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Everything posted by Food

  1. I've been playing on here http://dayzgonebye.boardhost.com/ Nice server just go on there make an account and get whitelisted
  2. Food

    DayZ Standalone Challenge.

    But he will come back to bust you own again
  3. Actually me and my friends have done it before in Berezino. Killed 364 zombies in the end. We used M4A3 CCOs, Winchester I found in super market, M1911s, and a AKS Kobra. When you have more then 10 people in a group and have Helis and all the vehicles on an official hive server like we did, it's really easy to get the supplies. This was back on out official hive server.
  4. Food

    Leaving servers with equipment

    wtf... This is almost a year old.
  5. Food

    ALT F4

    Nothing except for the fact they are pansies that will eventually die anyways.
  6. Food

    Server Admin [Commands]

    We can kick, ban and restart. That's about it...
  7. Food


    In my server its the exact opposite... We have TOO MUCH stuff. 17 tents all full of stuff
  8. Those are the 2 most common items in the game so I can't imagine getting much for them
  9. My sir senses detect a fail troll at work.
  10. Food

    [poll] how human are you?

    -179k I got it down 30k in about 10 minutes when I went on a murder spree, but I crashed a heli while doing a flip and died so I got off :P
  11. My server has been working very nicely, it loads VERY fast and by very I mean under 10 seconds and you're in and the only problem we have is the occasional hackers that every server is plagued with.
  12. Food

    So, I have a Satchel Charge...

    You forgot a step between 3 and 4 3.5) ???
  13. Food

    Hackers are retarded..

    But what NO ONE seems to realize is that the hacking is due to Arma which ISN'T Alpha...
  14. Food

    We found a bus...

    DEFINITELY an admin.
  15. I ALWAYS hide the body, just because I'm a scumbag
  16. It's out of fuel that's what the bar next to the parts is
  17. Might as well watch this and even it out to 10 seconds
  18. Oh good, another person to dupe AS50s and snipe Elektro
  19. Food

    20 rules of DayZ

    21: ALWAYS listen to Queen while playing.
  20. Those are obviously scripts... One disables abort from the looks of it and they seemed to be spawning a lot of loot
  21. Ban them anyways :\ Devs don't seem to do anything... Then again they don't care about 20,000 hackers they care about 300 abusive admins when players can just find another server. Personally I would shut my server down as well, except I haven't had to many hacker issues after I had a HUGE problem with them last week.
  22. It's fun server hopping the Elektro hill when I die to get my gear back though.
  23. Food

    Fashions and 'faces' of Chernarus

    wtf did I just read?
  24. Food

    Anyone need a Jerry can?

    ????? You can't just use a meme and be instantly funny you know?
  25. I usually listen to the Beatles when flying the Heli though.