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Everything posted by callmeraaandy

  1. callmeraaandy

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    I haven't participated in this, and I won't be because of all the asshats trying to ruin it. All I want to say is: You jack asses that have been ambushing and trying to take over must be some kind of DayZ superhuman game gods. I can't imagine the skill it must take to ambush a peaceful gathering. Speaking from experience, it's so hard to shoot a few fish in a barrel from a couple hundred meters away. I bet it's even harder server hopping and appearing behind someone unsuspecting and putting SD rounds in the back of their head. In case you idiots didn't realize, this was sarcasm.
  2. callmeraaandy

    Luckiest kills you've ever gotten?

    I was going in to a pretty remote town (I only ever saw one other player there), and it was getting pretty dark out. I was going to throw a flare across the road from the grocery store so I could see if there were any zombies, and so I could see to loot the store. I forgot I found a grenade and, being tired, F keyed to that instead. I whipped it before I realized what I did. It exploded and a player killed message appeared. I thought it was a coincidence and someone died somewhere else. Turned out his corpse was laying there. Not really any good loot but some useful stuff.
  3. People need to realize that this is an alpha, and people are bound to hate changes. That's why Rocket makes these changes, to see what works and what doesn't. He would never know otherwise. That's why it's alpha, for testing. Most games aren't even public well past this stage. I don't think you all realize how much work Rocket is doing with this. He hammers out updates left and right for a free mod. He has listened to and used suggestions and interacted with the users more than I've ever seen from any other developer. I've had a taste of programming in college and to me right now he's a programming god. He takes mere hours after an update to release a hotfix for most of the problems. As far as I've seen the problems are pretty much taken care of within a day or less of the original update. That's insane. Call me a suck up all you want, but it's all true.