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Everything posted by Food

  1. NEVER play with anyone 12 years old in the first place. THERE lies your problem...
  2. Food

    No more Perma Death....

    You can change into camo or something and back and get reset :P until you log out at least.
  3. Food

    DayZ: Glass legs

    i crawled prone next to a tree and it insta killed me to -160000 blood -____- I also just randomly had my legs broken for no reason at all and had to roll 2km to get morphine. These experiences led to my current signature.
  4. I think actually helps keep people camps on my server safe. If I saw one on my camp in the Radar I actually would tend to avoid it due to me not really needing anything and it's kind of unfair. Although I was able to find TONS of hacker with it teleporting to vehicles and vehicles teleporting to them and do hacked weapons checks.
  5. Food

    Stuck at loading screen

    Hey hey hey, what's with the picture? There is only room for 1 sir around here and that's me.
  6. Food

    this "update" sucks....

    One does not simply fix hackers...
  7. Food

    Just For The Record....

    I don't mind it except for the fact I can't play in another server if mine is empty due to the time :\
  8. Food

    Killing the elektro sniper.

    I usually get closer and go for the headshot Can't AltF4 on that
  9. How do we show proof of being a brony O___o Does my TF2 Balloonicorn named Twilight sparkle count? It's painted purple :P
  10. Food

    Hackers Caught on Film

    Some hacker was driving a freight train around yesterday and gave me a ride xD
  11. Food

    Hero Skin Bandits

    I prefer to shoot in the leg and drag up to ledge and drop them over.
  12. Food

    3 hacked games wtf is this garbage?

    I've had a good hacker experience today where he made a freight train and gave us a ride around. Sadly the server crashed as he was about the make it fly :\
  13. Food

    Flip ATV

    Gotta watch out for those bridges :\
  14. Gotta love having 6 old bikes ;D
  15. Food uncatagorised changes

    Zombies are (some what) fixed :D
  16. So I won't be able to fit 4 main rotor assemblies in my pack anymore?
  17. Food


    People whine about it but I will ban for hacked guns on my server as they provide an unfair advantage and I think if you're going to whine about in the I get a delicious glass of tears and and satisfaction that I banned someone (almost) as bad as a hacker them self. It's still hacked and still usually extremely overpowered
  18. People are spawning on the coast... Sniper at Elektro prevails AGAIN!
  19. Food

    New Glitch?

    I can't even load into my own server since I updated :\ I used to have almost instant load times now I'm still waiting at 6+ minutes to see if it even works...
  20. Food

    US 578 False Ban

    I just checked my ban list and you never were banned?
  21. I really don't mind hackers if they don't ruin my gameplay. I don't have a problem with parachuting buses as they provide some nice lulz, but teleporting to death really just show's you are probably the biggest douchebag without a single friend in real life...
  22. Food

    scripts.log not being created

    I had this issue too and it was fixed with a BattlEye Scripts update
  23. Food

    Any point in not being murderer?

    Unlike most people I've tried being friendly before and it's actually fun, but I'm an endgamer so I gotta live up to my expectations and shoot people on the coast ¯\_(ツ)_/¯