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Everything posted by Oh_its_just_a_freshy

  1. Oh_its_just_a_freshy

    DayZ Update 1.25

    it specifically states on their twitter(x.com) account, the console is getting a full wipe while pc only gets a character wipe. https://x.com/DayZ/status/1825464784126370225?ref_src=twsrc^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet
  2. Oh_its_just_a_freshy

    DayZ Update 1.25

    What is the deal with the PC wipe? its supposed to be just a character wipe correct? our server that we play on got wiped completely (US NY 8319). When the multiplay servers got taken offline, and these servers opened up, the server was getting wiped on accident every time there was an event update. you guys even fixed it the second time it happened and backed up the last saved backup to. Then there was the actual server wipe. This has been a constant problem with this server and has costed me groups and friends that i play with that is fed up with the way things have been goingwith this. We would like to switch but there are no other 1st person servers on official with good ping and the servers are all always full at a 15 queue when we play. if we can get a fix for this server being fully wiped (if it was supposed to be a character wipe only) that would be great, and i know its a stretch saying this but maybe one or two more NY and LA 1st person servers open for official. some way to optimize the player capacity.
  3. Oh_its_just_a_freshy

    Server reset times?

    What times do the dayz official servers reset? Not wipe but just standard reset. I am not on long enough to see when they reset and i am unable to find reset times that apply to official and not community online. Im on playstation currently if that makes a difference.