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Everything posted by jblackrupert

  1. jblackrupert

    Banned randomly

    Stop using hacks. Glad i could help
  2. jblackrupert

    New Dev Blog Report: November 2012

    Wrong. People have been using Workarounds for ages. it wasn't until the latest BETA that they allowed you select which drive/partition you install to and thats not available for all games yet because they have to be converted to the new system.
  3. jblackrupert

    Arma 2 download link

    Used are cheaper and it teaches a lesson in taking care of your stuff. [invest in a shelf]
  4. jblackrupert

    Arma 2 download link

    Craigslist Gamestop Amazon
  5. jblackrupert

    One does not simply play Dayz..

    A lot of it has to do with Steam not playing well with Arma 2 mods and addons. Why they insist on promoting the Steam version of it is beyond me. Less muss and fuss with the Sprocket version.
  6. jblackrupert

    New Dev Blog Report: November 2012

    Just found out Steam is going to allow Games to be installed on multiple drives. The BETA client has it but only for a few games. http://steamcommunit...66056837737711/ Amazing... only took 9 freaking years... maybe in 9 more years offline mode will work. There's also this app for moving Steam games to another drive http://www.traynier.com/software/steammover It uses the junction system suggested here but in a dummy proof app.
  7. jblackrupert

    New Dev Blog Report: November 2012

    You don't lose your account according to the VAC description.
  8. People who hack are dicks. Pretty simple
  9. You can use a capture card
  10. jblackrupert

    Lock-On Rocket Launchers

    No, what you want to play is a game called ARMA 2. I have a surprise for you.... it's installed on your computer right now!!!!
  11. jblackrupert

    New Dev Blog Report: November 2012

    Other then the usual complaints about Steam that everyone's heard a million times before, The big problem I have with having to use Steam for DayZ is that I'll be forced to install it on my SSD because the RV engine performs 100x better on one but I don't need an SSD for the very few Steam games that I have. I use a standard HD for regular games that don't have issues with texture popping, LOD switching...etc on the slower drives. My precious SSD space is reserved exclusively for games like Arma 2, Take On Helicopters, Crysis 1 and others that stream a large amount of data off the drive. Far as I know, with Steam it's all or nothing, yes you can change the location of the games but they all got to go to the new location. Someone correct me if I'm wrong about that.
  12. jblackrupert

    Randomly Generated Maps

    It's already possible using Arrowhead.... Randomly generated towns at least. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fejbMOWTwW0 There's a game called Arma 2 on your computer....give a try sometime. And this: http://www.armaholic.com http://www.armaholic..._addons_islands http://www.armaholic..._addons_islands All the "New" maps you guys are playing.....they ain't new, we've been playing them in Arma 2 for years. .
  13. jblackrupert

    New Dev Blog Report: November 2012

  14. jblackrupert

    Standalone release before or after Christmas?

    Any estimates on when the next "When will standalone be released?" post will be made?
  15. jblackrupert

    Day Z download link not working?

    Manual install/patching is actually easier and faster if you take time to learn how to do it.
  16. jblackrupert

    Day Z download link not working?

    DayZ links work fine for me Arma2 site is not loading though. According to http://www.downforev...neorjustme.com/ it's down. http://downforme.org says it's up, but that could be because they only check to see if sites respond to pings, no checks to see if the page actually loads.
  17. jblackrupert

    What does this sign mean on the map

    The church is also the best place to find empty liqour bottles to throw and distract zombies. Go figure.
  18. jblackrupert

    Updating Arma?

    Even better, learn how to do it manually. Beta patches are here: http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php Latest version is at the top in the green bar. - Unzip - Run the EXE Beta patch will install.... click OK when it's done.. Patching installing mods/addons for Arma is actually faster and less muss and fuss then using third party apps and once you know how it's done, life is a whole lot easier.
  19. jblackrupert

    i cant run!

    You can't run uphill all the time depending on the steepness of the hill. Zigzagging your way up a hill is a way to get around it.
  20. jblackrupert

    Critique My First PC Build

    Ignore him, dude is clueless.. Xeon Processors are not meant for running games [Game servers yes]. If your going to install a Tower heatsink like the hyper 212 then make sure you get LOW PROFILE RAM.. http://www.newegg.co...N82E16820233280 or the heatsink won't clear the RAM. The 3570K is an excellent choice for games for a good price and you can overclock it easily just don't go too high if your using the 212.... The Intel 520 series SSD would be even better if you can find one for a good price. Get Windows 7 Professional 64bit.....Has XP mode for running older stuff that.
  21. jblackrupert


    I wouldn't advise clicking that link... It's spam and...Russian...nuff said.
  22. jblackrupert


    What GPU? How old is it? Have you tried: - Rechecking the Steam files.... corruption can occur from a freeze, crash...HD write errors...etc. - Unistall/Reinstall/update your video drivers - Check your GPU temperatures If they are high blow out the fan and heatsink on the card with compressed air and try replacing the thermal paste [Youtube videos show you how to do this] It looks more like a corrupt video driver or Arma 2 files problem then heat though.
  23. jblackrupert


    Post a screenshot.... Heating issues with your GPU maybe?
  24. jblackrupert

    Hard Copy of DayZ?

    I'm sure some talented people can put together a cover and DVD label that we can print out. But given that DayZ is going to be work in progress for a long time it's douptful a hard copy will be available. DVD labels for printers and DVD cases are easy to get. There's also inkjet printers that print on printable discs.