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Everything posted by Food

  1. We do it because your tears are just too delicious.
  2. Food

    Whipe everything clean!!!

    Although It would take absolutely forever to do, the only possible way to stop it would to be adding in a unique item ID system like TF2 and remove all duplicates, and with the amount of constantly spawning items and the amount of data to be stored it's just pointless to even try.
  3. "I don't have a compass or a GPS, one second I'll spawn one" Fail hackers fail... Also there was talk of the helicopter being spawned?
  4. Food

    Blow up supermarket ?

    I find 2 works just fine.
  5. Food

    looking for SVD Camo + ghillie suit

    SVD is useless because unless you headshot it isn't a 1 hit kill. Everyone just AltF4's with ninja speed now so good luck killing anyone...
  6. Someone is pissed because they can't get their AK's from Stary anymore
  7. Food

    We won, Today..

    Why don't people get that putting your camp next to a marked place on the map IS NOT a good idea..
  8. I think more than 1 can spawn if your lucky
  9. Food

    helicopter crash site prizes

    I found 3 ghillies at a crash today when I was flying my heli with my group. I guess were up to 8 in our Ural now.
  10. Food

    Vehicle heeeelp

    Oh he just accidently his post
  11. I guess he can't play TF2 either. Being a hat simulator and all...
  12. Why do you have a computer in the kitchen?
  13. Food

    I'm a medic.

    I'm a bandit I usually snipe people on top of a Hospital or I'm flying around in my heli looking for camps to raid. I usually carry a sniper and an M4 Holo.
  14. by "block" I mean add to scripts.txt lol And remember to keep rcon open while I'm on.
  15. Oh I see you keep updated on what hacks to block too. I've learned today to be scared. Very, scared.
  16. Food

    BoomPow and EVMap?

    Can you PM his Guid I don't appreciate hackers
  17. Is it possible to have people use the search bar?!?!?!? Probably not...
  18. Food

    Tracing Bullets

    I like the snipers who shoot at moving targets. If my first shot misses I wait until they think they're safe and stand still for a second.
  19. Don't worry I "jet" you'll find one soon. :P
  20. Food

    Mass Murderer!

  21. Food

    VSS Vintorez is legit?

    After a server restart I found an m110 with thermals in a tent in Stary. I guess it wasn't legit because I was reset the next day to the coast :\
  22. What server? I need to set up with my sniper and get that M240 ammo for our heli
  23. I really don't mind hackers (Too much) If all they do is snipe noobs on the coast. There isn't much we can do about them but check logs and ban, but when do stuff like that I just don't get it. I understand they think it's "funny" but really I don't see why they would do it. Atleast warn people before like Thunderdome so if I'm on I can kick/ban before it begins :\
  24. Food

    The overall point?

    This a hoarding/murder simulation with a high risk of broken legs.
  25. Actually this game is about surviving. THEN you get a sniper and it's about hoarding and murdering.