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About Shepuz

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  1. NEVER! I'd rather eat rusty nails and drink battery acid than admit to being part of the asshats of DayZ.
  2. The distance between me and the target was around 600m or so, it was night, and he never gave me his sideprofile which would've shown me if he was wearing a cap. And I was using a weapon with thermal scope on it, which I have thrown away because you can't identify the target at all with it, I'd rather have CZ550 and NV instead because of this damn incident.
  3. I was the one to fire that shot that extinguished your flame on top of that firestation roof at North Airfield. It was my first bandit hunt. I had hunkered down at the opposite end of the airfield, eating some beans and listening to music. Waiting for something to happen.. then you logged in and popped in full view on top of the said firestation. You looked around, and I was staring at you through the scope, I had trouble seeing whether you were wearing regular or bandit clothes so I was unsure whether I should take the shot.. the adrenaline was too much and I pulled the trigger and watched your body fall down and disappear. My heart was beating like hell, I had killed someone.. finally. Damn bandit scum deserved it.. Unfortunately.. the moment I climbed up that roof.. and realized that the one I had just shot was a regular survivor like me, my heart sunk.. and at that exact moment lighting struck, it started raining like hell and my foobar decided it would be nice to play Amazing Grace.. Tony, if you read this.. I'm sorry. If the DayZ devs had been nice enough to let us construct graves for dead survivors, you can believe me when I say that I would've given you the most beautiful burial ever, this time though.. all I could do was make sure the stuff you carried didn't go to waste and then hide your body. I'm so sorry..
  4. When put in to perspective, Makarov is one of the best weapons ingame when looking at what it was designed as, not by how much damage it does. It's fairly low noise weapon as it is, it has a decent range of 50 meters, a small magazine size is a downer but you can find ammo from everywhere, as a backup weapon for those "oh shi-" situations it's excellent. Heck, now that 1911 was nerfed it's basically even better than before.. Won't alert every single bugger in the 500m radius and you won't be running out of ammo anytime soon, and even if you do.. just check your nearest trashcan. EDIT While I was smoking I thought to myself that if I could, I'd rather have a .22LR pistol as a sidearm. Logically you should be able to carry tons of ammo for it due to it's small size, and because you will mostly be shooting at unarmored zombies (military zombies not included), it would be ideal for the job. Does massive damage to the brain when shot to the head, pretty quiet with a suppressor added and should be able to find loads of ammo for it due to .22 being pretty popular especially amongst civilian population.
  5. snippet from the logs: 25.09.2012 13:28:02: Ferrity () 7a1337c468a0bc7fe1e738c8afc64faf - RemoteExec Restriction #0 "Hit" 6:614 - " veh = 'UH1H_DZ'; if (isServer) then { (veh createVehicle (position hreh1))setVariable ['ObjectID', 124, true]; dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor,getPos hreh1 nearestObject veh]; }; along with this: 7:31:28 BattlEye Server: (Direct) papamidnight: i will kill him 7:31:33 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Ferrity: ah 7:31:57 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Ferrity: lets teleport another one hopely friendly ^ 7:36:00 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Ferrity: i cant give its buggy becuz my cheat And there's plenty of other stuff on the logs. If someone missed his GUID is 7a1337c468a0bc7fe1e738c8afc64faf Seems that every morning when I go through the logs I find some asshat doing what ever they please. And I suppose the first part of the log means he was trying to spawn a heli, is this correct?
  6. I just gave a week long ban to a player on DE 1460 for teleporting and item spawning. Went through the server_log file this morning and noticed this: 5:33:02 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Chameleon: No 5:33:07 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Chameleon: Thx 5:33:17 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Chameleon: Ok 5:33:58 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Chameleon: Ok 5:34:09 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Chameleon: we will tp on vehicle 5:34:33 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Chameleon: But I need to kill that crate 5:34:40 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Chameleon: ill spawn another 5:34:52 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Chameleon: This is not good place 5:34:56 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Chameleon: yep 5:35:05 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Chameleon: Pick ural 5:36:14 BattlEye Server: (Direct) wilinor: cloud_safiraw 5:37:07 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Chameleon: Drive to elektri All the other logs related to this person are shady for the backpack and vehicle accesses have no coordinates to them. Sorry about leaving the GUID out: 90cc9ce3c141752b869c6e7fa3e38176
  7. So, about 5 minutes ago it seems a hacker might had made a visit to our server. Me and one other were gunned down by what sounded like a Light Machinegun, I quit the server but one of our group stays behind, spawns at the coast and as he was going through some loot he was fired upon by what according to him, sounded like the same exact weapon. I'm new to this admin stuff and went through the server logs to see if anything seemed weird and I'd need some help in this task. This is the only one I found to be weird: 21.09.2012 11:34:20: XXXXXXXXXX (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - #220 "rivate ["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"players"] execVM "\ca\ui\scripts\dedicatedServerInterface.sqf";" Is it possible that the person who left this behind on the logs has been hacking or doing something nasty? EDIT: After some looking around what I figured was that this might have something to do with the Server Settings button ingame, I'm using the latest scripts.txt and others from that one website and normally when someone clicks the buttong BE kicks them off, but this did not happen after this particular person did what ever he did.
  8. That sounds like some sort of crude version of the Skynet. I'd imagine in theory it would be possible to code it so that the zombie AI was on a separate HIVE which either all of the servers were connected, or there would be several HIVE's to connect to based on how much they have available CPU power. I don't know if the current engine used is capable of that but it could be implemented on the DayZ standalone if they are going to use a modified engine or completely new one. I would suggest not to though, because that's how the end of mankind and the rule of the machines usually starts.
  9. the problem is that slower zombies are only threatening in large enough numbers, and we're talking about hundreds and hundreds in a big city, meaning that if you were to go inside cherno, instead of the 20-40 that spawns now, there would have to be around 100 to 200 for them to pose any real threat to any player. The main problem with this is the huge impact on the server CPU, every zombie is essentially a bot, which takes a small amount of CPU power to calculate what the heck it should do, and how to react based on the AI. Now imagine having ton of people in cherno, electro, north airfield and few other major areas, the amount of zombies that would spawn would be enough to basically bring the server either down, or impact the performance in general in a major way. I hate fast Bolt zombies myself and would love to take slow Romero style classic zombies instead but I'm afraid on the impact they might have on players own performance (not all of us own PC's capable of running fifty copies of Arma 2 with all settings on ultra high at the same time). And the server stability.
  10. Shepuz

    my encounter with another survivor

    eeeexactly.. it's amazing how much these damn things can do even though their higher brainfunctions have already shut down.. the first time I ran away from zombies in to the ocean and looked behind me I said "oh for fu.. you GOTTA be kidding me" to myself while watching 4 zombies swim after me.. I mean I can understand RUNNING, running zombies seem to be so IN and fashionable these days (I prefer the original concept of a clumsy slow zombie that required a clean headshot to take it down), but swimming and climbing zombies? ..next they will prolly learn to drive cars and handle crude weapons.
  11. Shepuz

    Should armed vehicles be added to Dayz?

    inb4 someone rides down the coastline in a fully armed bmp.
  12. Shepuz

    Video of guy alt+f4 from his own POV

    in some cases I do not think using ALT+F4 is that bad but in a situation where YOU have engaged someone, and downed them, escaping with your life like that is just.. I don't know what word I should use. I guess I'll just say that he's a fucking bastard and should have a doublebarrel shoved up his ass and both barrels fired simultaneously.
  13. Shepuz

    Convert or DIE

    THIS, THIS THIS THIS! Me and my buddy were discussing about this earlier today, we both hate bandits so much that we would love to rip their heads off and shit down their necks if we could, but also agreed that they are essential part of the game, even if they are assholes. And now that the whole bandit skin/humanity thing has been removed we were thinking what could be done about that and came up with an idea based on the "male or female char" thing you have to choose when making new character. It would ask whether you wish to play as a bandit or as a survivor and based on the option you choose, you either spawn at the coast or if a bandit, far up North or something. Making spawnkilling less likely and having to choose what style of playing you will do would then label you as a bandit or survivor right from the start instead of based on murders or "humanity". You can has my beans old chum.
  14. Shepuz

    Convert or DIE

    and soon we will have a cheap S.T.A.L.K.E.R MP copy with slight co-op like features. Yay. If it becomes like that then I think it doesn't matter if you play DayZ or any other FPS game where you shoot everybody on sight and then the game has lost it's original appeal and purpose. Yay. Destroyed by it's own community and players.. says a lot about the players.