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About FaccustManocchio

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    On the Coast
  1. Hi everyone I am looking to boosting our server population if anyone is keen? Please support our growing and improving community! Prophecy PvP|100k Start|1PP|Fast Travel|Drugs|Arena DM|Quests IP Address/Port: Server Type: PvP with raid schedule Region: AU Map: ChernarusPlus Platform: PC Discord: https://discord.gg/FaPATeVabR Prophecy PvP[Deer Isle|3PP|25k Start|Drugs|Hero & Bandits] IP Address/Port: Server Type: PvP / Survival with raid schedule Region: AU Map: Deerisle Platform: PC Discord: https://discord.gg/FaPATeVabR Some of the mods we run KOTH DrugsPLUS / CannabisPlus DayZ Expansion Arma 2 Helicopters DNA Keycards and more
  2. FaccustManocchio

    ProphecyPVP 100k Start|Fast Travel|Trader|BBP|Drugs|Loot+

    nah man its a player only pvp / raid event tons of loot its going to be well worth it
  3. new modded dayz server with active admins and events and major event this Saturday server is AU/NZ so please everyone join lets get this server cranking Discord: https://discord.gg/89mpbXD5 _ ATTENTION @Survivors MAJOR PvP / SEMI RAID EVENT _SATURDAY 23rd JULY 5pm AEST _What's happening On Saturday at 5pm AEST A location will be disclosed where a semi raid base is located and a pass code will be given to some of the doors at the base Any doors you cant access the code for will have to be destroyed by using heavy breaching charge's to break through its going to be a raid that's well worth it _What loot could be in these rooms Weapons, Gear, Attachments, Ammo, and more Drugs, Seeds, an assortment of gown plants, money, and more Base building supply's Heavy Breaching Charge's, Handmade Breaching Charge's, Keycard's, Gunpowder, Sulfur, charcoal, and more Persistence is key if you die keep going back you could get lucky A strong player / team with organized tactics will have a higher chance at being successful Details will be released on Saturday at 5pm AEST Be on early, be prepared, hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of loot here