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Everything posted by Problematic

  1. To get back on-topic; I think the absurd running speed (especially fists-raised) is to balance the lack of vehicles in the game. I suspect it will be taken out when more (types of) vehicles get implemented and thus will probably be removed in this or next quarter (disclaimer: just my expectation, not based on any confirmed info).
  2. Problematic

    Mosquito/Nat/Fly Sounds. - TAKE THEM OUT.

    If it's too loud why not just, you know, turn the volume down? Have not played .54 myself so I don't know if it's unreasonably unbalanced vs other sounds..
  3. Problematic

    After a 6/7 month break from Dayz

    Similar to my interests, been away for somewhat of a shorter time but still. Did you play already? Doesn't feel much different to me except more items and a few new towns. Was a bit suprised to find the NE Airfield missing its hangars though.
  4. Problematic

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Love the experimental branch, I'm pulling quite a few more fps on a mid-end system :)
  5. I like the fact that they are definitely a bigger threat now, and it's still somewhat possible to sneak around.. But them seeming to respawn in an X radius of your character is kind of annoying when trying to disengage.
  6. Almost couldn't watch the twitch interview-video because I keep getting mad at the annoying interviewer.. Honestly, does he have any experience in these type of things? He looks very fidgety/nervous the entire time and loses his words quite often. Also many of his jokes are so baaad, which is demonstrated by him being the only one laughing at them. But all the more respect to Rocket for staying clear and answering the questions good. I am very glad with the road-map in the first video, was not suprised by many things but I'm glad animals are on the short term list :)
  7. Problematic

    Authentication Timeout

    As you could have seen in my next post, it was by then clear to me that the problem wasn't steam I just started trying to log in during the steam problems so I (only at first) thought it was Steam, but thanks for the constructive message.
  8. Problematic

    Authentication Timeout

    So I'm in the servers and can't get anything in my hands... anybody else experiencing the same? This is quite the issue since I'm bleeding. Also really feeling the downside of the timer now - been in 3 different servers and can't use anything and had to wait the dirty 4 to 5 minutes before logging in my dying character :( Ah more people are experiencing issues, guess I'll try to bandage up tomorrow.
  9. Problematic

    Authentication Timeout

    Yeah Steam is down, was just about to go on. http://www.issteamdown.com/ Guess we have to wait it out. Server browsing and some security is done by Steam so DayZ is unplayable when their servers are down. Fucking Steam... <_<
  10. Problematic


    Definitely not. Just not the type of game to go about and around without the chance of encountering someone else (NPC's are not someone else). I believe Dean even said somewhere he absolutely didn't want any NPC's in the game.
  11. Problematic

    It has happened...

    What, zombies are an actual threat now?! Can't wait for it to finish updating.
  12. Hi, I've had this problem for about 2 weeks now, maybe somewhat shorter; whenever I start up the game - I can't see my character or change the default clothes / gender / etc. The first week of alpha it was showing just fine. I've already contributed this issue in the bugtracker (http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=6806) but was wondering if someone here has had the same bug and or maybe a possible fix? I'm thinking about reïnstalling the game entirely, but is there any info to if that wipes your character or not? I know you can't get too attached, as I've lost countless characters to ladder/reset-bugs myself but would just like to avoid it when possible. I've attached screenshots for clarification. Thanks in advance. First it was like this: Then I personally thought deleting my local profile info (PLAYERNAME.vars.DayZProfile file in documents/Dayz) would help and it turned to this: And this is my default character screen: P.S. I can get on servers just fine, and, save from some lag/desync issues lately, also play just fine most of the time. So I know it's not that big of an issue but was just interested to find out if more people had this problem.
  13. The timing of the music piece and video were suprisingly brilliant in the first half of the video, the ending was a little anticlimactic though because I hoped for the sniper to barge in at the finale and shoot you or the other way around (although wasn't quite possible for you to survive that with a ruined gun). Real and enjoyable situation too, great video.
  14. Problematic

    Problem with .cfg fies

    You do realise when you flagged the file read-only the game is also only able to read it? (afaik anyway) So if you change things in game the client might try to edit the file but is not able because it's isn't editable anymore. Sounds like a permissions issue to me in any case. If you have Vista you might want to execute programs (steam/DayZ) as an administrator. It should normally be created in C:\Users\MyName\My Documents\DayZ though, also the agreement (alpha disclaimer) thing popping up every start-up is intended.
  15. This thread is getting some misplaced violent reactions :huh: But yeah, Military Bases are a good location - the server you were in was probably already looted by someone not interested in .45 rounds.
  16. Problematic

    How is the map read?

    I really hate the DayZDB map nowadays. It used to be good (in the Mod spot on even and the first few days that it displayed the SA's loot it was somewhat decent) but now it has a lot of dots on places that just don't spawn loot and the categorization system implies a gun can be looted from nearly every shack/shed/small ass house in Chernarus. So my experienced opinion; Fuck maps, go around and about in the game and see for yourself - after I decided I'd take this very advice I learned to identify all the lootable houses / gun spawns within not to much time and that's a whole lot easier than checking a map. Maps in alpha are bound to be inaccurate anyway as the loot system/locations change every few patches ;)
  17. Problematic

    iZurvive (map help)

    Yes, it's absolutely genius because of what poster above states - the ability to easily get to the area one/any of your friends are around without having to ask for a location is great.
  18. Problematic

    Restrained & shot

    If you can't move at all you're probably bugged, if not try wiggling free and enjoy proning around looking for some sticks and rags.
  19. Problematic

    Computer Troubles

    Maybe a dumb question but are you sure the air-flow directs out of your case? Had a friend once who put the fan in the wrong way around and due to that the heat of his GPU was blowing towards the CPU.
  20. Problematic

    Dayz Standalone Mythbusters -- EP 2

    Hehe noticed #1 aswell, #3 used to be true but got fixed. Enjoyed the video and #4 was really interesting.
  21. Problematic

    Morgan Freeman needs a Boat

    Not to pick any side in the Family Guy is funny or not vote but what the hell man - saying a country is going down the drain because of one TV show (creator) is just a little short of paranoia and above anything else you clearly overestimate the power of a television show.. A TV show is there to entertain people who enjoy it and it's not there for the people who don't because they don't have to watch it. Saying you deserve the pointy end of a bayonet actually kind makes you the fascist and frankly a little bit scary. Also, for the people who haven't subscribed to the OP yet, I advise you to do so and here is the new episode (sorry Goner, I'm afraid Peter is not yet gone);
  22. I've noticed a few of those myself - it's not allowed at this moment. But the best thing to do is send a report to the server to it's provider which can be found using the IP (or mail the ticket to all server providers). More info on rules and reporting here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/158966-dayz-standalone-server-hosting-rules-server-reporting/
  23. Problematic

    Cannot find experimental servers

    It should auto-update after selecting Experimental Branch but with a decent internet connection it's finished in a couple of minutes. I'd restart steam just to be sure. Also above tips might help + have full servers shown (not filtered).
  24. I agree, I wouldn't expect base building to hit Alpha though - I think that's a feature they're saving for beta. It's gonna take a while in any case. And I can't wait for the 100 person servers, if you venture inland it's not gonna be thát bad and I like to come across people there aswell.
  25. I've seen a tweet that they were planning on renewing/balancing the loot next so I'd expect that to come the upcoming weeks. My further personal forecast (based on virtually nothing); more weapons (including - maybe later on - melee), increased number of everyday items, balancing/expanding of the medical/health system (e.g. adding purpose to more items / sicknesses) and I don't think the first vehicles are that far away but that's just a wild guess (my personal predicition is somewhere after March but we'll see). There was talk about revising the original roadmap late january to account for higher-then-estimated sales but I guess that got shelfed due to some pretty gamebreaking bugs but I hope they will publish a new roadmap in the upcoming weeks.