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  1. CAESIUM11

    Surround sound problem

    Also if you have built-in sound card in your headphones, maybe reinstalling software for headphones should work
  2. CAESIUM11

    Surround sound problem

    Have you faced this problem before, on the same headphones? This is possible due to additional drivers for headphones if they have a built-in sound card. if you don't have a built-in sound card, then probably either reinstalling the game (or checking the integrity of the game files), or deleting the driver in the device manager then restarting computer should help. For example, I encountered the problem of strong sound distortion when using surround sound in logitech software
  3. CAESIUM11

    Stable Update 1.18

    After some research i found that devs still trying to fix vehicles.
  4. CAESIUM11

    DayZ Update 1.18

    I thought worn magazines didn't cause guns to jam. there is a small chance that even pristine weapon will jam, with exactly the same probability as a worn one.
  5. CAESIUM11

    Stable Update 1.18

    You can try reinstalling the game or set the "show HUD" button in settings to "Yes" if it is disabled.
  6. CAESIUM11

    Stable Update 1.18

    I think you can try to create a bug report
  7. CAESIUM11

    Stable Update 1.18

    I think this is because this is how the random function works in the game, and in general, in programming. It is difficult to predict where and what will spawn. Yes, it is possible to implement mechanics that will find out how much of what type of loot is in a certain place. And if the amount of one type of loot is exceeded, it will be spawned elsewhere.
  8. CAESIUM11

    Stable Update 1.18

    Hm. This happens to me very rarely, perhaps even never. Maybe it's because I'm playing on a community server and it has it's own setting of central economy.
  9. CAESIUM11

    Stable Update 1.18

    Has anyone heard helicopters falling? No matter how much I ran, I never heard a sound, but at the same time I saw three heli
  10. CAESIUM11

    Experimental Update 1.18 (Change Log)

    Because hotfix update can cause a lot of new different bugs, crashes, etc. So this also will take time to release a hotfix for hotfix (in the exp). It's Bohemia 🙂