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Everything posted by TavoPatton

  1. TavoPatton

    L85 Should it stay or go

    remove this gun is for hackers only .
  2. TavoPatton

    Day Z Chile

    hola somos una comunidad pequeña ( estamos creciendo ) , estamos buscando mas chilenos y chilenas , tenemos un grupo en facebook Day Z chile para que agreguen , si son de habla hispana no se preocupen tambien unanse . saludos cordiales TavoPatton agreguenme a steam tambien .
  3. TavoPatton

    Day Z Chile

    https://www.facebook.com/DayZChile les dejo el link.
  4. TavoPatton

    US 709

    a invi hack in the server . kill 3 players . i dont know the name .
  5. TavoPatton

    US 709

    damn admin .
  6. TavoPatton

    Day Z Chile

    what kind of problem u have ?
  7. TavoPatton

    Day Z Chile

    lol xD
  8. but i go to the east and i disconnect from the server and i come back 2 the same place . wtf this bug
  9. Stucked in wilderness with equip Name: Belenos ID: 14327686