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phresh (DayZ)

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Everything posted by phresh (DayZ)

  1. phresh (DayZ)

    To the hackers on US128

    Roger that, one of the guys was recording it but I'm not sure it'll show any names, since they don't show on the server. Will get it posted as soon we can. Thanks, Ravin, btw. I realize this is probably even more frustrating for you than it is for us. We appreciate all you do.
  2. phresh (DayZ)

    To the hackers on US128

    They're at it again tonight. While my group was on their way to provide support they saw two choppers and a black SUV spawn in the distance, right in front of them. There were two choppers flying around before this (besides our legit one). Since we shot one down last night, there's definitely some script-kiddies at work here. Shortly after, our group was engaged by the cheaters and after taking single shots each, reported dieing with extreme negative blood numbers (negative 100k-300k). A bit later, one of our guys killed someone in Elektro who had another G36C SD. He was shot and killed through a wall, soon after. The guys in the chopper yesterday were '{SPLAT} Brad' and 'Jacob'. 'Jacob' is in again tonight, but the other guy presumably changed his name. If you could advise us on how to properly report these guys, it would be appreciated. Annnnd now they're spawning invincible AI in ghillies at our camp This right after someone was running around our camp with a grenade launcher. One of our guys engaged him and he ran off before this occured. Apparently the AI built a fort, of sorts, by our camp. GG.
  3. phresh (DayZ)

    To the hackers on US128

    We already had a chopper. _The_ chopper, per Ander's post. We were suspect of it when the guys saw it flying near them (we were flying our chopper), then presumed it to be script-kiddie-piloted once we shot it down and saw one of the guys had the G36C SD on him. One of our guys reported the chopper looked red to him, which is odd. I wasn't playing when this happened, but I was listening on vent and have seen the screen shots. I didn't log in because I figured the same thing, that they would nuke the server, or something, in retribution. Sounds like it's possible that their heli wasn't scripted in, but I doubt it.
  4. Heard 128 got nuked a few times last night, might want to check the script logs or whatever, if you can.
  5. Searched around but didn't see a thread about this. While I can appreciate the reduction in message/notification clutter, the removal of the player connecting, connected and disconnected messages aids people who combat DC, ghost, and hop servers in prime loot areas. When the notifications were in the game, I could at least be aware of people disconnecting and reconnecting but now it's a guessing game and my group members and I have been killed by honorless ghosters far too often lately. Please bring back these notifications to help us legitimate players deal with those who choose to exploit the game so they can gain unfair advantages in combat. Cheers! Edit: Vipeax just confirmed this is a server setting for me on a stream chat. I'll take it up with my server admins. I would encourage server admins to turn these on, assuming it can be done inpendently of the global chat channels.
  6. Okay, thanks Ravin. I will continue persuing that via my aforementioned thread. The server seemed to restart twice last night at the scheduled midnight (PST) restart and we observed the same thing. They came back after the morning restart.
  7. I'm aware, I've read the thread for the most part. I was asking if you could enable the "<player> connecting", "<player> connected" and "<player> disconnected" messages. I feel those notifications help us deal with players who ghost and whatnot. I started a thread about this, thinking it was a global setting for the mod, but I was informed it is a server setting. The thread is here. Thanks.
  8. Hey guys, my group and I have been enjoying the server latey. Thanks for hosting it and being on the ball with the updates and such. I wanted to request that you enable the player connecting/connected/disconnected notifications. We initially started playing on the server because we saw that you ban for combat DCing and ghosting, which we'd had enough of, but I guess you can't ban for that stuff anymore. Anyhow, I think the lack of those notices actually helps the people who choose to play unfairly, as we have no clue when people are connecting back in after DCing like babies. Hope this makes sense to you. Cheers!
  9. phresh (DayZ)

    Connecting/Disconnected notifications

    No doubt, but it seems the proposed fixes aren't as simple as Rocket thought they would be. In the mean time, I feel this would help the situation. Thanks for the reply.
  10. phresh (DayZ)

    Connecting/Disconnected notifications

    Interesting, thanks for the reply. I haven't seen the notifications on any servers since 1.7.x but I do tend to stick with the same server. If anyone could confirm this to be a server setting, I'd appreciate it.
  11. Date/Time: Jun 19, 2012, after a morning server restart. What happened: After a server restart, all previously packed and smashed tents are reappearing, pitched. Where you were: Everywhere. What you were doing: Trying to setup a nice hidden camping area with tents tucked under conifers. *Current installed version: 1.6.11 *Server(s) you were on: Dallas 23 *Your system specs: Q6600 @ 3GHz, 6GB DDR2, 560ti *Timeline of events before/after error: We've noticed this happening after three server restarts, so far. It's annoying since we spent hours getting our tents perfectly placed and then all the ones we didn't like the placement of return, creating tents on top of tents.
  12. phresh (DayZ)

    Dallas 23-27 offline

    I believe they are all hosted on the same physical server. They all went down last night, approximately 13-15 hours ago. Any word on what's going on with these servers? They are missed. Cheers!
  13. phresh (DayZ)

    Dallas 23-27 offline

    Just hoping one of the server owners/renters sees this and lets us know what's up.
  14. phresh (DayZ)

    The official Seattle 124 thread

    It seems Dallas 23-26(?) are hosted on the same physical server and they've all been offline since sometime last night. Any word on what's going on? *Edit to add that I created a thread regarding these missing servers here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=20963