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About Olaie

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    On the Coast
  1. Olaie

    Broken arm

    Everyone has always admired how difficult DayZ can be. There is always a challenge, or a situation that will occur which will put your life and survival instincts at test. But let's cut straight to the chase. In DayZ, when you get to a point where you have so much gear that you barely can carry anything else, you're dropping your knife for a sledge hammer or a fire axe, or maybe even your pistol for some extra slots for the ammunition in your M4A1. Both of these weapons (M4A1 and Fire axe) are two handed weapons. They require both arms to function. Just as you need both your legs to run in DayZ, it'd be a shame if someone broke your leg so that you couldn't run. But what if someone broke your arm instead? If you have a broken arm, you will no longer be able to use your Rifle or any weapon that requires two hands. Instead, you're forced to use a knife, or a pistol. The knife and the same pistol that most players will throw away once they get a better weapon. How would this work and how would you break your arm then? How does your arm get broken? - Your arm can be broken from getting shot in your arm by a high calibre weapon, same as breaking your legs - When blocking attacks from zombies or players using a heavy melee weapon, such as a shovel, Axe, Sledge hammer. - Explosions What happens when your arm is broken? - When your arm is broken, you will drop any two handed weapon in your hand onto the floor, as you would, if you were to be knocked unconscious. - Trying to use a two handed weapon will cause you to fall unconscious, or even bleeding. - Crafting items cannot be done, if they require two hands. How long will my arm be broken? - Just like broken legs, it depends on the severity of how it happened. An explosion could put a 15 minute broken arm once you have your arm sling on. Bullets will do less, depending on the calibre, distance and other factors. How can I fix my broken arm? - Since you have broken your arm you will be unable to use both hands to craft items, you'll have to find an arm sling, which is found in hospital areas. What is the purpose of adding broken arms? - Forcing players to be very selective of what loot they pick over other gear. As mentioned above, most people will drop their knives for the big sledge hammer, and then the knife will never be used again by that player, or even a pistol. This also gives the pistol holster or pistol vest more value. Can you break both arms and legs at the same time? - Yes. Yes you can. Final notes please add this. I've had this idea for almost 1.5 years and I've never come around to actually make the suggestion, and I have searched this idea up on the forum, NO ONE has thought of this as of yet, and I really think it would change the way people play the game and also the way they pick and choose their gear. Plus it will make holding hostages so much more fun, being able to break their legs and arms. Thank you for reading Olaie out.