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Everything posted by Maercus

  1. INTRODUCTION Before starting with the post, I wanted to thank BI and the DayZ Dev Team on behalf of the entire South American community for the new SA servers. In the last few days it has been very noticeable the improvement in performance making the vanilla experience much more enjoyable. Having said that, let's move on to the reason for this post. 👉 Just a few day ago, the South American community discovered the existence of a temporary Livonia Oficial server in our region (DayZ SA - SP 5137). Since the Livonia map was launcher, not only we had no official Livonia server to play in our region but there were very few community servers that offered a vanilla and original experience. This left us (vanilla enthusiast) a bit excluded from having a good the chance to experience a great new map because of the ping limitations and or the lack of a pure Livonia experience. Thus, we saw a glimmer of hope in the opening of this temporary official server that we did not want to miss. That's why some content creators organized ourselves to create a small event called "Mission Livonia". In an organic way (using only in-game voice communications and radios) we spread the word and contacted people to gather a large group of survivors at the Yellow King's castle. For a week, we dedicated ourselves to build the best and most beautiful base possible in the location and show our interest in keeping this official (local) Livonia server as a permanent thing. Below are some screenshots of what this experience was like: We had our own garage 👇 And some of us went to live in the forest 👇 We also found an abandoned lair 👇 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A PETITION TO BI AND DAYZ DEVS The specific purpose of the post is to ask for: A) The stability of the Livonia (SA - SP 5137) server: The community not only wants it and show interest even when the server stand for a “temporary” thing, but we also need one. Of course, we are doing this as a cordial request, and not as a claim, but we can ensure you there is a big enough SA community waiting to fill a permanent official Livonia server. B) Make the Livonia (SA – SP 5137) 1PP only: The DayZ player who enjoys Livonia is a hardcore gamer who prioritizes immersion over any other alternative. It would be functional and wise for the Livonia server to also be 1PP. Clearly the ideal would be to have both alternatives, but in the absence of this, we believe that there would be no problem with just leaving it 1PP or replacing a 3PP Chernarus server with a 1PP Livonia server OUR REASONS 1) Just as DayZ does, the LATAM community is also growing at an accelerated pace. It is necessary to have an official server in the region since there are few options in community servers and it could be a great opportunity for DLC sales in South America with the new 1.19 update. This region comprises a large mass of users and still has a lot to expand. In fact, we know that more than one player bought the DLC just by seeing the mission we were carrying out. 2) We believe that this can be seen as an investment and not as an expense. From now on, we are counting on a temporary server. On the other hand, there are 3 Chernarus servers in Brazil (one 1pp and two with 3pp). In the worst-case scenario, it might be appropriate to nucleate all the people playing 3pp on a single Chernarus server and use the resources of the other one for the stable Livonia server. 3) This server could create a virtuous circle with the upcoming update. More than one content creator will want to play and discover "Livonia's secrets" on a vanilla server, and not be forced to play on a local fully modded Livonia server that could denature the whole concept of the map. That will generate the same desire in their audience, as well as the interest of server owners to include the map in their server and increase a lot both the active players in that server and the sales of Livonia in the region. 4) Although we have achieved a great participation from the community, it is understandable that the server has not been completely full. This is not due to a lack of interest per se, but we firmly believe it is due to the following 📌 Firstly, as its name suggests, it is a temporary server and that generates the disinterest of many players focused on keeping a medium- and long-term progress. 📌 Secondly, regular Livonia players around the world (hardcore fans) tend to play on 1st person only servers. Maybe it is due to the "hardcore" style that the map proposes in its route (forests and huge plains, no hospital or pump in the middle of the map) and the feeling of immersion that this generates. This is something that occurs even on the Chernarus server. The vanilla player today prioritizes the 1PP over any other alternative. 📌 Thirdly, as we anticipated, the South American community itself seems to enjoy vanilla servers at 1PP more. If you notice, SA - SP 5131 usually has more traffic than those with 3PP. In community servers, the same thing usually happens: slightly modded servers triumph with the 1pp and those with excess of mods that distort the essence of the game go to the 3pp. We strongly believe that the server would have more traffic if it was 1st person only. 📌 Finally, the server was never publicly announced. We simply found it in the launcher and that's it, but there was never any good promotion of it with any kind and most of the SA players are still looking for the BR 4-00X servers in the launchers. We entrust ourselves with the task of clarifying this to every player and every SA community in which we participate. SOME FINAL WORDS 👉 We really believe that there should be a stable official Livonia server in the SA region. Its healthy for the growth of the DayZ community and also imply a much more interest for the original and core gameplay concept. We thing this would not imply a significant expense for the company and the reward will be worth it since it could mean a significant increase in DLC sales and active users on the map. 👉 On the other hand, as we stated, we truly think that the ideal would be to have a 1PP only setting for the multiple reasons exposed before (greater general acceptance in the community that plays the map on a global scale and those of us who play vanilla in the region), either as a secondary alternative or as a replacement for one of 3PP's Chernarus servers (currently two). 👉 Of course you guys know better than anyone about the management of your servers and we do not intend to tell you what you have to do. We simply express our sincere point of view from the community to which we belong and which we know. Thank you very much for reading us and we wish you the best for this next stage in DayZ. SEE YOU IN LIVONIA! 🐻 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. Maercus

    The "Mission Livonia" || DayZ SA - SP 5137

    Still waiting 😭
  3. Maercus

    Chernarus must evolve

    In addition to agreeing 95% of what you said, I think that several aspects of the game can still be improved very easily. Let me explain below: Chernarus has a bit of an uneven distribution of loot (in quantity and quality). The west side of the map is much better than the east side (more military bases, helicrash presence, better tier loot). This is not bad and we can understand it if we think that many players prefer a more "hardcore" path or with less amount of military weapons and even find fewer players. However, within this different paths, I can think of several ways to improve the CEL for a more progressive, organic experience that encourages players to go all the way to the end of the map (Tisy, in the case of Chernarus) 1) improve the areaflags.map. for example, today at 4km/30 minutes from spawn (Zelenogorsk) we can already find large caliber assault rifles and helicrashes with night vision. Another example is that you can find the same loot in the far north of the NWAF as in Zelenogorsk (both T3 but 7km away). 2) hand in hand with the first suggestion, there has to be an improvement to the types.xml currently there are few motivations to reach out to Tisy. There is almost no special or relevant item to get to that area so far away and take the risk of entering there. More than the AK101, the NBC suit (which can also be obtained in many other points on the map) and some secondary accessory or extra ammunition. 3) Helicrash events (just to mention one of the dynamic events) are assigned a wide variety of very important firearms (LAR, SVD, AUG, M70, plus night vision). However, they can spawn in tier 2 or tier 3 zones. Similarly, we can find multiple Helicrash in a row near tier 4 zones and not find any of these things. 4) While I think the idea of static toxic zones is the best of the last two years of development, I think placing them close to player spawn zones is very counterproductive. - With a stash well hidden near the zones, a newly spawned player can always get high tier loot in a few minutes. - At the end of the day, experienced players know that it is not necessary to reach areas far away from the spawn or reach Tisy to get the suit (Cherno, Zeleno, Berezino and Krasno are enough to get what is necessary) and also the toxic zone static usually ensures a good loot for whoever gets there (M4, AKM, asval, VSS, supressors, extended magazines) In conclusion, I think that as said before, players almost always tend to move in search of loot and achieve a more balanced experience that encourages them to take longer paths, lengthen the end game and take advantage of all the zones and events on the map. How? 1) Judiciously modifying the tier map. 2) Improving the CEL from the types (IMO, with a more "hardcore" orientation than the current one where sometimes we get full assault rifles within half an hour of starting to play and "end game" rifles after two or three hours, taking away the value that these items such as NV, M4, LAR had before...) 3) Balancing dynamic events. 4) Changing the location of the static toxic zones towards the last tier zone. If you read this far, thanks for doing it and I hope it will be of some use to whoever can apply it (devs and community)
  4. Maercus

    The "Mission Livonia" || DayZ SA - SP 5137

    I see. We were not aware of this. However, that nomenclature (being wrong at best) can be a very negative point when people choose to play on a server. It would be great if they could modify it because it wouldn't imply any development, just change a name. And if it's 1st person only, it would be amazing for the entire Latin community that loves this map. Thank you for your comment and for trying to shed light on these issues that are sometimes confusing.
  5. Maercus

    The "Mission Livonia" || DayZ SA - SP 5137

    For last and not least, i want to thank Asmondian for help me with the translate and for all the amazing work he does for the community. Better person than content creator, so, imagine.