I was playing solo late one night and I wanted a quiet run on an empty server so I scrolled the server list and found a server that met my needs. I chose a hardcore Namalsk server that had 1/40 people on it - according to the launcher.
I spawned into a storm (great start), so I cracked a flare and began running in a random direction. I quickly found some buildings which I later realised was Vorkuta. I looted the Firestation - found better clothes, began a fire and got warm. The place was a real ghost town - there was a very strange vibe in the air as I ran through the streets...all alone. As I looted some more I thought to myself to make things interesting for myself I would try and reach the Submarine which I had never achieved before. I would need to get food and properly prep for this. So rather than loot apartments opening doors non-stop I headed for the outskirts of Vorkuta where I found a double barrel and some buckshots. I then continued onto Javolisko where I heard sheep. Soon my bag was full of meat. I headed further down the road, looting as I moved towards Nemsk where I was going to cook my food and get ready for the long run ahead...
As I cooked the food in Nemsk I filled my bag full of sticks and made sure I had all the requirements for a fire. I had also found a headtorch on my journey to Nemsk. Time passed as I sat in the house finishing the cooking - I had killed 3 sheep so there was alot of meat and I was semi afk multi tasking IRL stuff too. When I was ready I double checked my inventory, opening the door... the sun hit my eyes blinding me for a second. I stepped outside the door, pulling out my compass to head NE - which would take me to the Submarine according to a map I had also found...
I began moving toward the waters edge when I noticed a stone on the ground in the middle of the dirt path, then just beyond it maybe 4ft away was another stone, then another... and another... and another... as I stood there I could almost hear my heartbeat in my ears...I just stood there staring... I counted them , there was 8 in total - way more to be spawned in randomly... so someone must have dropped them I thought to myself. I looked around doing 360s, scanning, waving to nobody or maybe somebody was watching from the many trees around me. Hair stood up on my neck (And as I type this it does again). I followed the trail back and forth up the road but it led nowhere. Something was clear though - the first stone was outside my door in full view where I was meant to see it. Eventually though I recomposed myself by telling myself it was just another weird DayZ bug... It had to be...But still I was conflitced as to wtf was happening... Taking my final look at the stone trail I turned towards the waters edge and began my journey to the Sub...
Swimming and hiking across the ice sheets the journey took longer than I anticipated. The sun was setting fast and the storm was kicking in. It was quite dramatic tbh. I was making a dash for the Submarine which I could see in the distance getting closer. The thunder cracked as I constantly gauged my stamina bar, sprinting, regenerating, sprinting, regenerating... Thankfully though, I reached the Sub just in time taking out the zombies outside with the MK I had. I scrambled down the ladder into the englufing darkness of the Sub. I double checked the hole above me to see nothing had followed me but everything was clear. The thunder cracked outside once more as I turned around turning on my headtorch before I was suddenly knocked unconcious by the storm. I sat there so happy that I had reached my destination, excited to explore the sub and get a nice warm fire going...
I woke up and sat there for a second or two listening for sounds in the Sub. Nothing but a slight drip in the distance... I made a fire at the barrel, got warm, eat some sheep meat and sorted my inventory some more while drying off. Once finished I began exploring. I scanned every inch of the Sub ensuring I missed nothing. As I came to the end of my sweep I found what I came for - the keycard! I let out a little internal 'yipee'... I quickly told myself that this was only part 1 of the journey and there was alot more to be done. I soon realised I had no more batteries and the current one was running out in my headtorch. I went back to the fire and turned it off. I thought to myself as I watched the fire that I should look for NVs while I was here as I was told previously they spawn on the Sub sometimes. I made a torch from the fire instead of using my headtorch making the last search extra creepy. I was calm though - happy from my finds and journey so far infact - but as I worked through the rooms sometime came into view through the shadows of the flickering torch flame...
There, on the floor in front of the door frame was a single stone... followed by another stone... and another... and another... my heart almost jumped out of my chest... I stood there once more almost an hour after the first time encountering these stones. It was no coincidence this time though... Someone had been observing me and playing games with me this whole time... this wasn't a 'game' I wanted to play at 3am in the morning though so I quickly noped out and havn't gone back...
Have you a creepy story / experience from your DayZ travels ? Please share !
Thank you for reading !