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Everything posted by Food

  1. Food

    Stimulants - restore health

    Well there are MRE's now which are better for the solo player. You need to check mainly military spawns for them, although I have seen a few in industrial buildings.
  2. Food

    Illegal drugs

    I would love to become a drug trafficking ring in DayZ :P But, like in Fallout, I wouldn't probably use any of them. Just sell them to others
  3. Food

    new classes

    It's been discussed before. There will be no classes
  4. Food

    a solution to players disconnecting to avoid dying

    There's a way to instantly Disconnect, but obviously I won't post it here. It's faster than Alt+F4 too
  5. http://dayzgonebye.boardhost.com/index.php Here's the forums for the server I play on. The admin is very active, and he listens to what you have to say. Nice guy, and I haven't experienced any hackers
  6. Food

    DayZ Standalone for Mac

    Or you can sell the mac and build a new desktop like any sane PC gamer would do.
  7. Launch the OA Beta Shortcut out of the steam games folder in program files
  8. Food

    Just wanted to ask...

    I held someone up without a weapons before. He was in the Elektro Firestation and I was on the roof. I told him to drop his weapons and leave the building or I would kill him when he left. Got a free Enfield to begin my journey as a bandit :P
  9. Food

    Toilet Paper?

    I've found uses for a few of the items. I'm going to stockpile Toilet paper and throw it all over the admins camp.
  10. Food

    Join Balota Buddies Today!

    I'd like to, but there aren't any US Vanilla servers. :P
  11. Food

    New Food and Drinks Names

    I would find it better fitting on a billboard or something perhaps. I also think that would be a much cooler way to be in the game :P
  12. Food

    Staying legit as an admin

    The server I play on has great admins. He just sticks with his group and loots. He doesn't hoard vehicles so he doesn't care to raid camps. I remember back when I had my server and these tools first came around. I just decided to ignore the camps, and if someone else in my group found it, then we would finally go raid it, but I never would say where they were.
  13. Food

    Why I'm uninstalling DayZ

    Why I don't care Another useless complaining person is leaving the game. It's not even a full game, of course it's bugged, it's not even beta...
  14. My friend threw a can at me and I went into shock. It's okay though, I survived with only ringing ears for the next 15 seconds of Hell.
  15. Food

    How to deal properly with the admins base

    Well you have to understand, from the perspective of a career DayZ hoarder. If you let other people have vehicles the chance of them finding your base is much greater. If they have even 1 old bike to use off road up north, think about how much easier it is to look up there? Therefore, a proper camp needs ALL the vehicles. :D
  16. No, if you want more cars, go play on a server with 600+ (they have those...) . I really hope there aren't over 100 in the SA. It's for balancing issues, many more cars can be supported, but it also takes out the fun of finding one. Searching for days when finally you see the scooby doo van in the distance. Once you finally reach it, you find it's missing 2 wheels and needs a new engine, and the adventure begins. The rarity of vehicles is a great part of DayZ, it adds a lot more satisfaction when you finally find one.
  17. Food


    You are being haunted by a ghost of an M9 that you once lost. It most likely has a stutter.
  18. Food

    Ethics of the common player

    Because we can make people like you cry about it on the forums
  19. Well I like how you neither confirm, nor deny hacking. Anyways Global bans are only on OA when it's from DayZ Arma 2 is unaffected. If you plan on buying a new CD key you only need to buy another OA one.
  20. Food

    Admin needed for my Server

    What are your server settings? I'm looking for a new server, and I used to run my own server so I have experience.
  21. The Scooby van was my first vehicle. We spent hours trying to fix it up and from then on I had the best time in DayZ ever.
  22. Food

    Old player, what happened

    I agree, I just don't understand why they don't just make those wasteland servers. It would actually be better considering it's build for PvP and has added features for it. I want Vanilla Dayz, but servers are so hard to find.
  23. Food

    DayZ MOD Vs. DayZ Standalone

    "Stay back! These birds are infected. They have Bird Flu Virus." Birdemic Shock and Terror is great film, if anyone here actual gets what I'm talking about :P
  24. No it's how it should be. Sure it isn't exactly realistic, but very balanced. The whole running around part of the game is important. If you want 600+ vehicles, go play wasteland. You find more military weapons, you can build bases, and lots more pvp. Then the people who actually play DayZ can find servers that are actually DayZ.