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Everything posted by satutas

  1. satutas

    Disconnecting in an car.

    You'll probably spawn where you last saved, which would be near the cars location when you disconnected. The car will, unfortunately, spawn back when you last saved the car. Hopefully you hid it somewhere, and you'll be able to run back to it ;) Best of luck bro.
  2. satutas

    Legion Server: Please contact us

    I'll assume the safest would be to NOT play on their servers until the resolve has been fixed. Also, picking up anything out of the oridinary like an AA-12 with HE shells will probably get you banned someday. I'd not pick up anything that looks suspicious on their servers.
  3. satutas

    Should we scrap bandit models?

    Yes, it completely removes the "Can I trust this guy?" feeling.