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Everything posted by ''Ragnor''

  1. ''Ragnor''

    Cause of Death/After action report

    I would like to see an 'after action report' added. While "You are Dead" if quite stark and effective. There are times I would like to know why? aka WTF just happened? Why was there a click when I pulled my gun and now I'm dead? Why did the world silently go black while I was strolling through the woods one day? The idea would be something like You are dead Cause of death: 'Survivor X headshot you from from 10,000 yards away.' or "You bled out" or "the dungeon colapsed" or whatever You survived "X hours" You traveled "X km" And all the other random stats acrued during that 'lifetime' Mostly, While death is final, Still, It really bugs the crap out of me , and I'm sure allot of other people to be instakilled and never know the reason why you lost all the gear you just collected after 48 hours of strait game play. To at least know why might help to avoid those mistakes in the next life and isn't that what it's all about?
  2. ''Ragnor''

    Cause of Death/After action report

    OK yeah, I can see the point of the non-solo players concerned about squad mates. But yeah, inspecting the dead body would work too. For example the other night. I am standing on a pile of pallets surrounded by zombies. I pull out my trusty mkII to execute said zombies at my liesure, then something goes 'click' and I'm dead. I really wanna know What the F happened. So yeah, just at least being able to see my body would give some clarity
  3. So, I have noticed when logging out of the game the stats box shows inaccurate data. Such as showing 5 survivors killed when I have not harmed a soul (as I am a pacifist) or 1,237 zombies killed when the actual number might be 120 or so. So are these stats are incorrect and random? Or are they some other survivors stats? And if they are someone elses stats then why are they showing on my character? Is it possible then either through stack overflow or intention data push or code injection that insta-deaths are actually dying someone else's death? A death attributed to the wrong survivor? This would account for the seemingly senseless instant mortality in what would otherwise seam to be a 'safe' environment. Just a theory, but it's the best one I've got.
  4. Yeah, there seams to be a problem. Every time I manage to get enough kit together to go back out in the woods to hunt and survive somthing goes 'click' and I'm dead. Every time out in the middle of nowhere. Ain't seen nobody, ain't no reason for anybody to be there except for hiding out and living off the land. I mean sure I expect to get killed by dumb and lazy people in town, but who the hell hides way out off trail just hoping some random schmuk comes wandering along? It just don't make any sense. It has to be a bug or cheaters. Yah spend hours wandering around trying not to starve to death, die of illness or get clubbed by some douche bag and then black screen for no appearant reason. It get's pretty annoying.