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About Squintss

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    On the Coast
  1. Squintss

    DayZ blue screen

    UPDATE: I found a fix, deleted the game, went to file explorer for C drive, searched DayZ, found that theyre were alot of duplicate files, deleted ALL of them. Reinstalled the game and now it works!
  2. Squintss

    DayZ blue screen

    Ive tried the bulldozer mode a few times, still black screens and proceeds to crash the computer. Ive even went as far as fully resetting the computer itself. Im not very inclined with all the technical stuff as far as searching files, looking for a memory leak. but i have deleted all mods, files, as well as unistalling/reinstalling the game. Im beat, its a shame too because i main DayZ and it came out of no where. I appreciate the help though.
  3. Squintss

    DayZ blue screen

    Im having an issue that i have not been able to figure out for some time now and its starting to bug me recently. I download dayz, dzsa, etc. game and launcher open fine, but when i try to join a server, my screen just goes black and eventually crashes my pc to blue screen. (Stop code :KERNEL_MODE_HEAP_CORRUPTION). I have searched fixes for this, done as many as i could, reinstalled the game multiple times, verified files, used alot a forums to find a fix but i just cant figure it out. Also, DayZ Expirimental works fine, just not the game itself. My drivers are up to date, even tried old drivers. All my other games work perfect, just DayZ. any help would be GREATLY appreciated, thank you. Specs: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1650 Super. i5-10400F Cpu. 16gb ram. Windows 10 64bit