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About McLure

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  1. McLure

    I have everything, what should I do now?

    change your playstyle surviving without pvp action is no biggie Group up with some players and collect as much kills as possible Tension guaranteed
  2. McLure

    Disconnecting to avoid Death proposal

    Why so complicated? Just add a 1 minute disconnect timer with the choice for instant-exit (closes game, but character stays ingame for 1 minute) Thats all we need. Maybe add a 5 minutes serverblock for rejoining.
  3. zombies aren't that bad ... You should have seen the monsters :D There are some problems with spotting through walls when they're really close .. But who really cares about aggro when you're inside a building?
  4. McLure

    Really Dudes???

    Why does nobody understand the emotions which come with a player kill? It's the same in all mp-fps games. You kill a player, you get your feeling of happiness and the other player has to respawn. And besides that, why should someone really need a L85 or a sniper? For killing zombies? C'mon ...
  5. Hi I was wondering if I could just join an empty server and then loot there all the commonly high populated areas without the risk of getting shot by other players? After you get all the high quality stuff you need, you could log back on a full server and start pvp'ing ... I would find this extremely lame. It would be easily fixable when you make the quality of the loot conditional on the amount of players on the server. 1 Player on the server -> you find nothing but some food and other standard loot. 25 Players -> mediocre loot but no high end military rifles. 40-50 or more players -> best loot possible I'm sorry if thats already the case ^^ But if not, what you think about that and does it bother you when players exploit the game in such a cowardly way?
  6. McLure

    What about this?

    It has to stop some day ... 15sec disconnect timer will solve this with ease.
  7. I'm fine with the zombies at the moment. But I confirm the broken bones / Morphine problem. It happens way to easily and you find never enough morphine
  8. McLure

    Axe + Weapon

    HI just found a Lee Rifle and I love my Axe. But how can I equipp the Axe and put the Lee on my back? It always tells me "not enough space" when I try to equipp the Axe. But I dont know how to make more space .. which backpack slots should I clear for my Lee-Rifle?
  9. Haha it was obvious .. but still a merciless bitchslap for all the "ITS INTENDED - PLAY BETTER" screamers =)- Good luck finding a proper solution!
  10. McLure

    To the baby's moaning

    Lol .. the game is unplayable atm and if they dont fix the zombie-aggro, nobody, except some hc-gamers, will keep playing this game. It has nothing to do with stupidity. Its just unfair now and you almost have to crawl all the time, which is boring and an unnecessary game slower.
  11. McLure

    German Players searched

    ich wär auch gern dabei jungs .. :D nur leider sind die Zombies ja momentan etwas buggy. Hoffe, dass das bald gefixed wird und dann steh ich auf der Matte