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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Option 1. The smashT idea would be great, though.
  2. Nothing to understand except balancing a game is a bitchy business.
  3. I would like to have the 1.7.7 zeds AND a way to prevent being infected. Can't wait! http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/139669-17-infection-wip-update/
  4. I love the idea! It makes sense to clean your wounds each time you take damages from zeds.
  5. It's sad it has to divide the community though. Especially on something as trivial as overall design/artistic direction.
  6. Diversity was fun. Too bad... I'll stay in 1.7.6. I see there's plenty of servers which refuses to update :D
  7. I find bacon offensive. Please remove it.
  8. Date/Time: 11/08/2012 between 21:30 and 22:00(GMT) What happened: I connected. But as soon as I appeared, I saw my character fall with a broken leg, a death message appeared and I got teleported at a great open space with no gear. I already had experienced this, so I disconnected/reconnected. I reappeared at the beach, but all my gear was gone. The weird thing is that I didn't lose my ghillie, nor appear to be truly dead, as my stats didn't get reset. I join some screenchosts where you can see my stats, my empty inventory and my leg with a ghillie suit on it. http://image.noelsha...22-50-40-45.png http://image.noelsha...22-50-37-62.png Where you were: SW of Lopatino. What you were doing: : The last time I disconnected, I just came came back from a player camp. This camp was really well-geared but did seem legit as there weren't 50 telemeter or cheated weapon. I Just completed my collection of utility items by taking a JVN, telemeter and GPS and choosed a L85A2 AWS to defend myself. Once my little shopping sceance was done, I walked away and disconnected when I was far enough of the camp. Current installed version: Dayz: Arma 2 : 95883 Server(s) you were on: DE25 The loss of gear isn't important (but if I can take it back, i wouldn't say no ;) ). I just want to know if my character is broken in any way in the hive. The respawn problem wasn't the very first time, only the gear loss is new to me, and I'm a bit affraid. EDIT: It seems that the problem have been acknowledged and that it is the type of bug that can only be fixed with a new patch, or hive reorganization (http://dayzmod.com/f...460#entry798061). EDIT2: The issue is on dev-heaven. Just vote to have rocket's attention. direct links: https://dev-heaven.net/issues/43040 https://dev-heaven.net/issues/40994
  9. Just came back to DayZ after 3 mounths without playing to find my L85 removed from the game. Logged back to random server to see my sweet L85 is still my main weapon. I'm not here to discuss the measure (I aked the exact same thing in "suggestion" section long time ago), really. But am I going to be banned or not if I carry my "once upon a time, this thing was legit, I swear!!!!" weapon? Because finding a good weapon to replace it (a nice Mk48 f.e.) will take time.
  10. But hey, the day I see someone with this weapon. I'll assume he hacked it in. No matter what. I made my choice. I'll bury my L85 in the woods, after a brief ceremony with its closest relatives. I think I'll search for a M4A3 CCO after that for lessening my pain.
  11. What did happen when the thermal As50 was removed from the game? It seems like the situation is the same.
  12. A simple list of weapons would be useful too. Because we don't know if new weapons are legit or not. For example: I found an AK-107 (simple holo version), PKM and AK74-GL. Are they legit? PS: If they are, it is a great idea to add russian weaponry, especially the AK-107 wich is a hell of a gun.
  13. How does that work? You just sit near the gas pump and the vehicle resplenish from himself?
  14. Is there a list of removed/added equipments? I already know the AS50 doesn't exist (thx god), but I dunno about the toolbelt item (Rangefinder, NVG, GPS, etc) or ghillie suit.
  15. This zombie game have a terrible lack of PunchLines. They should be played when someone murder another. Possible choices: -"You think you'll be uglier as a zombie?" -"I will eat his liver with some beans and a nice chianti." -"You came on da wroooooooong neighbourhood, modafuckerz!" -"Your ass has been.... Terminated!" -"This is my rifle. There are many like it but this one is mine." -"Oh man, I shot him in the face!" -"And don't come back, you son of a bitch!" -"LEEEEEROY!" -"Oh sorry! Did I break your concentration?" -"FOR FRODOOOOOOOO!" -"Great! I'll have some beans for dinner!" -"Ding dong, the witch is dead!"
  16. Bumping thread. The best suggestion so far.
  17. I choose Javelin, because when you find a mothafuckin' Rocket launcher you want to destroy all the cars and party Bus. But I don't want a chopper to be destroyed so easily with a Stinger.
  18. Great idea. It needs a complete wipe of the current inventory system though.
  19. The issue is on dev-heaven. Just vote to have rocket's attention. direct link: https://dev-heaven.net/issues/43040
  20. Ok, fourth time here. And I tried some things that have been said in this thread. 1) I didn't wear a ghillie 2) I didn't disconnect/reconnect on a short time period. I've really been cautionnous with that and waited ~15min. 3) I didn't go on the edges of the map. 4) I didn't disconnect near a tree. I really don't know how to avoid this issue. Edit: And I had my game + beta up-to-date. I've only played on appropriate servers too (very easy with DayZCommander).
  21. I will try the Alt+F4 thing at spawning and waiting in the lobby. It's seems a little odd but who know... Anyway, you have my beans, thanks.