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Everything posted by Food

  1. Food

    M16A4 with ACOG

    Well that's strange, try hitting the "/" on the numberpad I think that changes between them
  2. Food

    Your favorite car?

    Scooby van. It was my first and we had so many battles for it on our old server
  3. Food

    DayZ SA Suggestion

    I'd say I successfully started a flame war. Let the fire burn, let it burn.
  4. Food

    What happened to me yesterday;

    Maybe he aimed straight up and got lucky, no hacks involved besides the gun :P
  5. Food

    DayZ SA Suggestion

    You know what be cooler than locks? An original Suggestion.
  6. Food

    What happened to me yesterday;

    4.6k meters lol, was it with the grenade?
  7. Food

    Script-kiddy destroyed our server

    Get an Rcon tool, any will. You need to have the username/password in your server files for login, and then just download one and run it off your PC.
  8. Food

    Script-kiddy destroyed our server

    Just ban him, what do you mean you can't? DayZ rules for public hive? I said screw it and banned hackers anyways. As long as you are sure just ban them if you have their GUID and IP
  9. Food

    New to DayZ, What to do? [The Newbie Experience]

    I watched one of your videos, you need to develop more of a personality. You just kind of talk to yourself about what's going on in the game while you play. Try instead talking more about the game itself and what you are doing. Still you're 12 years old so I couldn't watch more than 20 seconds before you're voice made me turn it off. Maybe once puberty hits you will gain popularity Edit: Forgot to mention, the first thing you do in DayZ. Get hit by a zombie, start bleeding, and wonder how the f*ck do I bandage myself.
  10. Food

    The Tale of the Broken Leg

    The greatest story ever told! I admire your caution and how you assess every situation, I just run in like a maniac and hope for the best. It works though I'm on day 9 and have only died once on the server I play on, which was due to a glitch. Another thing, I personally love Berezino, it's usually empty and has everything. 2 supermarkets, a hospital, military tents, and tons of industrial spawns for car parts. Me and my group usually go there first if we ever need supplies.
  11. Food

    you bumped into namvet yet?

    You seem like a fun person to run into, not one of the CoD deathmatch bandits who do it because they think banditry is cool. I used to be a bandit for 2 reasons, one was because it always pissed everyone in my server off, and secondly because they do the looting for me. I just need to take it off their bodies. Good luck on your adventures, good to see someone playing variation from the stereotypical DayZ playing style :)
  12. Keep it steam, it keeps away the 9 year olds who can't use their parents credit cards :rolleyes:
  13. Food

    DayZ Public hive vehicles

    55 I believe may be more or less, but it's around there I think
  14. Food

    Inventive to stay alive. (Share thread.)

    If anything it should be equal to the average survival time. long enough for the body to despawn, and keeping you from running back and killing whoever killed you from the spawn.
  15. Food

    Chopper Bait - First DayZ video.

    I stole one of my server admin's trucks yesterday in like an 8 man plan to kill me. They placed a truck in the middle of no where out of gas, but I zig-zagged to it and wasn't shot at so I started filling it hopped in and sped away. 4 DMRs started firing off at me and I sped away saying "Thanks". They all rage quit when further down the road their AS50 sniper failed to hit me as well. :P I'm actually 3-0 on stealing vehicles on that server from traps. 2 dirt bikes and the truck now lol. You did well, but that body bait was too much for you lol.
  16. Food

    A couple of Ideas that I had..

    You can bind a key to put your hands behind your head
  17. I used to go M4A1 CCO SD, AS50 in my pack, and an M9SD Recently, I've only been using a hatchet. It's a lot a more fun :P
  18. Food

    Looking for a good hive.

    http://dayzgonebye.boardhost.com/index.php This is the whitelisted server I play, it's all Vanilla, and the admin never abuses his power. Nice guy who listens to what you say. No starting loadout, but it only takes like 30 seconds to find a hatchet...
  19. I hope your joking. Also, like I say to all these servers. You've got the wrong mod, go play wasteland. c:
  20. Yeah, lots of bandits, so watch out. If you See a Dr. Quackers that's me :P I'm a medic mostly
  21. http://dayzgonebye.clanteam.com/ Server I play on, the admin is great. Check it out, it's a nice server but still a little low-pop (around 10-18 people on at a time), but it's growing.
  22. Food

    DayZ - Destroying a huge admin base

    Coords? I'd love to terrorize them some more :P
  23. Alright, you go and punch a zombie. Come back and tell me how that goes.
  24. Food

    Im Tired-Less Running Please

    Do what I do, 1. stick something in your key so it's stuck down 2. Eat Fun-Dip Candy 3. ???? 4. Profit.