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Everything posted by Food

  1. DayZ Concert?!?! I think yes! After aquiring almost every item in the game our group has decided to something "Different". As you read from the title. I will be updating this thread with more details as we plan. Right now I'm planning on Devil's Rog castle as the location. Flares and chemlights are permitted and will be free with admission (1 can of Baked Beans NO FRANKS) We will need a song list so please PM me or post your suggestions below. BANDITS: We are bandits (normally) ourselves so we understand your want to destroy the place. We will be doing weapon/backpack checks before you can enter. We will also have a Heli and 5-6 Armed guards. We will have thermal Coverage and snipers posted on watch. Anyone caught trying to enter with a weapon is fair game to be killed but my guards should be alerted BEFORE opening fire, as we don't need panic :\ . I know what happened with the Church service and hopefully that won't repeat here as we will have guards. Feel free to record the Event, and PM me about taking up a guard position if you wish (You will provide your own weapon) Post Songs/Comments below :D
  2. Food


  3. Food

    Updated loot map?

    DayZmap.info Not quiet as detailed and has longer load times, but you can change the map type which can be useful.
  4. Food

    Tent saved me !

    WOW these stories just keep getting cooler!
  5. Food

    new player.....what just happent

    i muts sayz you gramer iz wunderfult
  6. Food

    This game is full of A-holes

    It seems I've been doing my part at creating delicious tears just well. It's quite an intricate process, it involves much work, but it pays off when I can sit down in the evening knowing I have a full glass to drink and enjoy.
  7. Food

    Is this Script a Hack?

    I believe it is. It looks like it spawns guards or something for him from what I know, but then again I don't know much I'm really just reading it. xD
  8. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
  9. Food

    US88 Hacker "monopoly" [VIDEO] ENOUGH EVIDENCE FOR BAN!

    Your title was misleading. I was hoping for a hacker playing monopoly with the server's players.
  10. I personally collect tractors. I used to have 3 at my camp, but gradually they were all stolen (lolwut?) They didn't even take the Ural
  11. Food

    In game Brony Meetup!

    I'd like to attend :D But something tells me some haters will try and kill us...
  12. Food

    Is it Bannable off a Server?

    I'm ok with it my server as they go away after the next restart and I restart often to make hacker's leave :P
  13. Food

    A good way to hide a vehicle better

    Your post is a good way not to use the search bar...
  14. Food

    Tent Locations

    Someone teleported all around my server marking EVERY camp today... It's kind of funny except for the fact that mine and our other group have all the vehicles (And use them). It's happened EVERY day this month as well, it's one annoying game to play right now...
  15. I haven't had a single day someone with a thermal AS50 HASN'T teleported to my camp in over a week. EVERY night... Then the next day is spent repairing and finding the vehicles in hopes that it won't happen the next day. It always does...
  16. I love sending Global messages over Rcon whenever I find someone with a thermal AS50. Who needs to ban them when they disconnect almost immediately :P Also I was wondering what thunderdome looked like in the logs, I've only seen it once in my server O_o
  17. Food

    The Great Bean Olympics - Best Suggestion

    My suggestion. Don't post stupid things like this.
  18. We CAN'T rollback our servers to get vehicles back. How many times must we say this?
  19. STFU people saying "YOU CAN'T BAN FOR MY HAX" I will ban you if you hack regardless of what they say. I'm still less of an asshole than you. Hacked weapons? TOO BAD. Maybe you won't get a database ban, but I'm banning you from MY server. I'm dealing with "Oh, but I didn't spawn it, someone else did for me." Then I'll just ban you both... His server logs show you had the hacked weapon and I support my fellow admins on their decision.
  20. Food

    Looking for Heli ride

    Not all server's make you drop stuff in water. Mine doesn't at least.
  21. Food

    Spice up the vehicles

    "Hacker's delight" - A10 jet Oh wait...
  22. Food


    Wow. You just gave enough hackers tears to give water to all of Africa for the next 36 years. Congratulations.
  23. Food

    Losing 2 AS50s in 10 minutes

    Losing two DUPED as50s*
  24. Here's an idea. PLAY the game instead of server hopping for a ghillie. If you walk around the stary/NWAF area for an hour I guarantee you will find a crash with one