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About SpottedBill

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  1. Figured it out, so if you have similar problems: Delete ArmA 2 registry entries (relevant info here) and then verify game cache integrity through Steam. The installation should then correct itself. Hope this helps if someone is in a similar situation.
  2. Hey guys, I had to send my second hard drive to be replaced and therefore had to move my Steam library to my system hard drive. I'm having a problem with Operation Arrowhead and more specifically applying the beta patch. My system seems to be telling the beta patcher that OA is installed at the old location on the D: drive (which is no longer there), and tells me that I either don't have the game installed or that it's corrupted. I uninstalled Steam and reloaded all the ArmA titles I have in hopes that it would reset the settings, but that didn't help. ArmA 2 starts up fine through Steam after the reinstall, but OA is giving me these error messages: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgInGameUi/MPTable.shadow' Error compiling pixel shader PSSpecularAlpha:0 And this is what the beta patcher says: ArmA2 OA is not installed on your computer or installation is corrupted. I'm running Windows 7. Does anyone have any ideas how I can reset the install location for the beta patcher or fix the OA install?
  3. SpottedBill

    Official code of conduct with hacked items?

    Thanks for all the responses and advice, guys. We'll be ditching the rifles that aren't in the mod and everything else that feels like cheating to us and go on our way. Also good to hear we're not in danger of being banned because of being victims of a cheater.
  4. Two friends and I had our inventories wiped and switched on the "BE 3" server last night by hackers. I'd assume the hackers changed everyone's inventory on the server. All three of us suddenly had AS50 TWS (not even in the game?) and full gear with NV goggles and range finders and so on. Our current characters have survived hacker stuff before as well, and we're at 30+ days right now. Last hacker incident before this was a mass teleport to Skalisty Island that caused us to lose our equipment in the end. It's a shame that the influx of players has brought so much of this abuse, but we soldier on from death to death. Is there an official code of conduct with these items? Clearly the illegal AS50 TWS rifles have to be duped somewhere, but can we keep legal items as replacements to the things we lost? Of course, if no official word is available, advice is always welcome.
  5. SpottedBill

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    It looks like SixUpdater released the update too early. Personally, I'll be waiting for official word.
  6. SpottedBill

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Got to play some last night with a couple friends. The biggest issue was the desync between us. It was pretty bad and happened on all servers we joined (1.7.2/94700).
  7. SpottedBill

    RIP DayZ - Yogcast started a LP

    Agreed. Always nice when civility is met with civility. I guess the main irritant in the video for me was that they weren't actually playing Day Z. Oh the little things that get to us sometimes.
  8. SpottedBill

    RIP DayZ - Yogcast started a LP

    I found the apparent cheating in the video distasteful. I know they're supposed to be goofballs, but cheating just grinds my gears. Posted a comment on their forums. https://yogscast.com/showthread.php?71495-Yogscast-s-poor-portrayal-of-Day-Z-in-their-latest-video Don't know what I was thinking.
  9. The reason they're getting dislikes is fact that they're cheating.
  10. I still have my equipment, otherwise the same problem. Would be great to get some info on this. Is there any point in waiting for an update of fix or should I just say good bye to my gear?