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Everything posted by matt123red

  1. matt123red

    Teleporting hack?

    Pretty sure I was killed by someone with a ghillie suit that managed to teleport about 700 metres up a mountain to kill me
  2. matt123red

    Spawn with a weapon...

    I would like to spawn maybe with one mag or an empty gun. Keep the lack of food and water though.
  3. matt123red

    Dead Body Temperature

    Not sure if any similar ideas have been put forward, so apologises if they have. But I was thinking that being able to check a dead bodies temperature could be a good way to add tension. Say you find a dead player, you check the temp and it says "still warm, recently died" it could possible mean the killer is right round the corner. Alternatively they could be miles away or the body states "stone cold" meaning its been a while since the death. Could also be a good way of tracking other players that may not leave trails of dead zombies but like to hunt other players. I know there are a few bandit hunters on here, which could benefit from this sort of feature. A few issues I thought of so far: - not sure how long dead players remain in the game atm. - do you scale the time it takes for a body to go cold for example. If bodies despawn after 20 mins do you allow the body to state it is cold after 15 mins where as in real life it may take a while longer. The idea came into my head the other night, when I was using 2 dead players, one I had killed as I watched them murder an innocent player. While I was leaving the dead bodies I saw another player coming over to loot them their selves. Could of been cool to see them panic when they realise the two dead players had just died and that the killer may of been very close watching and waiting.
  4. matt123red


    Bandits are real players, they become bandits by killing other players who are not bandits.
  5. matt123red

    Hospital doors bulletproof?

    You need to shoot each panel at least once, start from left to right and they will quickly smash
  6. matt123red

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Getting attacked through walls seems much worse for me at the moment, just died due to about 20 zombies spawning inside a barracks with me, attacking me through every wall possible. Then a player head shot me through the window lol.
  7. NO Unless the old zombie aggro system comes back, the new one is way to hard for new players without a weapon
  8. In my opinion the new zombie aggro is terrible, not sure how a zombie could tell the difference between other zombies and humans from 600 meters away in tall grass and the night time. The old system was tense and exciting when the zombies would slowly close in on you. At the moment it isn't tense, you know they will see you and you know no matter what you do you are going to have to kill them. I would like the old system back but that's how I feel.
  9. I love how people claim it should be this dark due to realism, yet you are happy to allow a character to run forever and survive impossible situations. It is not about being realistic, the game still needs to be playable which in my opinion it isn't at night. I live in the country side, when the moon and stars are out you can see very well once the eyes have adjusted, yet in game at the moment you cannot see anything no matter what the sky is like. The night time was fine as it was, the forests were pitch black as they should be but the open areas had enough illumination to see. I am sure some moron will tell me how I am crying and they will drink my tears but for me, I agree it is to dark to be playable.