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Everything posted by magicpanda

  1. magicpanda

    Signal Flare... is it possible?

  2. magicpanda

    Vehicle and tent acess

    Living up to you name there Chimp. Flinging your own shit around with no discernible purpose or positive outcome.
  3. magicpanda

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    I think giving people persistent backpacks that you can drop whereever and most of the whining will stop. A back up Pack that only you know the location of will take the sting out of dying if you can head back to it and rearm. If someone else finds it then, well that's your problem for not hiding it well enough.
  4. magicpanda

    Vehicle and tent acess

    I really like the idea of locking cars (very easy to do with the game engine) and having a hotwire kits. I think persistent backpacks are the way forward. Very easy to hide away and takes nothing away from the gameplay. Might stress out the database a bit though :)
  5. magicpanda

    Food and water being used offline

    Punishing the player for not being able to play enough is, unfortunately, straight up poor game design. I just want to log off and not be forced to stay online long enough to make sure I have food and water for the next time I log on. Got to be a better way. Food I find is reasonably scarce but fizzy pop is everywhere. It's like pepsi sponsored the apocalypse.
  6. magicpanda

    Where are the vehicle locations?

    More Mountain Bikes would be nice.
  7. magicpanda

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    Very new to this discussion but I'm finding that Death Match with Zombies is a bit crap. My current character is very much inland and the play experience is completely different. In fact it's the best mod I've played in 20+ years gaming. I think the solution is with the Zombies. Perhaps we need a means to kill zeds silently (melee?) and open gunfire needs to attract a metric shit ton of zombies.
  8. magicpanda

    Tents & Vehicles General

    What's the exact score with the persistence of Vehicles? OP is a bit vague (no offence) What happens if you log out inside a car?
  9. There is a chap on Reddit already de-constructing this and ripping out all the Database calls with view to make it Singleplayer/Coop.
  10. magicpanda

    IF this was an actual game...

    Personally I'd like to see it highly developed Arma 3 DLC. BI would be mad not to get this ready for the Arma 3 release. Above all else however please avoid the Free to Play - in game shop type model
  11. magicpanda

    A plea for more servers!

    I think this mod may be about to go Nuclear.
  12. magicpanda

    UK1 Server Donations

    Any plans to open up the UK server RoaR? Will happily chuck a few quid your way.