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About KVCC

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. It's gonna suck when a hacker comes in and kills all 200 people. Ah... don't you love ***ing? Why should I even bother joining this server? It's obviously gonna be a sweetspot for hackers, no thanks.
  2. I think that says a lot from the state of the game right now. I stopped playing 2 weeks ago because the hackers were bad. And now the game has horrible graphical glitches while they add in dogs, battleeye randomly kicks legit players, AND I read a report from a hacker who explains how easy it is to hack battleeye. I mean seriously, they update battleeye, cracks it in less then an hour, within 2 hours has a working hack. This game has been destroyed. If you expect anyone to stick around for a year until a working standalone comes....good luck.
  3. Lots and lots of hackers. Mostly people who hack in items, but then you get guys who just teleport around the map killing anyone they want.... Especially if the server gets mentioned on the forums, more then likely. It's the worst i've seen out of any game, if they make a server their home....good luck, admins can't kick/ban people or do anything, they will literally own the entire server. Be prepared to die from someone teleporting to you with an automatic gun. BattleEye is HORRIBLE, it takes them weeks to be able to ban someone. And since the game costs....like $20? Hackers have no problem buying multiple copies of the game. I'm pretty sure that hackers don't play on hardcore servers as much, but maybe I'm wrong. Your best bet is to find a server that isn't mentioned on the forums/internet, but a hacker WILL join the server... it's inevitable
  4. KVCC

    US 22 Corrupt

    Yeah I can vouch for roalith. I just started playing on US 22.... there is no side chat, none of the clan members hack/dupe/exploit, (In fact we are the ones getting killed by people spawning in helis etc) You got the wrong server mate. This is by far my favorite server, it doesn't deserve this reputation!
  5. Aww man, that outfit looks BADASS...I want it :( nice videos btw! Finally someone who puts up HD AND keeps the videos consistent/action packed!
  6. I watched fire fight # 1. How did you change your skin to that turban/desert outfit? I did a google search and can't find anything about that.... Did you hack that in?
  7. KVCC

    Babies! (Well, society)

    You have issues....Just looking at this topic alone, you get too personal and spend WAY too much time writing responses. I'm leaving this topic not because this idea is trash(and it is), but because your entire attitude is "I'm right, my ideas are really good(just look at your sig) and everyone else is stupid and can't understand my idea" Well I tried... Good luck getting this idea into the game :rolleyes:
  8. KVCC

    Babies! (Well, society)

    1) The reward would be irrespective of gender. Balance has never been important in this mod anyway. Rocket makes that clear. BIS' date=' ArmA, and community made mods (apart from the pure PvP ones) have never concerned themselves with 'balance' in the traditional sense. 2) A) Why would any reward be game breaking? I have stated, countless times now, that I am not interested in material reward systems. The only 'buff' type reward that would interest me, (and again, the whole point of suggestion and discussion is to come up with new ideas, not just deride the OP on its own basis) is something like a +1000 maximum blood increase, for one time only, which disappears on death. B) Again, something I have discussed in GREAT detail. Go back and read the posts. Reward, for most mature players, is inherent in completing a challenge, this is the basis of emergent gameplay. But, and this also refers to 'A' at the same time. There are (and it would help if you used your imagination so I don't have to do the thinking for you) are literally infinite different rewards and incentives that could be worked into the mechanic that do NOT change game balance in a way that detriments other players. Something as simple as skins representing success. Or something far more complicated that anticipates the introduction of 'factions' (in the works) to the mod. This is a complex subject, and no offence, but if you don't understand emergent gameplay and social dynamics, as well as the concept of inherent reward, then you wont understand this discussion. I suggest you go back and read my extensive points on all of the questions you are asking. Finally, for arguments sake alone. Let's say this exact mechanic is introduced, and you still consider it boring. You do not have to participate, you can form a group of guys that specifically go around murdering pregnant women. Suddenly, oh! What's this? New found purpose. You don't have to participate in the 'intended' way, to get something out of it - that is emergent gameplay. [/quote'] I don't think getting buffs is needed in a military army shooter game, and I don't find shooting pregnant women any more enjoyable then shooting regular people.... What buff could you possibly give? Free night vision? Free healing? More ammo? Can you think of ANYTHING that isn't cheap and is actually useful? Getting a new skin to make me look "cool" in game where you die and lose all your stuff just seems.....pointless. And if the "reward" was permanent, then people would only do this once and get what they what...therefore making this idea a one time thing. You need to rethink this idea mate....There is no reward you could give that isn't going to break the game, or be useless. Honestly try and come up with something, because getting a new skin isn't one of them. If the reward is actually good and useful, people will either A) Use this mechanic to farm for the item or B) Won't even bother because it takes too long and is much easier to find yourself I'm sure this would add some cool moments to the game, protecting your wife etc etc... but being a game played by 80% males, I really REALLY doubt my buddies are just gonna start being the wife in the group. And like I said, if there is ANY useful benefit, it will just be farmed.
  9. KVCC

    Babies! (Well, society)

    1) Giving a bonus to a sex isn't balanced (or a negative effect) 2) There is NOTHING you could possibly give as a reward that isn't A) Game breaking or B) Worth the time to spend 1 week feeding another female character. Answer those 2 questions and then get back to me on that. I think we need a way to improve teamwork that actually works, is FUN, and doesn't include more tedious / boring mechanics
  10. KVCC

    Babies! (Well, society)

    You really want your ideas implemented don't you? Sorry but I just don't see this happening....... 80% of the people in this topic alone disagree with your idea. Stop thinking about what YOU want, listen to the feedback you have gotten in this topic...... this should be closed, it's a giant flame war and only 1-2 people actually wants this idea? Yeah, it's not gonna happen. Also, this is the same guy who thinks we should have WEEKLY character wipes....... uhm....how is your idea gonna work with that?
  11. KVCC

    Babies! (Well, society)

    This is a horrible idea, please don't add this into the game.... This isn't the Sims or Fable. Babies aren't needed in a MILITARY simulation game.. Seriously?
  12. The idea is simple : We already have train tracks.... why not add a train? The train would constantly go around the map in a circle, every town it hits it will stop for 10 minutes(or less). During this time, if you are lucky enough to be near the train when it stops, you can ride it until the next stop or until you see fit. It would make travel easier, but it's only IF you happen to be near the train when it stops. To prevent people from waiting for the train at specific times, give the train 2-3 schedules that slightly shift so it won't ALWAYS be at a certain town at 10pm. I realize this could be a lot to code in.....but I think it would be cool to see a train actually go around the map....and I don't see how anyone could abuse it. I see a lot of potential to have fun with this, perhaps a group's car breaks down and a train just so happens to come by? Or maybe an entire group could just camp out in the train killing any survivors that come in? It would be AWESOME to see a train mow down zombies! EDIT: I realize this doesn't really make sense....who would be driving the train? But I guess for the backstory : They developed a train(The "Auto-Train") that runs on a schedule and keeps going without anyone using it. If you wanted you could even make it so the train actually runs out of gas (but only in towns) and players must re-fuel it to keep it going (But I think that would defeat the purpose of making it always accessible to players who don't have vehicles, I would sacrifice the realism for that personally )