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Everything posted by Roostercake
LOL My apologizes that was meant for someone else in a different thread. I'm working and talking on three different forums on dayz right now and was mixed up. Im sorry to the fullest. But after reading what was actually posted i agree but think it should be reworked in a way that has an animation that takes a second to get up from like folding a car tent .
I agree and I've thought of a way to implement it as well. While you are in your bedroll your blood and health regain faster and your hunger and thirst slow down. Its just a way to trade being extra venerable for healing faster. Don't apologize to people for your ideas. Dude all you do is harass people and put down their ideas. You are a very negative person and should really stop going off on people and being rude. I believe you just lack creativity so you project your shame onto others. Its sad to see but you do it all the time. Please get help and let people share ideas without your negative input
Jesus you must have some type of Autism and I mean that with all due respect. Your opening line you ended your own argument by stating " you define your own goal" that's exactly what a role playing game is. Again Dayz is not nor ever was Erma Except it. Now that we have shown that you do not even know what your talking about lets move on. Where you discuss SUGGESTED THINGS NEW THINGS. Same as above your completely contradicting yourself and I'm not going to retype what my original statement meant. Again I'm guessing Autism. Just like getting shot up and wrapping your wrist with a rag magically removes the bullet, disinfects the wound, and seals it? Or how about how you can drink and eat with face mask on? or how about never ever needing to sleep, shit, or piss? Or how about not one cop car is in working order but many others are? I can go on but again you are just part of the pvp crowd that mistakes Dayz for Arma and I'm not going to continue holding your hand attempting to explain it. Not that you would get it by now but adding a new building that changes from active or not when combined with items to unlock water and lights is a completely different game? Notice the run on sentence? No it isn't but you are just confused and or do not understand what Dayz or the definition of survival game is. Please go play Arma or Call of Duty and you will find what your looking for.
I would love to see a Police car added with police belt that can hold mags, cuffs, a flashlight, and billy club. I would love to be able to have an ankle holster for the smaller pistols Blanks would be a funny yet interesting addition i believe peep holes on doors in houses. ability to decapitate people and put their head on a stick ability to go threw my menu while sitting in a car working dressers in homes and food in cabinets a small snub nose revolver not just a weakened magnum Bring back wild bores and add crocks and gators Please add horns to cars Ability for lock picks to be used on vehicles ability to cook meals BETTER STORAGE for ammo including gun racks and wall mounts. crafting our own ammo would be a very welcomed addition as well TOOLBOXES PLEASE Medical kit with a space bigger then 9 slots The NUMBER 1 thing i would love to see added is the ability for generators to power homes and use all that is inside. Drinking from the sink, washer and dryer return cloths to pristine, fridges store food and drink and keep it from spoiling, and lights . Yall already gave us fridges I know the devs are working with the hell dean hall left them but please give us more depth and save us from being just a open world reskinned arma with zombies
10xlootpve is my server. bears and wolves are everywhere. guns hard to come by. Mostly sawed off versions. Industrial zones filled with building supplies PS4
Pvp servers are listed as pvp because its not just a pvp game. Pvp servers have to be set up different then what the game is intended to be. Again if all you want is to shoot and kill go play Arma, That's what that game is for. What made this game so popular? The realism and support from the fans role playing when it was a broken mess. Role playing goes a long long way when a game is lacking substance and has no goal. The entire reason why it takes so much to build a fence or flag pole or reload a weapon is because its not a PVP game. Its a survival game and that aspect has been abused for far too long. Role playing content gets more views then people just playing the game itself and if more elements were added to support that aspect it would grow the fan base and popularity which means more money and possibly a DayZ 2 on Enfusion engine minus anything to do with dean hall. Literally all they have would have to do to make this game trend like the fappining is add a Police car with working lights, a police belt and the content creators will go ape shit and flood youtube with role playing videos. Hell 90% of GTA V's content is role playing. The best answer to the base building fix is allowing people to do more with houses and generators as I mentioned above or add power plants to towns or sections of the map that can be repaired and turned on. Think about it. You and your homies get together and spend time repairing a power plant to add running water and street lights to a town! The feeling of accomplishment would be astronomical. Something more pliable then cutting down trees and building boxes to stuff in tents. That would give a goal to many players and a reason to not betray people.....so fast. Think of the feeling of pulling that off by yourself. Different clans holding different power plants would literally be a fight over power .Think of generators powering a house and you can use the sink for water, the fridge to store food and drink, the washer and dryer to bring cloths back to pristine and a working stove. Think of the people that would take the insane amount of time to power the entire map. Think of how it would feel if the more you used tools you get to a level that reduces the ware on them, think about the more you dress wounds and heal others the more efficient you are at it the less supplies you use? Would it really break the game? No it would add much needed depth and change to the game. Change that people need, change that people want. Think about if the power plants we irradiated and you needed gear like gas? But we already have gas and rust has rads? Dayz will be the first with both and again it will add depth. As of right now taking days to build a few walls and a gate with a bike lock filled with barrels and tiny crates isn't a base. Its remnants of broken promises left over from dean hall. I don't play Dayz to play a game like Arma or Rust. I play Dayz because its not those games and I've held on to faith for 7 years that these ideas will bear fruit. So if you don't like it well go be shallow somewhere else and play rust
Again missing my point and going the literal rout as defense. What part of it would add value and substance to the world do you not get? If I wanted a game where all I did was get gear and kill people I would play a battle royal. The game is advertised as survival but any and all RPG or Role play elements are shot down by shallow people. Yeah it would be funny to actually have teeth and lose them making eating less efficient. Like don't eat a lot of chips or you will lose teeth. Like I said there is no goal in the game but to kill and that's not what the game is. More survival elements need to be added to create depth. Remember if you want PVP go play Arma, DayZ is for people who want more then that. Go tell people on pc that all the mods they play with that are widely used don't belong in the game, If your rebuttal is " well I'm talking about official only" the point is out of the scope of your thought process.
Tired of the sameole gather loot weekly raid in weekends? Us too. Tired of joining a server thst advertises pve but is just another pvp? Us too. Come join us on 10xlootpve and become a mayor of a city. Become a police officer and police the citizens of your town. Help build or tear down the socity that shunned you. Looking for people that want to play a real survial game without toxic players. Free loot to the first 3 people that join. Hsve a good day
Have a good day. 😗😗
Not that I expected you to understand due to your short attention span but it would add realizem and role play elements. Im sorry but are zombies even real? How about flying cars? Or how about the same animation for everything. The game is supposed to be PvE/PvP but its direction is complete pvp. The only point is to get gear and kill people. Not everyone plays like that. No point is building a base, no containers bigger then 150 slots that can be crafted. Generators only use is for light and battery charger. Cant power building for running water or working appliances. You cant craft anything for the long run. No water collection or ability to build chicken coops, or the ability to lock car doors. You can't even sit in a chair. Its advertised as a survival but its pure pvp. The fact is Dean Hall created a game on a broken as fuck engine and there is only so much they can do with what they have to work with. Add shit to make it fun for everyone. Dayz needs more RPG elements and more role play elements. Money would make it more fun. Don't like don't pick it up
This is the problem with the DayZ community. You have zero right to tell someone in the suggestions section or someone voicing their opinion what is or what isn't dayz. Money would be a great addition for roleplay and just adding to the atmosphere. It would help with the slack discord has to pick up with the POPULAR MONEY SYSTEM it added. Because in a real world apocalypse money would still be around, it wouldn't just magically disappear because zombies broke out. I'm tired of this game being taken over by the PvP crowd and shooting down anymore RPG elements suggested at all.
It happens when you go off-road sometimes. You gotta be real careful.
The bugs with the vehicle storage not staying closed has gone on long enough. Its tiring to have to always close all of the other storage options every single time I go to the trunk. The trunk stays closed and has to be opened and everything else has to be closed. Its 50 times worst when you are driving a truck. When is the economy going to be fixed? Having to own my own server and go threw so much code just to be able to find food' clothes and weapons is tiresome. Please add more resources to your team. PLEASE ADD HORNS TO VEHICALS LOCKPICKS SHOULD WORK ON CARS GENERATORS SHOULD POWER HOUSES GIVING US ACCESS TO THE FRIDGE, WASHER, STOVE, AND LIGHTS SOLVING MANY BASE BUILDING ISSUES CRAFTABLE STORAGE OVER 300 PLEASE ADD TOOL STORES/PAWN SHOPS, GUN STORES, CLOTHING STORES, FIX CORNER STORES, FIX THE LOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ADD POLICE CARS, POLICE BELTS, C4, TEAR GAS, NIGHTVISION SCOPES, ARMY BASES SHOULD HAVE POWERSTATIONS THAT WHEN REPAIRED ALLOWS POWER TO CAMERAS, GATES, WATER, GAS STATIONS PUMPS, AGAIN FIXING BASE BUILDING ISSUES
I've posted this before and gotten nowhere so I'll do it here. I just want these issues to be addressed as I feel I'm not alone 1. Since 1.17 when wearing a plate carrier with a holster and pouches equipped, its impossible to take items out of the pouches unless the carrier is in your hands. Trying to remove any items in the pouches just unholsters the pistol. 2. When accessing the storage of any vehicle it is extremely tedious to be forced to close the options to the trunk, engine, tires, and others every time you access it. Those options should remain closed until i open them again. It is worst with the truck as there are more options to close every time. 3. Having to reassign my custom character every time I play is as equally annoying. Most of the time no matter what I set it as i do not come back as I picked. Please address this. 4. This one isn't a bug but it gets in the way. The red medical bag only has 9 slots? You picked an uneven number for a bag designed to be they most efficient. I own several that are stuffed and I can't get past the one in game being able to hold so little. 5.Please FIX CAR TENTS. It is hard to build anything around or near a car tent. It makes tent cities hard to construct because of the glitches they cause. 6. A zombie can not cause damage to me if I'm in a car with no doors but a bear can kill me when I'm in the truck with doors????? Please fix this and i DO NOT mean let zombies cause us damage when we don't have doors but let bears continue to kill us when we do. Do not be that dense, I say this because damage now comes to cooking utensils. Making the game more of a grind because you lack better ideas doesn't make it better. 7. You let Australia bully you into taking out weed, cigarettes, alcohol, and effects from drugs effectively numbing the game down by miles. BUT they don't dare tell Rockstar the same when GTAV has all of the same plus hookers and blackjack. Is it because yall don't have as much money as them or yall just cowards? 1.17 was a nudge in the right direction.Thank you
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I am looking for a PVE server managed in a "civil" way
Roostercake replied to Riddick_2K's topic in General Discussion
DayZ Havoc. It's my server and we are a PVE/RP server and no we arent a holes. I've owned a ton of servers do to official being trash and getting banned for asking a question or watching females get giving gear because they showed their feet. Right now wee are still doing some testing but come check us out