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About BrweaverPS4

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    On the Coast

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    certified dayz zucchini farmer/

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  1. BrweaverPS4

    A few changes to make people not want to KOS

    i do not agree, dont put your gun away when you are holding someone at gun point, that is a clear sign of opportunity/weakness that most people will take, instead make them handcuff themselves, if they refuse, shoot them. and if you knock someone uncon but still want to talk to them, dont reveal youself if you cant get to them fast enough, stand around a corner or tree and tell them to surrender, if they dont respond, shoot them. handcuffs should definitely not be nigh instant. and the game is about whatever you want it to be, if you want to be a highway man instead of a straight killer, then you are automatically going to have a much more difficult time. i personally do not take hostages unless i have a team mate, it takes away alot of the risk, and your victim will feel less tempted to make a play. just play smarter, and dont moan when someone gets one up on you, it happens.
  2. BrweaverPS4

    a new optic (pks-07) with the sv-98

    post script, this is copy and pasted from the wiki page for the pks_07. The PKS-07 is a 7x magnification scope used by the Russian Military. The PKS-07 is usually mounted on an SV-98 sniper rifle but can be mounted on othe weapons such as the Dragunov SVD and AK-74 using the standard side rail.
  3. BrweaverPS4

    Fingerless gloves more common

    they are not hard to find, i usually stumble across then in police stations, and ummm... dont get shot?
  4. BrweaverPS4

    a new optic (pks-07) with the sv-98

    since the sv-98 come standard with a psk-07, i think it would be really cool if bohemia could add the pks-07 to spawn on it, with the option to take it off and add it to any ak or even the svd... they gave the american rifles a 6x acog, why not give the russian rifles a 7x. also the pks-07 just looks really cool, would probably looks sick on the kam and svd. i honestly do not think you should give it the hunting scope either. that is just lazy.
  5. BrweaverPS4

    bed roll/sleeping bag.

    Off to the coast with you
  6. BrweaverPS4

    Sawn-Offs Request

    Would it not have the same magazine ammount? To lower the cap you would have to saw into the magazine,and well... Its destroyed at that point
  7. 2 years ago my dad gave me his old single barrel shotgun that he sawed the barrel down to 18 inches for my brithday, umpteen years before that it was a 5 inch barrel with pistol grip untill he sold the barrel and grip, now its my birth day again and i had a wild thought for dayz(love this game) since slugs spawn at hunting spots but no shotguns whats so ever, you guys could add a single barrel shotgun at hunting locations that comes stock as a 24-30 inch barrel, that can be sawed down to 15-20, and sawed down once more to a 5-10 inch barrel, also sawing down the stock to a pistol grip, a shotgun pistol that can fit into holsters, it would feel good to me running my dads old gun in dayz in his memory