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Everything posted by adjial@gmail.com

  1. Hi admins and moderators The server admin by US 729 abuse the server way too much. I discovered their camps with my friends and they keep kicking me and our friends last night. Just a moment ago, when I killed their teammates at their camp, they purposely restart the server. When restarting the server did not stop us from killing their teammates, the admin just kick me with the reason too much teamkillings. (WTH?) I also forgot to mention, they purposely changed the server timing to night timing upon restart to deter us from raiding their camp. Kindly please investigate as this is an outright server admin abuse. Such admins and host are a disgrace to the rest of us who administrate our servers impartially and is a outright violation of the terms of hosting, isn't it? Maybe I should tell the whole world where their camp is in revenge for banning me for discovering their camp? Since they have like more than 100 tents at their camp site, oh ya, did I mentioned as well they have banned weapons such as AS50 TWS? At least 100 Coyote bagpacks. (sounds like duping?)
  2. adjial@gmail.com

    Live Stream being hacked

    Sure, assume we hack your server ya? Excuses never run out when you suck bad, don't they? Funny that you need to pull other people into your justification. No one treat you like a jackass, more like a dumbass. No one's pissed off with you, we're just having a good laugh at your silliness, childish sore loser behaviour. It was full of LOL at your livestream. Thanks for being such a comedy relief for us all.
  3. adjial@gmail.com

    Live Stream being hacked

    Why don't you wonder who did you pissed off that your server get hacked so often? The best part, you do nothing about hackers on your server. Cause you are a righteous person who follow the TOS rigidly right? Anger you mean? Nevermind the English lesson. One, stop being so judgmental over the internet. Usage of language is subjective and does not reflect my anger. I just happen to get addicted to scolding sore losers, which is really fun. That's all. I didn't know you can actually tell the mood of anyone over the internet. Do tell me how you acquire this superpower because I so darn admire your talent. Sure, keep being excited. So, if there is no proof, stop accusing us or anyone for the matter. I believe one is innocent till proven otherwise. Unless the law of your country is the reverse. Just because you got killed, learn to accept your death gracefully. However, I can understand if a sore loser can never accept it and always blame others for their lost. As proven, anything happens, you do nothing to protect your community, you only know how to be a internet hero, type type type. Keep doing this. It really achieve something by accusing another community who just happens to own your team. Lastly, I said before, we are not a clan to begin with. Apparently, you can't understand this simple statement as well. Goes to show.
  4. adjial@gmail.com

    Live Stream being hacked

    Proof Simon? You calling all Singaporeans hackers? You accuse my guys of hacking. Give a solid proof. Wum was teleported on your server by hacker as well. Apparently, you guys talk a lot, no proof and want to accuse us? Simply because we rape your team too often? Bring it on. You want to be a idiot want to put up a live stream and don't expect any hackers to come disturb you? We came onto your server to raid and everyone was killed by hacker on your server. Well done, being an admin who only blindly accuse without proof. It's so blatant you got an agenda against us just simply we rape your team and killed you, all Singaporeans = hackers? Well done to your excellent accusation. And your course of action is to come the forum, accuse and complain? How about taking some actions to read your server logs for some proof instead? Oops, apparently you can't given your intelligence cause any time you get hacked, it's Singaporeans. Fantastic!
  5. Hi, anyone experiencing the same thing on Mac/Win 7 across Safara/IE/Chrome/Firefox that upon login, you just get redirected to the same page. Anyone? Asking here because HFB support is not replying to my emails.
  6. there is a login section where you can file support ticket and make payment. That is what I am talking about......
  7. DayZ Admin, wassup? As admins of servers, to begin with, we don't have awesome tools to manage the server. This scripting hack is destroying so many servers. You don't allow us to password lock servers, we accept. Now, nothing is being done with all these invisible invincible, carpet bombing, artillery bombing scripters.......... One single day, our server sees at least 20-30 such hacking cases being reported. It was fun when DayZ begin, but now, we can't even play without being harrased...having almost everyone turned into animals on the server, buildings being blown down, massive number of items being spawned by hackers causing the servers to become extremely laggy(even for a dedicated server). The more patch we seen, the more hackers we have seen. Maybe consider making it so that people need to sign up with an ID to play this game and require them to submit in their HWID with an app. Ban should be by HWID, this may not eliminate all the hackers, but I am certain it will reduce. It's getting tiring being an administrator of a server, what more, more than one server, the complains of hackers is tremendous.
  8. Yup, I back him up this is true. I am admin of US 916 and I was in the server when it happened, friends of mine on other servers were dying with the same thing at the same time as well. Server is patched to the latest Arma Beta and Battleye but it's not helping at all with the incremental numbers of invisible, invincible, script spawning hackers. Do something please, DayZ admin. The sudden increase in hacking cases spoils what is a great game to me.
  9. adjial@gmail.com

    Yet another hacker [Video Proof]

    yup this invincible and invisible hack is extremely much of a game spoiler. 2 days in a row, my squad has been killed 4 times by such hackers. 2 times in a vehicle. 2 times when we are gathered up. hacker just spawned into our group seeing we have like 6-8 people crowded together. Some hackers can be seen, some hackers cannot be seen. The ones that can be seen, cannot die even if fired upon by 6 people at point blank. Extremely irritating.
  10. adjial@gmail.com

    US 729 Hosted by HFB, owned by Clan Faith Admin Abuse

    Well, I can give everyone the coordinates and you will find the tents and everything one ever need in this game and before I get to take any screenshots, I was kicked banned. And Lee Stockholm, did you even read or can you read properly? I said AS50 TWS, apparently you reply without even reading properly. And why the hell would I raise this issue if the admin is not abusing? Waiting for the admin to stand up then to explain why am I kicked banned at their camp.
  11. adjial@gmail.com


    Hi, I've been told a hacker came onto the server I admin and spawn a fighter jet. Is there any way I can look at the RPT file to determine if this is true and banning the user from there? Not sure what value to search for in RPT file.
  12. adjial@gmail.com

    Can't disable crosshair?

    I did the same, somehow it still shows crosshair. I use firedaemon to start my service with it indicating the correct command line as above.
  13. Again, generalisation. Curious question, how old are you? Before you jump in defense mode, I am asking out of curiosity. Generalisation again, the world is diverse with many characters. You assume everyone want to be good to each other. You not able to answer my questions in the first post, don't divert. Most? How many? Where are your facts coming from? Show me, prove it. Words being typed and coming out from your mouth does not equate to fact. You can know me very well from the internet? Interesting how you presume and make judgement via one post from me. You must be extremely intelligent. You are contradictory on this point. You keep saying everyone is going to be good, but isn't the very fact of this game survival of the fittest, pretty much as well as it is in real life. If you got a million, are you going to share half that million with any one of us since you presumably says everyone needs any one. Please answer. Don't divert the topic and question and say what you say is fact. Again, not to the point. Being social animal does not equate to the fact that you woud not sacrifice others for your own survival. So again, answer my question above. I don't exactly need your pity, fact number one ya? So, don't act like you are a high morale being with superior opinion above everyone else and starting to judge people as shallow, cold and callous. You can determine people for who they are in real life via internet? Stop being bitter just because you are not able to prove your point, or for the matter, justify your opinion. If you want to start a personal attack over the internet, congratulation. You won because it means nothing. What are you trying to prove? You are smarter? LOL. Enjoy it.
  14. So care to explain why we have law' date=' regulation to create order in society? If you think people are living in fantasy land, aren't you living in it too generalising people who has their opinion? In theory, indeed not wrong. Have you ever been a law enforcement officer in real life where you get to see how people behave in their worst right on the ground? Have you not realise the London Riot 2011 that people who riot, rob consider about the other human beings? Have you not consider in the event where there is no law, no order and between survival of 2 human being, would both of them share that one can of food or would they kill each other to survive? Fact is, either way could happen. Are you trying to say that for sure where survival is concern, ALL and EVERY single human beings would share their resources and not fight? I doubt so. For every example you pointed out, there is no example of one where there is 1 resource that decides whether one human being lives or not between the two. The concept of DayZ is a survival game. Food, drinks, weapons are resource in certain limitation. Have you administrate a DayZ server to see that people do band together to know that this is not 100% a deathmatch game? Have you seen the chatlogs of a DayZ server from an administrative overview perspective, rather than just a personal standalone player perspective? IMO, your angry view is myopic and fail to take a step back and think deep. End of the day, I love this game enough to hope that it succeed and is sustainable for as long as possible. The question you should be thinking is how and would the mechanics of this concept make it successful across the board and sustain the interest of the market if you would as well like this game to succeed. Becoming a pure DM of course would make this game, become just another game. However, I still do not see this is a DM at this point of time, both as a player and as a administrator of a server.
  15. adjial@gmail.com

    Server Hosting quick FAQ

    Hi there, I have purchased a server that meets the requirement base on OP's stated requirements, how long does it take usually before any of the server admins could reply and provide the necessary instructions/information to get started? Where I'm coming from, my country don't even got a single host on this yet and we got a growing community who's loving DayZ so I'm hoping to get the server up and running soon. Can anyone advise?