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Everything posted by jblackrupert

  1. jblackrupert

    Fist fun

    Thats what she said.
  2. jblackrupert

    More Practical Updates

    Fool and their money. Good luck with that.
  3. jblackrupert

    DayZ store/merchandise?

    You also get a map of Takistan [seperate map] and the original Arma Sahrani map on the reverse of the Chernarus map. Arma 2: Reinforcements comes with a Takistan map and the Arma X: Anniversary Edition comes with the Map and postcard collection.
  4. jblackrupert

    dayz players are racist

    Ahhh the perpetual victim.........
  5. jblackrupert

    Forum downtime

    UPDATE: WWW.dayzmod.com is not working Site and forum only loads if you remove the WWW.
  6. jblackrupert

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    I'd like to see you try that with Razor wire. which is whats actually in Arma2/DayZ.
  7. jblackrupert

    Key theft and hacks, is it safe?

    EB games sells both new and Used games. If you buy Used games that use a key for multiplayer then you run the risk that the guy who sold it to them wrote the key down and is using a pirate copy with that legit key to play. Never buy MP games that use keys USED unless you know and trust the seller.
  8. jblackrupert

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    yes. It's simply used as a griefing tool, nothing more...
  9. jblackrupert

    Why do people put tents in tents ?

    A guy goes to a psychiatrist. "Doc, I keep having these alternating recurring dreams. First I'm a teepee; then I'm a wigwam; then I'm a teepee; then I'm a wigwam. It's driving me crazy. What's wrong with me?" The doctor replies: "It's very simple. You're two tents."
  10. jblackrupert

    Giant hacker camp on US 2978 (Server's up again)

    Looting hacker tents on empty servers.. You are still the master.
  11. jblackrupert

    Anti-hacker hackers?

    Wanna mess with the hackers.... Set up honey pots of detected hacks and get them global bans and upvote the fake hack videos on Youtube.
  12. jblackrupert

    Battle Eye Bans 2000Cheaters

    Watch it, he's a Computer Tech......
  13. jblackrupert

    Battle Eye Bans 2000Cheaters

    They are not innocent, They were searching out h@cks and got bitten. I'm glad the fake hacks are there on Youtube, shuts these pricks down before they get a chance to spoil the game. Same goes for the idiots who buy cheap keys, they know damn well they are not legit, so if they get ripped off.... GOOD!
  14. Yet another BULLSHIT post from a hacker trying to spread the story that hackers on servers are forcing others to run scripts. Enjoy your ban Haku33, you earned it P.S. Beware of the honey pots kiddo, I'm seeding several myself. :D
  15. jblackrupert

    CD Key in use?

    Take your filthy loser lies somewhere else... Good gawd you can't even keep your story straight.
  16. jblackrupert

    CD Key in use?

    AS50 sniping team??? Sounds like you're a hacking loser who got burned.. HAHAHAHAHHAA Oh and there are honey pots with detected hacks floating around.. I'm seeding several myself..... :P
  17. jblackrupert

    What is the record of being alive in DayZ ?

    Pointless question because people will just play on empty servers hiding in the woods looting hacked and duped tents. Kinda like this guy... He's the King of the Forest.. plz kneel and pay your respects. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/88928-day-60-tips-and-tricks-with-my-survival-path/#entry836254 Nothing more then stat padding like the losers who go on empty servers and shoot/Heal and repair each on in Battlefield 2.
  18. jblackrupert

    Banned for doing nothing?

    Stop hacking
  19. Nice try hacker The KEY theft is from morons like you downloading fake hacks from Youtube. Watch your step kiddo, honey pots all around. The Honey pot's I set up don't steal KEYs, they're just old and get detected very fast and result in a global.
  20. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHHA.... buh bye hacking losers. I'm hoping some of those lovely bans were some of the people who downloaded old detected hacks from the honey pot I have set up. So far I've had 578 happy customers :P Best use of bandwidth so far this year. :thumbsup: I'd suggest others do the same, grab some old h@ckz that are outdated, get detected and trigger a global ban and set up a nice honey pot. Don't use the KEY stealers for honey pots because those keys could be sold to innocent victims.