The issues with the sensitivity not working needs fixed ASAP! Also the dead zone adjustment needs to be separate from the sensitivity adjustment. As it stands now (only for ADS as changing the other sensitivities literally does nothing accept maybe adjust dead zones) by lowering the ADS sensitivity it also increases the controller dead zone requiring further movement of the thumb stick before it registers. I have mine maxed out and it feels right for ADS and also has a very low dead zone to it, but the two adjustments need to be independent of each other. Form what I experienced adjusting the other sensitivities only had an effect on the dead zone. Would love to have someone else verify this.
Another thing that seems changed and not for the better is how VRR is implemented at least on the PS5. Prior to the update the Selective mode was the sweet spot as most screen tearing was eliminated and I didn't notice any drop in frames. Now when selective is enabled it doesn't seem to eliminate any screen tearing at all and VRR fully enabled tanks the frame rate of the game.