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About t3hnoob

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. they drop them, have a .28% chance iirc....
  2. i said that 4 posts up....WITH the exact damage of 889... -_-
  3. 889 to be exact, 15 rounds are needed to kill a full health player...
  4. i find the mp5 one of the best guns in the game, able to use mp5(SD). PDW, g17, and m9(sd)mags, making it able to use 6 different mags, 2 of them are silenced, also allowing its ammo to only use sidearm slots if needed, in addition to being very quiet. yet i never see anyone using it...does everyone just drop it for an ak as soon as they find one? this extends to the bizon and silenced mp5 too, never see em....
  5. t3hnoob

    Stepping on Yellow Jacket nest.

    how about...they do small damage and have a high chance of causing pain along with blocking vision as they fly around you vision? as irl not everyone is allergic, and this is basically random death you cant really avoid.
  6. t3hnoob

    A realistic suggestion for food and blood

    or they don't have friends playing the game, or their not in a clan, incentive for groupplay, not punishing you for playing alone. also i like the idea of food not giving blood upfront, instead of a can oof beans giving you 200 blood, it would be giving you 1 for 200 seconds or 2 for 100 seconds....sounds good to me
  7. I'm glad no one here remembers who the "zombies" in this game are actually "infected", not zombies, infected....so this suggestion would fit with the game, while zombies are brain dead, infected can be whatever they want, brain dead, or not....
  8. t3hnoob

    Shotguns! Who loves them?

    its in the base game...just need to add it to the loot table...WANT WANT WANT!!!!
  9. you know the server was getting ddos'ed for most of the event right?
  10. t3hnoob

    Ghillie Suits are common?

    they has a .28 spawn chance in ANY residential building....
  11. t3hnoob

    Gunrunners Arms Dealing

    nvm, hacker killed me....
  12. t3hnoob

    What else could bring Humanity up?

    omg...some one else who knows basic code....INPOSSIBUUU!!!!!
  13. t3hnoob

    Wow. I can't believe this shit.

    i just love for no one has any pride in doing things themselves...whats the difference between taking stuff from an ammo box or typing in the "weapon 3" cheat code?
  14. ok, i think i have a new favorited server.