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  1. captslate

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    I WILL FREELY ADMIT THAT I DIDN'T READ PAGES 10-30! But, I think that the sentiment has been echoed well, at this point, with the removal of offline eating and drinking, I have little incentive to really even forage anymore, and now it's very much just a PvP game with zombies added. Case in point, when I get killed these days, I spawn in, drop my pack, drop all my painkillers and morphine, eat my beans, and throw away my water bottle. I'm harder to spot, and since it's just a PvP game, I use my macky to get the things I need. At this point, just add a full respawn feature and get it over with.
  2. captslate

    IF this was an actual game...

    Game Purchase - no subs, possible micro trans for skins and stuff, maybe even advantage things like a boost that lets you find better loot, but makes you hot pink or some shit. Go with Studio, getting a team together makes any type of coding and asset building easier, trust me, I know (made my million on Iphone Apps) Kickstarter, because damn, it's the way to go right now, gets your name out there even more, and let's people contribute more if they would like to. Above all, listen to your community, just not too much, but I'm pretty sure you've already got that handled.
  3. captslate

    Whats your Reason?

    Eh, I'm generally a good guy, mainly cause I do the survivalist SHTF scenarios in real life, it's generally the people that help other people but don't get overly helpful that come out on top. That being said, I see bandits in chat, and I hunt them down, but they usually Alt-f4 when I get the jump on them.
  4. captslate

    [1.7.2] DayZ loot cheat sheet

    I think that most of the "high end loot" should probably be moved to the side mission questing area thingy that Rocket is gonna implement, and make radios a bit easier to find, then you have the option of going and getting it, and deciding if you want to take the risk of meeting all the other players there.
  5. captslate

    mod: close thread ty

    3rd person view another of those ALADHGALKSDHGALDGH topics. Just like all the people that say "PvP is part of the game, deal with it" the same goes here too. I mean, how would you defend against people that change files to increase their FOV, or how to you even account for the fact that the game is only about 60 degrees of FOV and human vision is 100. I agree that 3rd person can indeed be used as a "cheat" but that being said, play on a server that doesn't have it, if you can't find one, HOST YOUR OWN, otherwise, you're playing on a server that belongs to someone else, they made the choice, not you, complain to them in the server section.
  6. captslate

    Big list of tips. Share yours.

    - CZ Vest Pouch is a Trap, NEVER GRAB IT - Get off the damn coast ASAP - 15 minutes is too long to spend anywhere - Use your elementary school learnings and read this - http://ttp2.dslyecxi.com/tactics.html - Remember that the Two Barracks at the NW Airfield are the ONLY places to get some of the best weapons - Zombies can't see for shit, but damn they can hear - if you have to ask friendly more than once, they're not - drop your weapon and ammo before switching to something else, otherwise it will erase that weapon and ammo! - GET OFF THE DAMN COAST
  7. captslate

    O look, another PvP thread

    Man, these people, I hope that you read that I'm not at all against PvP, and I'm not at all against the fear that showing up on the shoreline with no idea what to expect brings. I'm against trolling noobs. Temporary immunity doesn't give you immunity from the zeds, nor does it give you immunity to "waltz up and attack a player", as I already stated, and again, maybe an hour is too long, maybe 20 minutes tops, etc. Dallas, I did the same thing, it was a great experience, except for the manic with a SAW, now tell me, if you had been one of those people, some I saw get killed nearly 10 times before getting off the beach, to this one man with a SAW, would it have been so awesome? Last time I checked, no matter the game, spawn camping and rolling noobs leads to players leaving. Look at it like this for the "spawn immunity" as far as I know, there are very very few games that don't implement something to protect newer players. WoW -> Heavily Guarded Noob Areas BF1942 to BF2 -> Rear Protection Areas or "Kick on Shot" Areas "Uncaps" BFBC1 and BFBC2 -> Spawn Immunity for up to 4 seconds or until you move or fire. BF3 -> Spawn Immunity for up to 2 seconds until you move or fire. CoD 4 to CoD 8 -> Spawn Immunity for up to 3 seconds until you move or fire Other MMOs, that feature open world combat have at least a noob area to protect and keep players. We are not attempting to lose players, we are attempting to gain every player we possibly can to make this awesome experience a lasting awesome experience. Oilman, I've never shot a survivor either, and AGAIN I AM NOT AGAINST BANDITS, (I need to make a post that is just that 1 million times), I like bandits, they are AN EXTREMELY IMPORTANT PORTION OF THIS GAME. Trolls are not an extremely important portion of this game, and we as a community, or at the very least the developer needs to do the same things that other games do, protect your noobs, even if this means a minor single player version to get used to the way it works! We already have the hardcore like me, that are willing to die 100 times to understand, we want those people that are willing to learn, but not willing to be trolled. WNxLions - Come on man, read for once in your life! Gabriel - Come on man, you at least read some of it, and the very best you could drudge up is "No"? Not even a simple Why? Come on!
  8. captslate

    DE2 Madmins or cheaters?

    I can attest to this, I was DE2 earlier, got clipped by a guy that was on a build one minute, and then next minute on top of the water tower in Stary, seeing as I didn't think you could get up there, I ran like hell and logged the first chance I got. Maybe different guy, didn't get a name unfortunately. But I wasn't insta-killed, just hurt damn bad.
  9. captslate

    O look, another PvP thread

    Ah, sorry bout that Phace, I didn't understand it clearly, but I could go with that, is enough variety in the spawn locations, that it lowers the amount of grief potential substantially, sounds good.
  10. Alright, this is my second post on this forum, and I don't usually do forums, so, here goes. This is not a PvP needs to be removed thread, cause that rip the balls off this mod. This is not a "That isn't how a real (insert magical fiction problem here) would work" - IT'S ZOMBIES FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, GET OVER YOURSELF. That being said, I think that PvP in its current form is a bit of a wash, now, coming from a background like Shadowbane, APB, and other PvP centric games, I've seen a major problem in all of them, that DayZ seems to be doomed to repeat. New players show up, get ganked, the assholes laugh, the new player leaves, and eventually the community is just assholes, and nothing else, it causes things to die, and I don't want this mod to die. That being said, I have a proposal, and I will willingly listen to changes, new ideas, and out right criticism. That idea is this, why not make bandits, incapable of killing players that are less than say, an hour old (more than enough time to get a bit of gear and escape the bean wars), whether this is a "per life" thing, or just your first character, debatable. But make it so those guys that camp the shoreline just to troll newbs, can't troll them that hard. (Case in point, my first 3 minutes of the game were running the fuck away from an asshat with a SAW that was just mowing every one and everything on the beaches. I survived, but 10 others, about 90% I've never seen again, didn't) Now the first complaint to this I know is WHAT IF THEY TRY TO KILL ME?!?! If they shoot a player, or attack someone else, the "immunity" vanishes, and bingo fair target. Second thing I see already is, "But it's about survival" la la la, horseshit, there is a difference in survival, and me taking my CZ 50, sitting a bit off the shore and popping every newb that shows up at a PREDICTABLE spawn point. I would propose that any town can spawn noobs. I'd like to see if anyone else thinks this could be a plan, and for the record, I'm not against PvP, nor "Survival" elements, but I am for removal of "gaming the system" and countering behavior that in a video game is trolling, but in a survival situation would be psychopathic
  11. captslate

    Simple solution to disconnect exploit

    Ok, I don't usually get involved in forums, cause it's usually a bunch of bullshit, and this one has that already with the PvP is bad, PvP is good non-sense that neither side to get a grasp on what the other is saying. That being said, this alt-f4 shit is really getting my goat mates. Full disclaimer, I've never alt-f4'd and I never will, but I have had a crash that worked quite well in my favor. But on to the point, this alt-f4 business is crap, I don't have the best gear, I don't camp the stupid 3 or 4 spots where it all spawns, but today, my mates and I were at the NW Airfield, we get shot at, and some of my mates get killed, yeah, cool. I get hit, go down, and after several agonizing minutes, manage to crawl away from the ambush (our own damn fault for spending 76min and 33secs on the airfield), get healed up a bit, and get good to go. I then proceed to out maneuver the bandits that hit us, I get up them, they never see me coming, I clip the first one, AND BAM, GONE disconnected. Second one doesn't even turn around, BAM disconnected. I'm a humble peasant with a shotgun, and they had top of the line rifles, I had them dead to rights, but no, alt-f4 saves the day. That all being said, I'm not sure how to fix it, because I for sure do not want to get killed by the server fucking up, and my character staying in the game. Only thing I can really propose is maybe (and I have no idea how hard this is to implement) that your first "crash" or "alt-f4" whatever, doesn't count against you, but you do it again in say 12 or 24 hours, and this time you stay on the server for 5-10 seconds, assuming you survive that, do it again in the same time period and this time it's 30-60 seconds, etc. A kind of three strikes and your out style of sytem.