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Everything posted by SirGaryOfVybor

  1. SirGaryOfVybor

    Update 1.19 Xbox Experimental (Change Log)

    Still no Livonia servers for Xbox?
  2. SirGaryOfVybor

    Update 1.19 Xbox Experimental (Change Log)

    Surprised that there are no Livonia servers on Experimental atm seeing as a large portion of the update focused on that map.
  3. SirGaryOfVybor

    Under the map glitch console

    Bohemia either don't care about this game ruining exploit or don't have the manpower to fix it. Too busy adding wear and tear to cooking pots. It seems so simply to rectify. Either don't allow people to log out in water or move them to a new location if they do (like how you change location if you swap official server).
  4. SirGaryOfVybor

    Console Update 1.18

    Another broken update. For some reason only experimental servers are showing in official list and no community servers show at all. Also, inventory is still just as broken.
  5. SirGaryOfVybor

    Console Update 1.18

    Every single update the inventory management gets more broken ffs. Any updates on when this might be fixed? I just can't play with it in this state and haven't played since the update was released unfortunately.