For me clearly FN FAL, the damage is insane on players, it is very reliable, but as a sniper it depends on your group gameplay, M4 SD might be better to be sneaky and clear Zs easily, L85 is good for spotting but, frankly I just hate when you have to fire that thing, might as well have some thermal binoculars instead of this :s
  2. Same for my friend, he got banned 2 / 3 days ago, never scripted / hacked, he doesnt even know how to, when you bought Arma 2 only for DayZ and you receive that message damn, hackers are a huge problem on DayZ, but banning clean clients, I have never seen that on 30 video games played...
  3. 20 minutes ago, the entire server (30+ people on US 1695) got teleported about 4 kms from the coast by a hacker, every vehicule on the map also appeared to be there, floating, I almost instantly logged out hoping I could rollback or something, but obviously it didnt, now, I have I would say a 45 mins swim to the coast, I cant press the Respawn, I'm just fucking stuck in the sea, and the hacker must have a good laugh about it. How do you expect this game not to crash, when you worked for hours on a character (YES, I know, you're not supposed to get attached to your progression, you can die at any moment), but I just imagine that this guy, could easily, within 30 minutes, ruin the experience of 400 people hoping servers, teleporting everyone into the ocean, and repeat. How is this even possible? How the fuck can you justify to block the Respawn option when this is actually possible? I love this game, when I first tried it, I thought I would play Dayz for years, I enjoyed it a lot, but if there is absolutely nothing to do against this kind of hackers, a vast majority of players will leave, and will probably forget about the standalone too, they will just move on, plain and simple. I'm not projecting my opinion, I just noticed that on the 15 peoples I know that played DayZ, only 8 are still playing it, and only 2 of them dont say "I think i'll uninstall soon, hackers just ruin it for me". I mean, they can nuke cities, they can teleport people into a situation where they will have to swim for more than 30 minutes just so they can die (seriously, I'm dont even do that, I have other things to do ffs, everytime that happens what, I'll have to block my W key with an object aiming at the coast, and leave my computer? seriously?), I've even had an angry hacker that me and 7 mates killed, he followed us around servers, killing us 5 times, we all had to change names to avoid a tracking hacker, the guy ruined our entire evening, we all had great gear, great position to PvP around Elektro, all that ruined by a hacker, and I mean, I know that people had way worse than that numerous times, I'm not whining about me, I'm just stunned that this issue seems to be treated as "Oh well, cant do much, suck it up, 80% of your DayZ experience will be ruined in frustration but hey, thats the cost for our wonderful game", you cant build something out of that situation, change the entire way of scripting, I dont know, but do something, else, this game wont last long, and it's such a shame for one of the best game / idea I have ever seen.
  4. Yeah, thanks you're useful. By the way, I just discovered, you cant die in water from a cold, blood stops dropping down at 6000, so, amazing, I still cant see the land, and now I hope I will either die of hunger, or maybe a hacker could mass teleport the server and help me out for once! Wonderful, havent been able to play for 2 hours and 30 minutes, and I bet it's going to be 1 hour more or less for my character to die, yeah, normal, it's an alpha guys, it's all great constructive testing
  5. Garam

    The Kid with no-life!!

    You just described a great sniper, patient, that will kill you as soon as you stop moving and he has a clear shot, congratulations to him, and to you : get the fuck out of Cherno then, who the fuck forces you to go there? Everything you need can be found in safer places in walking range of Cherno, just because he OWNS YOU SO MUUUUCH, doesnt mean he's a kid, just means you're mad. Once again, congratulation to the dude :D, if I read a post about me like this one, man that would have made my day
  6. Players will move onto other video games, or even similar survival games that will be out before the standalone, until then, the fame of DayZ will be ruined by hackers encounters, and the memory of the DayZ buzz will be a distant one, I never complained about anything even if I died of many bugs, it's an Alpha, but building a game with free hacking, thats impossible. By the way, I cant even see Chernarus from where I am in the ocean, so I have to die from the cold, it takes approximately 1h40 mins for me, to die like this, loosing around 2 blood per second, this is just normal right? No respawn button, hackers could do that all day, and I'll spend all day alt tab waiting for my character to slowly die. And this isnt about me, it's about the huge number of people that are going to have the same fucking problem in the following weeks, yay
  7. Garam

    This game is ruined by cheaters

    At people saying it's an Alpha, yeah you are right, it's an Alpha, but no, it's not a good idea to consider it as one, because DayZ popularity will decrease rapidly and the fanbase will get smaller and smaller, hurting the future of DayZ standalone, I personally dont give a fuck about bugs, but the number one priority is finding a solution about hackers, 75% of the DayZ sessions I played in the last 2 weeks were ruined by hackers, generally mass teleporting, or just killed, and now I discovered they can teleport you so far in the ocean you have to waste an hour to get back on the coast, thats just amazing. Lots of people will just leave, and never check anything related to DayZ again, so yeah, it's an Alpha, but it is now that this game has the chance to become huge, and it's ruined by script kiddies, it's depressing, I never gave a fuck about hackers on the video games I played, but seing them kill one of the best ideas / video game I've seen, makes me so fucking angry
  8. PM in your box ;), seems awesome
  9. An overrated TV show with b-actors that every hipster loves. You are precisely the definition of hipster in my book. And I'm not even a fan of it To answer the op, at first I was probably more like the asian dude (sorry), and after I got killed enough times, guess I turned into the bandits they ran into, or Shane maybe. There is no place for good guys in DayZ, not at the moment at least. Well there is actually, but it's decorating Cherno's streets surrounded by flies
  10. Frankly, nobody really knows, but I think I would really try hard to find a friend or a family member, and defend ourselves until we get into the forests and shit. I dont think I would react very nicely to zombies roaming around, when you really think about it, it would be such an horrible view / feel, but I would hope to find someone because being alone in a zombie apocalypse, man, fuck hang yourself whats the point. I would also be very scared of getting beat to death / eaten alive, so if I felt myself trapped or something I would probably commit suicide I guess, rofl this thread got me depressed just trying to imagine such an horrible situation
  11. Garam

    To the baby's moaning

    You are such an idiot... Me and my friend' date=' were "new" to the game (we've watched streams about it so we understood 90% of the mechanics etc.), both of us are good in video games, he was pro on Counter Strike, I guess you wont define that as an fps noob. We're both adults, we know how to figure shit out. We just came out of a 4 hours run of not finding a gun, spending 70% of our time running & loosing zombies. I must have searched around 30 houses / buildings I'd say, I've only found items other than weapons. You might say "well, it's bad luck then", no, it's never about luck, it's about spawn rate. And no, it isnt any fucking fun to have 90% of your gametime spent running away from zombies, it really isnt. I love this game, I loved watching streams about it, but it is so fucking RETARDED to make the zombies aggro like this. Nobody except some few cocky nerds (yeah talking about you) will play this game, when the core of the game is so fucking brillant, they just managed to right away kill it. Because yeah you knew the game before this patch, but what about all the people that bought Arma 2 today or yesterday (like me), tried it, and spent one entire evening for nothing? Well they wont play it again for most of them. Nobody (except the few cocky nerds) has enough time to ruin into this stupidity. And even if I got a gun, and it would snowball for like an hour and I would end up with decent gear, I could get PK and start back again for a 2 hours zombie marathon fest. This is bad design, this is a bad way to start a reputation for your game. It is now, that you must put a huge effort into balancing those things, because it is now that your fan base will grow, with people such as Destiny (SC2 pro) streaming your game every day etc. YOU MUST ATTRACT PLAYERS NOW. And dont get me wrong, I looove hard games, it's so good to finally have challenging video games, but this, is just bad design, balance it out quick or your game will die before birth Edit: And by the way, yesterday I had a really fun run, killing 7 people, getting an awesome gear, and finally got PKed, I loved every part of it, so no, i'm not raging because I never got a chance to play the real game. [/quote'] If you don't enjoy running from zombies and being chased this may not be the game for you because i love that and so do many other people. And calling me a nerdy kid because i enjoy the game?? Its just annoys me when people moan all the time. Also finding guns can not be that hard i found a ak-47, akm, shotgun and a g17 in a fire house in elektro. Also attract new players now? DayZ has a massive player base and most enjoy the game but to you there cocky nerdy kids. However about buying arma 2 for the mod i can understand it is hard to learn i got the game a year and a bit ago and loved it for the rpg servers. When this mod came out it was good and easy as i understood the way arma worked and all the new people to arma will struggle at first but don't we all? The fun in games is to learn and sometime you have to learn the hard way.. "it's so good to finally have challenging video games" you say this and you moan about it being too hard or bugged its alpha if you can't live with that move on and wait till its stable.?? If you like challenging video games learn the game and then within in 30mins you can have a gun and be surviving no problem. "We're both adults" Then start acting one and don't start calling people Cocky nerdy kids for enjoying a game because to me you acting like a kid. Thank you for your input into my post. Acually the "cocky nerds" wasnt aimed at you (well, a little, calling people "babies" because they're frustrated after hours of dying and running isnt very mature either), but more to the other ones acting like this game is for some sort of elite, that kind of attitude really piss me off :). And I enjoy running from zombies, but not for 3 hours, and no, weapon spawns arent great when you cant get into towns where there actually is weapons without defending yourself. I also had a lucky run where I found an Enfield, shot someone, took his ammo and revolver etc etc. And this was lucky. Thats my point, it is bad design for the game to snowball like this sometimes, but most of the time you're gonna have a hard fucking time getting passed the "running away from zombies" phase. They aggro too much, it is too slow to sneak around them, and yeah DayZ might have a big fanbase now, of course it has a lot of buzz around it, but there wont be in a few months if it stays like this. People will get tired of these boring phases, because they might look fun now, but they wont at some point. And for LordRayken, yeah, dont believe me, of course I had to lie to help my point, we didnt spend 4 hours checking easy access houses without finding guns... Just shut up, of course you're not a hardcore gamer, you're just the cocky nerd I was talking about :)
  12. I read some scary posts in here... You idiots might even convince Rocket to stick with the way the game took right now. This isnt fun for 98% of gamers, you dont spend your entire evening crouching and waiting for zombies to leave a street so you can go inside a house and find nothing. And even if you do, you will potentially get killed by a bandit. See, what I just described, is very likely to occur to a new player. And what is he going to do? Leave this game immediatly and never play it again in 70% of the cases, for maybe another 15% try a little more and then quit, the rest will stick around. Does 15% of "customers" (yeah I know it's free, but the point is to make a good game right?) satisfied sounds good to you? There is a middle ground, middle ground that seemed okay before this patch. People who actually have a job, wont spend 1 hour crouching just to find a Makarov, and then die to a simple mistake they do. Yes it is survival, Yes we want this game to be challenging, but not Hardcore gamers only, and when I say Hardcore gamers dont fool yourselves peeps, I'm not talking about skill, just the amount of time your willing to spend into pointless and boring game phases.
  13. Garam

    To the baby's moaning

    You are such an idiot... Me and my friend, were "new" to the game (we've watched streams about it so we understood 90% of the mechanics etc.), both of us are good in video games, he was pro on Counter Strike, I guess you wont define that as an fps noob. We're both adults, we know how to figure shit out. We just came out of a 4 hours run of not finding a gun, spending 70% of our time running & loosing zombies. I must have searched around 30 houses / buildings I'd say, I've only found items other than weapons. You might say "well, it's bad luck then", no, it's never about luck, it's about spawn rate. And no, it isnt any fucking fun to have 90% of your gametime spent running away from zombies, it really isnt. I love this game, I loved watching streams about it, but it is so fucking RETARDED to make the zombies aggro like this. Nobody except some few cocky nerds (yeah talking about you) will play this game, when the core of the game is so fucking brillant, they just managed to right away kill it. Because yeah you knew the game before this patch, but what about all the people that bought Arma 2 today or yesterday (like me), tried it, and spent one entire evening for nothing? Well they wont play it again for most of them. Nobody (except the few cocky nerds) has enough time to ruin into this stupidity. And even if I got a gun, and it would snowball for like an hour and I would end up with decent gear, I could get PK and start back again for a 2 hours zombie marathon fest. This is bad design, this is a bad way to start a reputation for your game. It is now, that you must put a huge effort into balancing those things, because it is now that your fan base will grow, with people such as Destiny (SC2 pro) streaming your game every day etc. YOU MUST ATTRACT PLAYERS NOW. And dont get me wrong, I looove hard games, it's so good to finally have challenging video games, but this, is just bad design, balance it out quick or your game will die before birth Edit: And by the way, yesterday I had a really fun run, killing 7 people, getting an awesome gear, and finally got PKed, I loved every part of it, so no, i'm not raging because I never got a chance to play the real game.