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Everything posted by Howler

  1. Howler


    No more shameless bumping for you good sir! B) For I agree. Some kind of poison dynamic would indeed be interesting to see. Additionally, your use of the lighthouse Battle Royale scene was golden haha! Anyhoo, while I was thinking how the poisoning of people would be cool, I hit the roadblock of; how exactly would one get such a thing? Then it hit me. Infected blood. Let's say you have a bloodbag. Should you find a dead zed around, you could drain the blood from it into the bloodbag. And hey presto! A poison source right in your inventory. You could then choose to decant the blood into anything of your choice (meaning all food and drink in your inventory could have an extra option to be tainted with this blood). Again, as you mentioned above, this would mean thinking twice about what you're looting. Perhaps the guy/girl you just shot has poisoned their stuff? This would be using all components in the current game. Hopefully this idea could be bolstered a little more?! Cheers.
  2. Ok... well not literally, or even virtually. I found myself thinking recently - how come we never see any infected survivors wandering around? Surely if they get mauled by a bunch of the walking dead, they too should become one of them? A typical player would do their best to avoid as many of the walkers, crawlers or derpers (that's what me and my group of Dayz companions call the hoppers, because let's face it - they derp hard, much to our amusement and fear). Sure, you'd possibly take out a few to: - Clear a path - Create a distraction - Stop them chasing after you for your warm tasty blood And so on... But it's rarely for the minimal loot they carry. So I propose this. Survivors who die by zombie bite or attack join the infected on their tireless romp around the cities or towns they inhabit. Just like a random heli crash site, this will generate sources of loot that are not unrealistic and helpful to spot. Please critique my suggestion. I enjoy being undermined. I feed off of it ;)
  3. They will have dropped any weapon they were holding. Not sure an infected would feel the need to keep it :P But anything within their pack, main inventory or their sidearm would be up for grabs. I disagree with the amount of shots it would take though. Sticking to the standard infected shot requirement would keep it within the realm of realism and not turn it into a "miniboss" of some description.
  4. You may have to. Just saying. No weapons other than your jammed one? Zombies coming in slowly but surely? I'd clean/unjam it asap. Regardless of what sitatuation I was in. Actually, you'd have to be pretty calm/unflustered to pull this off, so panting etc would slow down the time it took to unjam or clean. I dunno, just throwing around more ideas :P
  5. As a scroll down option that would start a lengthy animation. Sure. "Cover me! I'm cleaning my gun!" - would become quite frequent though. However, the timing of this should be randomised, sometimes it could take a while (especially in the dark) and sometimes it shouldnt be much of a problem. A few minutes of standing still should do it.
  6. Howler

    Add a bullet-proof vests

    It would have to be rarer than NVGs or something for it to be found in a place like Chernarus. Contrary to popular belief not all fictional Eastern European towns would be abundant with kevlar ;) It's a no from me, but only because it would be more trouble to implement than it actually being fun to see in action.
  7. In the somewhat unlikely event that the bandit sniper you described has a silenced sidearm or room to stash his sniper in his/her pack, if they shot the zombie stalking the woods, it would alert the un-suspecting survivor, who would then have time to run to cover. The bandit gets the ammo. But the survivor gets his life. Obviously this is just one scenario, but it does mix the gameplay up a bit more, as I mentioned :)
  8. Howler

    Im not a complainer but....

    Suggestions =/= Bug reports The Dayz team have most likely realised that the things you describe happen and are problems. This suggestion area however is for NEW content or CHANGING content. Not for fixing faulty mechanics.
  9. Not a bad idea at all. Similar to my "dead survivor zombie" idea but with a neater angle that actually adds another spin to the game. What would also be neat is if they had a bit of sniper ammo on them? Or the chance for that at least? No sniper though, they'd just have dropped it or something. Good thought though. Original too :D
  10. Howler

    Im not a complainer but....

    If you can't stand the heat then get out of the kitchen.
  11. I agree with OP. Well constructed topic too. The amount of shots it takes to kill a zombie should in theory be the same as it takes to kill a player. That would certainly make things more tense. Besides, one bullet does usually mean death. Also, the increasing of co-operative goals would make survivors more likely to work together. Blood bags are as you said a tribute to how excellent teamwork can be. Epi-pens are also an example of this. More items should require another person's activation to promote these kinds of situations.
  12. I appreciate the +1 Is there any way that this idea can be improved upon though?
  13. Ah yes. Well then infected! I simply meant infected survivors. No more, no less.
  14. Howler

    F U bandit

    Bendit pls
  15. Great way to celebrate independence day. An American killing a harmless Brit. Outstanding. @ Big_T - You sir, win an internet aswell. Senseless banditry is no banditry at all. They're supposed to be sneaky and clever. Not shooting at everything that moves. Additionally, I was also talking in direct com as he was shooting me, saying I was friendly and unarmed. Good show old sport.
  16. @ Smurftyours - Feast upon? Really? Yeah... he really dined on my inventory alright.... All 2 items. And as I explained, he was leaving. Oh and I am aware of dangerzones - most people who play Dayz are, so don't be a pedantic dick about it. @ Flenniken - You have the most plausable reason. I award you an internet.
  17. Howler

    DayZ Memes

  18. Howler

    "Hey, I know you!"

    I like it. Similar to how you view other friendly units in vanilla arma 2? Although it's a tad unrealistic. Just being devils advocate on that point.
  19. Hullo there Rocket and co. First off let me just say you've fulfilled every gamers dream - a mod like yours. Flattery aside, I have a suggestion regarding spawning and equipment that you start with. While your move to reduce initial inventory was a good one in the direction towards realism, it may not be realistic enough. Currently a player spawns with: x1 Flashlight x1 Painkillers x1 Bandage This is essentially a quite reasonable amount of stuff, however, would all the survivors arrive on the body-riddled coast of Chernarus with exactly the same set of goods? In my humble opinion, most likely not. Replay value could increase if players could begin with different starter items in this "Battle Royale" style. (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0266308/ - Film link if none of you kids fancy reading a book not including a zombie) But before you assume I will now list a ridiculous array of things that should be there instead - relax. That's up to you guys, it was just my place to meddle and ruin your already progressive ideas (joke). Hope you take my words into consideration. Regards and Zombie Kills in your name. (my nose is going brown) Howler.
  20. Howler

    Battle Royale Beginnings

    See, this is why I didn't want to get specific. Namely because some objects have higher value and power. Guns don't have to come into it. Just variation. And if people get irritated and try to respawn to shift equipment, have only basic sorts of consumables/etc. Nobody wants bodies on beaches or people respawning to get better stuff. >:Paraphrasing all of this:< Everyone spawns with BASIC items such as the current ones, but different kinds. That was all that was meant to be said by this. Apologies for the lack in clarity.
  21. Howler

    Battle Royale Beginnings

    Not sure if you're trolling. But basically any humour directed towards people on this forum/who play this mod is satirical since I'm in favour of the mods progress? Yeesh. Anyhoo, sure, you want specifics. Well. How about a simple variation of what people could get in each slot? The backpack slot possibilities: - Torch (common) - Makarov (uncommon) - Revolver (rare) - M1911 (very rare) Main inventory slot possibilities: - Any one consumable from here: http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Consumables (varying probabilities Bandage/Secondary Weapon Ammo slot possibilities: - Bandage (common) - Makarov mag (uncommon) - Revolver mag (rare) - M1911 mag (very rare) Just something like that, really didn't want to get into the bare semantice of it though because I thought I'd leave that up to the staff/devs :)