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Everything posted by Psymong

  1. I personally like that the hatchet is now the size of a weapon. In fact, i think MORE items should be 'bigger'. - a GPS unit you have to 'hold' to use? - a medical kit you have to 'hold' to administer blood transfusions? - car parts you have to carry in a weapon slot? I think it would encourage teamwork. It might even help a natural 'class system' emerge in a non-artificial way; in the dark someone would take the role of the 'flashlight guy', when you're traveling together someone will want to hold the GPS and be the 'navigation guy', someone might choose to keep the medkit equipped and be the 'medic guy' to quickly aid teammates. Of course then you've got the 'tools guy' with his hatchet, and a guy holding that empty jerrycan you need to fill, and all these chaps will need to be defended by someone with the free space to carry a decent weapon. Sorry for the long-winded suggestion, but i couldn't find it suggested already after a quick search. Any thoughts on this? / suggestions for other 'big' items players might need to carry? Cheers!