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Everything posted by Food

  1. Food

    Canned food

    I prefer my beans straight out of the can.
  2. Food

    Where can I get my first gun?

    North West airfield is a great place to find your first weapon
  3. Food

    loin cloths and clubs

    I want assless chaps and some cowboy boots
  4. I'm not going to lie... I checked my skype at least 5 times during that video.
  5. Stop damn saying that we know.
  6. Food

    US 140...

    I was looking through servers today and noticed US 140 was in "testing" with only 1/3 people in it. Me and friend joined to see if we what the owner named (Earacorn) at least I think he was the owner as he was the only one on. Anyways, as I was walking around after just spawning in I was shot from somewhere and killed. Immediately my friend was kicked and as my other friend tried to join and kill him he aborts before my friend can hit him and shuts down the server. tl;dr? So in the end I died he took my stuff (A Bizon pp-19, CZ 550, and Coyote backpack were all I cared for), kicked my friends so it was empty and couldn't be killed, when finally get a shot off on the guy he DC's immediately, and then stops his server so it isn't up anymore which is the very reason I have absolutely no proof. Well played faggot... And for the people who are going to say I'm just butthurt over my items I died the day before and I have stuff with my group so that doesn't matter it's just the fact this asshole will get away with it...
  7. Food

    Most Creative Camp Sites

    I big grassy field. We have a UAZ, ATV, Old hatchback, 30+ tents, AS50's, NVG's, Rangefinders, ANY assault rifle + ammo, Coyote backpacks, and just about anything else we could need. Someone found our old location and before they could even take more than 2 m4a1 CCO SD's we packed up and moved in about 30 minutes :P Always have a backup location, and a second camp on the coast ;D
  8. Food

    AS50 vs SVD Camo

    In the end the AS50 comes out on top imo because it's more accurate because it can zero. But the SVD is just awesome :P
  9. Food

    Global Banned

    There are other methods on how to execute the script. Even cheat engine works... Although he's probably a Copy+paster who uses public hacks like the ones who think they work on my server :P
  10. Food

    Controversial Topic: BANDITRY IS DEAD.

    Why kill them and take their stuff when I can use their stuff as bait to get more stuff? O____o
  11. Food

    Not everyone is a potential enemy.

    But everyone is a potential KILL ;D
  12. Food

    Berezino: The new Cherno...

    Cherno has been almost empty in my server even with 30+ people I can drive through it and no zombies will be spawned.
  13. Food

    Am I a sociopath murderer in Day Z?

    Murdering noobs on coast. Call me what you want, but if you can't get a good enough gun before I snipe you, you can't kill me. ;)
  14. Food

    Finding Servers

    You sir... Must have the worst luck in the world. EDIT: Mines Daytime ;D
  15. Food

    Silenced Sniper Rifles

    Well if there are zombies near you, then you are WAY to close. Overwatch shouldn't have zombies near them
  16. Then don't go into the cities... You complain about dying yet you don't try to avoid the very place that keeps getting you killed. It doesn't make any sense, and I think it's your own damn fault for getting killed.
  17. Food

    Is it compatible?

    Don't worry you will be making fun of yourself for being worried when your done :P
  18. Food

    Watching a Helicopter Crash

    A few server still have them I think Texas 20 does still
  19. Food

    ATV and Motorcycle spawns???

    ATV's are still death traps. Most vehicles are already all hoarded so good luck finding any, but I just reccommend searching for camps
  20. How will the snipers know if your friendly!?!?!?!?! I have no idea on how to fix that so GL!
  21. I serioisly LOL'd at the price for that xD
  22. It will either randomly dissappear on the next restart or duplicate the items you took out from inside on the next restart. So either you get lucky or lose everything.
  23. Food

    This game is fucking garbage!!!!1

    Fix what? Lol your just mad you lost your stuff when your dumb enough to go to the NWA by yourself... I never go with less than 2 other people. 2 people cover eachother while I watch over with my sniper. That way we are the only ones doing the killing ;D
  24. Food


    I've thought of the idea myself, but with boats maybe if you take them off the coast you can catch bigger fish with more meat? On shore you can catch little fish with 1-2 meat and offshore large fish with 4-8?