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Posts posted by CAESIUM11

  1. Have you faced this problem before, on the same headphones?

    This is possible due to additional drivers for headphones if they have a built-in sound card.

    if you don't have a built-in sound card, then probably either reinstalling the game (or checking the integrity of the game files), or deleting the driver in the device manager then restarting computer should help.

    For example, I encountered the problem of strong sound distortion when using surround sound in logitech software

  2. 2 hours ago, steam-76561198034737709 said:

    Hello dear development team. The question is a bit with the moment of burning the point on which you sit. I have a question about firearms. The magazine becomes Worn and the weapon begins to jam. It's a joke? How to repair it if in this state the repair kit DOES NOT WORK. The question is, is this done on purpose or thoughtlessly? Can you hear some kind of answer about this?

    I thought worn magazines didn't cause guns to jam. there is a small chance that even pristine weapon will jam, with exactly the same probability as a worn one.

  3. 21 hours ago, iKurdo said:

    Hello everyone, I am presenting an error in my user interface, I cannot see my stamina and health indicators, I can only see them when opening the inventory, I cannot see the options to interact with the objects (open doors, take objects, craft things, etc), the default button to edit that option does not work and I do not see that it is editable, I can see the quick access bar and I can also edit it, but with my 4000 hours of dayz I cannot find a solution to this that is happening to me , I have already verified my files in various ways including steam verification, if anyone has a suggestion I would greatly appreciate your collaboration.

    You can try reinstalling the game or set the "show HUD" button in settings to "Yes" if it is disabled.

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  4. 45 minutes ago, Buakaw said:

    There should be some determinism to the loot RNG, for example if we have 100 hunting cabins spread across the map, the hunting loot should be spread evenly among them, not 5 cleaning kits in a single camp.

    I think this is because this is how the random function works in the game, and in general, in programming. It is difficult to predict where and what will spawn.

    Yes, it is possible to implement mechanics that will find out how much of what type of loot is in a certain place. And if the amount of one type of loot is exceeded, it will be spawned elsewhere.

  5. 43 minutes ago, Buakaw said:
    • no cleaning kit in the entire map but this one hunting camp has like 5 of them
    • on the airfield you find 5 ak74 mags within vincinity of each other
    • one small village might leave you with 5+ sewing kits if you picked them up

    Hm. This happens to me very rarely, perhaps even never. Maybe it's because I'm playing on a community server and it has it's own setting of central economy.

  6. 1 hour ago, lemmac said:

    Why is this "experimental"? You have zero problems releasing forced updates full of known bugs so why is a later fix for those very same bugs simply not forced through the instant it is made?

    Because hotfix update can cause a lot of new different bugs, crashes, etc. So this also will take time to release a hotfix for hotfix (in the exp).

    It's Bohemia 🙂
