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23p23 41

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  1. Anybody knows if its possible to create proxies for created attachment slots on vanilla items? I know how to create slots, icons or even create p3d model with proxies but cant do anything with vanilla items. I can only create new slots and edit parameters because vanilla p3d's r binarized and i am pretty sure any attempt to "un-binarize" their p3d is against their license. Is there any workaround?
  2. Anybody knows if its possible to create proxies for created attachment slots on vanilla items? I know how to create slots, icons or even create p3d model with proxies but cant do anything with vanilla items. I can only create new slots and edit parameters because vanilla p3d's r binarized and i am pretty sure any attempt to "un-binarize" their p3d is against their license. Is there any workaround?
  3. Anybody knows if its possible to create proxies for created attachment slots on vanilla items? I know how to create slots, icons or even create p3d model with proxies but cant do anything with vanilla items. I can only create new slots and edit parameters because vanilla p3d's r binarized and i am pretty sure any attempt to "un-binarize" their p3d is against their license. Is there any workaround?
  4. 23p23 41

    custom item is invisible and causing crash

    its funny how u spend extra 10 mins writing on forum and then when u open ur config to check it last time u immeaditely find the solution. In this case i had wrong model name written in config so that was causing the issue for me. Now its showing ingame with textures and also doesnt cause any crashes. Ignore this post. Would love to delete it but dont know how😅
  5. Hi anyone know what is causing item to be completely invisible? I am not new to creating models. I created about 20 other mods in 2 years time. Today i decided to create new after about 5 months and whatever i do my item is invisible in game and when i try to put it in my hands it even crashes the offline mode i am using for testing my mods. I had this problem so many times in the past and yet i havent found any fix for it. Its whole DayZ. Some days when i decide to create item everything works fine and some days it just wont let u. idk... i would like to finally have answer for why is this happening because it is seriously making me go crazy sometimes. Rn i just spent about hour or hour and half creating actual p3d and writing configs and scripts to find it not working again. Some ppl on other forums saying it may be because names of that item dont match in configs or wrong destination but i checked already everything about 3 times and found nothing. Whats more frustrating is that i did this item like year before for another project and it went super fast and simple and everything worked and now i cant figure out whats wrong Did game updated or something?? Maybe i am doing it old way when this "old" way isnt working anymore .... I am at the point of totally giving up on dayz modding if i wont make it work in reasonable time. I dont have time and nerves for troubleshooting it for whole next week😅😂 Any help appreciated
  6. 23p23 41

    making item pickable when empty

    Ty for the help. Tried ur way and still didnt work but then i sat down for a while and compared my lines to other ones mainly i use for attachments only items and i think i found out why it wasnt working. At the end i sticked to my lines but i definetely saved ur example if i ever get in problems again. problem was i missed some {} infront and behind return false/true. Put it in and tried it and everything is working What i had: if ( GetNumberOfItems() == 0 ) return true; Corrected version: if ( GetNumberOfItems() == 0 ) { return true; } Small mistake but sometimes i guess this kind of mistake can get overlooked. Again ty for help even tho i fixed it myself at the end. Rly appreciate that!!!
  7. 23p23 41

    making item pickable when empty

    Hi, I am creating few storage items and i encountered problem i can't unfortunatelly solve. Every code i am using i grabbed from P: Drive/scripts. All i want is to being able to pick up this storage item when empty. When full i want it to be stuck on ground 😄 I have 2 items with attachment slots only without cargo and i am using these lines and everything is working like it should : override bool CanPutInCargo( EntityAI parent ) { if( !super.CanPutInCargo( parent ) ) { return false; } if( GetInventory().AttachmentCount() == 0 ) { return true; } return false; } override bool CanPutIntoHands( EntityAI parent ) { if( !super.CanPutIntoHands( parent ) ) { return false; } if( GetInventory().AttachmentCount() == 0 ) { return true; } return false; } Then i have item without attachment slot with cargo only but cant get it to work properly. Obviously these lines above won't work for this one but i tried every possible variation... even took an example from barrel_colourbase.c because barrells cant be picked up when item is in but nothing. I use lines listed below : override bool CanPutInCargo( EntityAI parent ) { if ( !super.CanPutInCargo( parent )) return false; if ( GetNumberOfItems() == 0 ) return true; return false; } override bool CanPutIntoHands( EntityAI parent ) { if ( !super.CanPutIntoHands( parent )) return false; if ( GetNumberOfItems() == 0 ) return true; return false; } These lines i edited to fit my item. As i mentioned i picked it from barrels. Only thing it had was && !IsOpen() ) after line if ( GetNumberOfItems() == 0 My item isnt openable so i thought i get rid of that part... So idk what kind of code i have to use. Does it have to say something about cargo or where i am making mistake. As i said everything i am taking from P drive but cant find any usefull code for this Ty for any future help!!!
  8. 23p23 41

    problem with adding mods

    Hi, i just wanted to return to server hosting. Had no problems before but rn i cant get it to work. Rly dunno where is the problem. Mods were added to server location, keys to key folder and added to line in start.bat one by one. After each mode i started server until it was fully started but i didnt go too far with it Mods i wanted to add for now for start were CF, Community Online Tools, Dabs Framework, Expansion Core and Expansion AI From these mods i was able to successfully install 1 mod and that was CF. Other mods like Expansion Core + AI and Community Online Tools arent showing up in DayZ Launcher and some like Dabs Framework arent properly recognized even when i am already subscribed to them. I rly have no clue where is the problem. No matter what order i use the same problem persists. When i locate my server in launcher under LAN tab it is saying server has only 2 mods - CF and Dabs but even Dabs isnt recognized properly and Expansion mods r missing completely While i am writing this i am wondering, could it be some kind of problem with Dabs Framework mod? At the end Dabs Framework is need for Expansion Core to run so it kinda makes sense that if Dabs isnt running then expansion mods wont be running as well. But at this point i dont have an idea what it is. I even reinstalled Dabs Framework before adding it to my server so it is the last version of that mod
  9. 23p23 41

    Zombie with weapon in shoulder slot

    I watched some videos about creating proxies but all bohemia ingame p3d models are binarized so i cant open them into object builder to mess with shoulder proxy for zombie model. it is only showing outside box of p3d model...in this case zombie model... so idk if this is even possible to do and if not its still usefull and i can use this "mod" without actuall shoulder proxy
  10. Hey i had idea for my own server to add player attachments to zombies and have them spawn...mainly heavy military zombies... with some chance of weapon spawning in shoulder slot. What i did... I added shoulder slot/attachment for zombies. I edited cfgspawnabletypes so m4a1 spawn chance in zombie shoulder is 1.0. So only thing that is wrong is how weapon is showing ingame. I am sure it has something to do with proxies. Basically with this how i did it, zombies spawn with attachment shoulder slot with m4a1 in it but m4a1 is flying next to the actual zombie Then i thought i can look into player "side" configs to check about proxies. I found something like proxy shoulder ... rpg7proxy.p3d model. Tried to put it in my zombie config and when i tested it m4a1 is no longer flying next to zombie but its not visible at all. .. probablly models of players and zombies are different thats why proxies doesnt match but mainly i dont know what i am doing. i have experience with configs but i am far from being modder. I am learning step by step by myself. If anyone know what to do i appreciate all help i get with this!
  11. Hi i created p3d model of crate for my server and i want that crate to be used only on my mission system on missions but right now anybody can easilly pick them up from ground to hands or inventory/cargo. I was told by someone on yotube....King Skyline...Amazing tutorials!!!... that i need to write simple script but i never wrote sript in my life no matter how simple it can be😅
  12. Hey!! recently i created my p3d model of crate for my DayZ server. I want to use that crate for my mission system and it will be used for storing weapons loot. So i would like to add about 10 shoulder slots to that crate without cargo. I can do simple overides like changing cargo...thats no big deal but i am having problems adding shoulder slots or better said i guess problems defining/making shoulder slots to work. ( Just take in consideration i am just trying...i dont know what i am doing mainly and i am learning step by step ) I tried adding these parameters. With this added i could see 10 shoulder slots in my custom crate but not all of them were working... only 1st one was working and i could store weapon in that slot but i couldnt do that for other 9 attachments[]= { "Shoulder", "Shoulder", "Shoulder", "Shoulder", "Shoulder", "Shoulder", "Shoulder", "Shoulder", "Shoulder", "Shoulder" }; Can anyone help me what to do to make them work. Also i would love to know how to make crates un-pickable from ground to hands or inventory/cargo. I guess i need to write simple script for that but as u read above i cant really write scripts 🤣 But thats maybe topic for another time
  13. Hello Is there any mod that allows server admins to access player's inventory without going on server but doing it through server....server (profiles) files?
  14. 23p23 41

    Edit Chernarus map item?

    Hey! I am editing my server and i am doing lot of custom edits through DayZ Editor. I also used delete function in Editor so some areas that are on map arent anymore on my server or i changed it to something different. So i would like to know if there is any way how can i edit chernarus map item. I am well aware i cant edit VPP map or basic map because its modded content! I took a look into my P: drive and i found chernarus map item.paa closed and opened.paa but there is literally nothing visible through text view only pink/purple field Is there any way i can edit opened chernarus map item?
  15. Hello 2 days ago i basically deleted whole inside of VMC in DayZ Editor and built my custom "VMC" from scratch. I followed method with export loot data in init.c...but even after 2 days i am still not getting any loot in 99% of buildings i placed. i also rebuild krasno and balota airfield but loot spawned. Of course i didnt use same method like i used for VMC. I exported data to mapgrouppos.xml straight from DayZ Editor and put it straight into default mapgrouppos on my server but i thought since i deleted every building inside of VMC its better to use init.c export loot data method but its not working. Any reason why is this happening? Does it take time to spawn loot? I checked mapgrouppos if it actually recognizes my building and it does.