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lCCPl Curious Console Player

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About lCCPl Curious Console Player

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. lCCPl Curious Console Player

    AKM 75rd Drum Nerf

    These points are unrealistic and unnecessary. My fix would be to just add the RPK and 40rd magazines, to fix the balancing gap.
  2. lCCPl Curious Console Player

    RPK/RPK-74 (ft. new magazine)

    My internet timed out, so it posted twice. Sorry about that 🙁
  3. lCCPl Curious Console Player

    RPK/RPK-74 (ft. new magazine)

    This Suggestion Includes: 1. The RPK; the squad automatic weapon variant of the famous Kalashnikov rifle, known for its high range, damage retention, and control, at the cost of higher weight and length, designed to be used with higher-capacity magazines for maximum effectiveness. Taking KA-M magazines, the 7.62x39 variant weighs 4.8kg, sharing its damage stats and fire rate with the KA-M, but sharing its other primary stats with the VSD. (ref: WOBO.tools) 2. The RPK-74, fitted for using 5.45x39 ammunition. Taking KA-74 magazines, it weighs 4.7kg, sharing its damage and fire rate with the KA-74, but also sharing its other primary stats with the VSD. 3. New 40rd KA-M magazines, spawning in tier 4 and higher military loot. 7.62x39 RPK with a drum magazine (Heli Crashes, Military Convoys & Supply Crates) 7.62x39 RPK with a 40rd magazine (Tier 4 Military) 5.45x39 RPK-74[M?] with a 45rd magazine (Tiers 3 & 4 Military) I think the RPK and the RPK-74 should get added because 1. They fit the setting perfectly, and more-so than certain other weapons. 2. It's the best way to introduce the first LMG-style weapon to the game, since these aren't overpowered like some others are. Thank you for working hard with the game, devs ❤️
  4. lCCPl Curious Console Player

    AKM 75rd Drum Nerf

    It should also have a negative effect on sway control and recoil stability, given the weight allocation. I disagree with the weapon jamming; we don't need more jamming for any gun in the game - the rates are already unrealistically high, for the most part.
  5. lCCPl Curious Console Player


    Plz no xd
  6. lCCPl Curious Console Player

    Craft sling before you can shoulder weapon

    It would be fine, if DayZ were a more stable game
  7. lCCPl Curious Console Player

    Craft sling before you can shoulder weapon

    It would be fine if DayZ were a more stable game
  8. lCCPl Curious Console Player

    Van & other suggestions

    The outbreak is said to have occurred sometime after March 13th, 2013. While the USP 45 would be a welcome addition, the FNX 45 is not out of place, as it does fit the timeline.
  9. lCCPl Curious Console Player

    One tiny thing: Lifestraw water filter

    Why not just add the Filtering Bottle to the other maps?
  10. lCCPl Curious Console Player

    Craft sling before you can shoulder weapon

    You haven't presented an actual reason, other than appealing to the game description without addressing the nuances. DayZ has many issues currently, and I know most of the playerbase would say difficulty regarding loot isn't one of them. The devs should focus on other things for now, like stability updates, gunplay and sound updates, etc., to at least make the game run better, and be more aesthetically realistic.
  11. lCCPl Curious Console Player

    Craft sling before you can shoulder weapon

    Then just give them all visible slings when they're on a player's back. It's not super complicated. No reason to make the game harder.
  12. lCCPl Curious Console Player

    Spawn point choice

    Why not just play from wherever you spawn at?
  13. lCCPl Curious Console Player

    Green Mountain Radio Transmissions Easter Egg

    Older players will probably know what this is. This easter egg should get added into DayZ standalone; amplifying the ingame horror-mystery element would be really cool, and very fitting for a game like DayZ. Video explanation https://youtu.be/k_pQcEbW3Cw?si=kw0yng4AJEDPV-Te Audio link https://youtu.be/VVxXHyE1CJM?si=Z8owtNewdf5CcPdr
  14. lCCPl Curious Console Player

    One tiny thing: Lifestraw water filter

    I'm pretty sure this is already in the game
  15. lCCPl Curious Console Player

    Keep 1.26's Footstep & Infected Audio Settings

    The newer 1.27 experimental audio feels less immersive. The sound-to-distance ratio is unnecessarily off-putting to familiarize with, especially for headphone users. I'm not a fan of it. Thank you Bohemia for the other changes, though.