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About ResMonk

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. ResMonk

    Humanity is back, i'm FKED.

    Ahhhh...yea I remember that too from a while ago. That makes sense. Good to know too so people don't feel like they have to grind zeds to get their humanity up...sounds like they just have to start the game up and watch t.v. hahahah. Thank god football is back. Well...good luck! :lol:
  2. ResMonk

    Humanity is back, i'm FKED.

    Just read in another thread that someone noticed their humanity go up when killing zeds. Dunno if its true but if it is...and you really want to get your humanity back up...looks like you've got the right kinda weapon to get to work on some infection cleansing.
  3. Apologies if this has already been discussed. We have all killed players and zeds...maybe not in that order. In this previous patch, rocket added the exponent for visibility depending on your stance, movement, time of day, etc. What if that exponent could be modified by your choice of kills in game? The thinking would be the more you kill zeds, the more you know your enemy so the value could be slightly lower. The opposite, when you kill someone, you've got fresh blood on your hands and zeds like that slightly raising it. Potential problems with this though include making the game easier for those who "zed grind", grinding a problem in itself i would think, players who solely pk may not be able to get near civilization depending on how high value has become due to higher zed aggro, becomes a punishment for those who only pk by forcing you into that path, and i'm sure more issues. Maybe this could be fleshed out into something interesting or maybe its just a throwaway idea. Thoughts?
  4. ResMonk

    Gunshot/sound aggro

    I apologize if this has already been discussed, but what about if zeds were attracted to gunfire or any noise for that matter like how they are attracted to flares? If they hear gunshots/footsteps they turn towards it and start moving in that direction instead of immediate aggro. Example, field scene in the walking dead. Zeds in woods hear gunshot and move towards it. Sound would = investigate...sight = run at player like a track star on roids. Might make game too easy though...thoughts?