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Everything posted by Kryofenix

  1. Kryofenix

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Well we all know the bugs. Sure enough sometimes zombies glitch through the floor or ground and hit you, sure enough it's annoying, just as annoying as the ladder bug that you die from, or going through a floor at a fire station tower, or spawning under a rock and see your 12k hp character die helplessly. Should we then allow morals dictate when and when not to exploit ? Certainly not. In rare cases, yes you will die and you should deal with it. In most cases, GTFO where the zombies glitch when you notice you're being hit and you'll be fine. If you can't GTFO, you were most likely going to die. Right now you can just use that exploit to avoid death in any circumstance, pure and simple. In a game where death is inevitably where your character is going towards, it is of utmost importance.
  2. Kryofenix

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    The game is built upon the notion of death. If anything, death should be permanent and non reversible. This is really a no brainer, people avoiding death whether from other players or zombies shouldn't be allowed to do so.
  3. Hi, I don't know if this has been reported before but here is what I found so far : - All the bars in Cherno seem to have flies around the back entrance but there is no body to be found. Happened in a lot of places. - Since I have had player bodies crashing my client whenever I come near. Note that this only happens to a few player bodies. Keep up the good work.