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About iStillStealSteel

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. iStillStealSteel

    DayZ in 2022

    Also, please fix the lighting issues (starting with the light draw distance and the gas lamp. Make the character hold it right and delete the "lines" that are forming on the ground. Make the light diffuse. It's too bad right now. I know it's an engine issue and this might impact performance, but as long as we can dissable it on lower end computers, should be good.
  2. iStillStealSteel

    DayZ in 2022

    Hello guys. I have only some minor requests. First of all, we need the bow and crossbow back. Those were great starter weapons with high impact. Then the paint cans would be nice to have them back so we can paint guns, ghillie suits (and even walls to make them harder to spot). We need more craftable things(like leather clothes). I would love to have a gun rack in my base so i can show off my FALs and SVDs. Also some cooking recipes (Mushroom stew, more ways to cook meat and add it to the game. Even some wheat to make flour and then bread. Add some salt to the game so we can preserve food for a longer period of time. Make us thirsty after we eat powder milk/plain rice/or cereals. Let us cook the rice and mix it with mushrooms or steak. Make so that the cooked food is going to give us some benefits over plain food. You can add some sort of "stamina replenish factor" based on how "healthy" you are or based on how much sugar you have in your body. So, if you drink sodas you will regen stamina faster, for a short period of time, like a sugar rush. But after the "sugar rush" is over, your samina will regen a bit slower. Or based on how healthy you ate (cooked food over unhealthy food) your stamina will regen faster because you're healthier and when you are hungry, your stamina will regen slower. I know this might seem as a bullshit for some of y'all, but let's not forget that his is a survival game. In an apocalypse you would want to stay healthy. We shouldn't focus on pvp all the time. This is a survival game and we should treat it as it is. This game should be focused more on survival, but with all those CoD like servers out there people forgot how was it supposed to be. Most likely the devs won't care about my comment, but i would like to recieve some feedback on it and some better ideas on my suggestions if you have any.