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Everything posted by jblackrupert

  1. jblackrupert

    Remove all military sniper rifles....

    M107 is American AS50 is British.
  2. jblackrupert

    Day 60: Tips and Tricks (with my survival path)

    Congratulation, you know how to use Microsoft paint. You are the king.... I bow to your prowess......... now go find an empty server somewhere and make us all even more proud.
  3. jblackrupert

    Global ban transfered out of DayZ?

    If you can't figure it out there's no point even trying to explain it again.
  4. jblackrupert

    Global ban transfered out of DayZ?

    Better then doing nothing. The harder they have to work, the sooner they get tired and play elsewhere. As for Battleye bans....... They can be ported over when the purchase was made from a Sprocket or Steam account because there is a record of the Ban/Account/Key..... Bohemia and Steam simply lock the account from buying it another copy or the Standalone when it appears. Even further, they can bar any credit card number that was used to purchase the game that was hacked.
  5. jblackrupert

    Global ban transfered out of DayZ?

    Steam needs to do that instead of what they currently do, VAC bans only carry over to games that use the same engine.
  6. jblackrupert

    Global ban transfered out of DayZ?

    If the hacker bought the game from Steam or Sprocket it would be easy enough to prevent them from buying the game using that account again as there is a record of the purchase/Key and they could prevent them from buying the Standlone from the same account. VAC does that. You get banned across ALL games using the same engine as the one you cheated in. So yes, it is possible if they were serious about spanking the hackers.
  7. jblackrupert

    Global ban transfered out of DayZ?

    Yup and it is good. Enjoy your ban. Hopefully the bans will be ported over to the standalone also. Bohemia should discuss with Steam about banning hackers steam accounts from buying another copy also.
  8. jblackrupert

    Hackers - Teleport ?

    Hackers are losers who need artificial means to make them feel better about themselves and think that they are actually better then others. The same goes with the ones who break into websites and crash systems... they are socially crippled losers with no friends, no hope of getting a girl never get invited to parties.......etc...etc.
  9. jblackrupert

    Day 60: Tips and Tricks (with my survival path)

    Oh go hide on an empty server for another 60 days. You're just as pathetic as the stat padders in Battlefield. Ohhh loook at meeee, I'm sooo freaking awesome.... I'm too afraid to play with other players but I'm sooo "1337" Oh wait.... lookie there, thats your player name.... fancy that.
  10. jblackrupert

    Day 60: Tips and Tricks (with my survival path)

    Come on now, he's trying to show off his e-peen. Don't spoil with with logic
  11. jblackrupert

    Day 60: Tips and Tricks (with my survival path)

    Sorry, but hiding in the woods looting hacker/duper tents on empty servers isn't anything to be proud of. 60 days of being a coward. congrats
  12. jblackrupert

    Graphical Glitch (Artifacting) FIX!!!

    Yawn....another "fix"
  13. jblackrupert

    Unfair Global Ban?

    Funny how it's never been a problem until DayZ came along which IS a hacker fest. Operation flashpoint, Arma, Arma 2.... no such issues. The only issues you read in the Bohemia forum were the occasional complaints about Battleye kicks because it failed to update or load properly and those were usually a problem with the players connection of firewall blocking it. You hacked, got caught. Suck it up cupcake. And a word of warning.... Honey pots have been set up with detected hacks just waiting for you to download them if you start thinking about doing it again.
  14. jblackrupert

    Randomly running zombies

    It's just gas being released and propelling them forward after eating too many bean filled survivors.
  15. jblackrupert

    Unfair Global Ban?

    Until DayZ came along, complaints about global bans were rare.....very very rare and when checked it was always a clear cut case of hacking. Never once in the 3 years Arma 2 has been out do I remember Battleye handing out mistaken bans until that brief recent problem that was fixed within 24 hours.
  16. Chances are the launcher or a shorcut is enabling DayZ.
  17. jblackrupert

    Unfair Global Ban?

    Actually the recent accidental global bans were cleared up in 24 hours. I'm willing to bet you got spanked and deservably so.
  18. I prefer the AKM myself. The weapons you choose to keep should match your playing style.
  19. jblackrupert

    Do i need Arma 2 Combine Ops?

    The survivors, bandit skins and some weapons [Ex. AS50] are from BAF and PMC DLC's for Arma 2. https://store.bistudio.com/arma2-private-military-company https://store.bistudio.com/arma2-british-armed-forces If you don't own them then you are seeing the low-res [Lite] versions even if you own Combined Operations.
  20. jblackrupert

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Problem solved: http://www.bitlet.org Use this link: http://www.dayzmod.com/DayZ-
  21. jblackrupert

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    BitTorrent is a network protocol. It's much more efficient and reliable then FTP and HTTP for file transfers. BitTorrent does not require a standalone client. there are sites like http://www.bitlet.org that allow you to download and see torrents without installing one. There are browsers like Opera for instance that support BitTorrent. Also, chances are good that you've downloaded files over the Bittorrent protocol without even knowing it there are several game clients that use it to download the game and updates. There are also hardware devices that use it for firmware updates. D-link...Buffalo, Marvell....Netgear....... Microsoft, Dell,..... You might want to do a little research before you say stuff about it.
  22. jblackrupert

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Those are glitches from barbwire which has not been fixed yet.
  23. jblackrupert

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Why not?. Downloading and seeding DayZ is not illegal. BitTorrent has nothing to do with piracy. It's just another protocol just like FTP and HTTP...
  24. jblackrupert

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    BitTorrent. Try it, you'll like it.