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Everything posted by Infernales
I don’t know what country you’re from, but in our country we have capitalism, as in principle in almost the rest of the world. And yes, a private server remains private and access to it is decided by its owners. I can remove the door from the entrance of my apartment and now it suddenly becomes a public place? Do not make me laugh. Show me at least one law, at least some country, that prohibits the owners of restaurants/bars/etc. control access to their establishments? I’m sure there are no such laws, just like there are no laws regarding access to various servers. As I already said, if you are not satisfied with one private server, look for another private server or go to the official servers. No one owes you anything and no one will adapt to your desires.
What nonsense are you talking about? Let's say I have my own server hardware. Who do I rent it from? Or are you saying that I should have signed a lease agreement with myself? Smells like schizophrenia. And yes, even by opening some kind of bar, restaurant, etc. I can make access there, for example, according to a certain dress code, which again is not for everyone. Moreover, I can make this place closed and give access there only to certain people or demand money for entry. Again, paying for entry on your part does not guarantee that the security of this establishment will not throw you out onto the street for violating some local rules.
@aux7 Well, according to this site, a home Intel Core i7-3770 will be more powerful in terms of its single core than an Intel Xeon Silver 4214R. There’s just one problem: for some reason, my Intel Core i7-3770 is choking already when starting the server, but the Intel Xeon Silver 4214R somehow didn’t give a damn about starting the server, it didn’t even feel the load with a hundred simultaneous people in online. How does this happen? Well, probably the problem is that the processor has more cores, the processor has more cache, the processor is designed for really high loads, it uses LRDIMM type RAM, and I’m also silent about the raid controller with SAS disks, and not home SSDs. No, I'm probably doing something wrong. Well, it can’t be that the site and some users from the forum lied to me.😂 P.S. Of course, I exaggerated a lot here and yes, indeed, the Intel Core i7-3770 will be more powerful in single-threaded mode than the Intel Xeon Silver 4214R, but server tasks have long been multi-threaded. And on the same site where you took the screenshots, there is a top list of processors and also all the information on their computing power, so use your head. If you even opened their top, you would see that the Intel Xeon w9-3495X is in 11th place in terms of performance, while the Intel Core i9-14900K is not even in the top 20. Also keep in mind that server motherboards support installation from 1 to 4 processors, if not up to 8, I don’t remember exactly. Again, purchasing an Intel Xeon w9-3495X is absolutely not justified for DayZ server hosting; there are cheaper options.
Seriously? Doesn't it bother you at all that you use a processor for a regular computer for server tasks?🤣
Does steamcmd for Linux support ARM?
Well, finally!
Миллион раз уже обсуждалось, достаточно ввести тут в поиске слово "ban". P.S. Если бан VAC - пиши в Valve, если бан BattlEye - пиши в BattlEye. Тут тебе с этим никто не поможет.
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Experimental Update 1.23 (Change Log)
Infernales replied to Kyiara's topic in PC Experimental Updates
Well, you're the only one crying here, I calmly play DayZ on Linux, moreover, I have my own server for DayZ, which is installed on a virtual machine with Windows Server 2022 and I connect to it normally. I’ll tell you even more, I can easily connect to official servers. As for protection, BattlEye has been running under Proton on Steam for quite a long time, if you haven’t installed the necessary packages for it, then that’s your personal problem. -
Experimental Update 1.23 (Change Log)
Infernales replied to Kyiara's topic in PC Experimental Updates
What nonsense are you writing again? Do you think the UDP network protocol works differently in Linux than in Windows? And yes, from a client running a Linux distribution, you can easily connect to servers hosted on Windows. Moreover, the reverse situation also works. And suddenly a Linux server exists, but for an experimental branch. Well, don’t write nonsense if you have zero knowledge about it, or at least use Google. -
As far as I know, on official servers you can move your character between servers with the Chernarus and Livonia maps without any problems. I tried to create a symlink on players.db with the following command: mklink /H C:\Servers\DayZ\mpmissions\dayzOffline.enoch\storage_1\players.db C:\Servers\DayZ\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\players.db The character was transferred with all the loot to the server with the Livonia map, but there is one problem: after running around Levonia a little, I went back to the server with the Chernarus map and ended up somewhere in the sky. Of course my character died upon landing. The question is: how can I normally implement this on my dedicated server? It’s clear that the coordinates are stored in players.db and the coordinates for different maps will be different, but maybe there is some way to determine that a character has logged in from the server from a different map or to determine incorrect coordinates (for example, that the character will be in the air) so that force him to spawn in a certain place?
Who would have thought that corporations collect the data of their users... This has never happened before and here it is again. Now let’s take off your tin foil hat and welcome to the modern world. Most public Wi-Fi points require authorization through the website, regardless of the OS used. As mentioned above, the warning about abandoning Windows 7 came from Steam itself. DayZ on PC is distributed through Steam and the refusal to support Windows 7 was logical.
The game is getting an update and developing, why is this illegal? Steam uses components that do not support older operating systems such as Windows 7 or Windows XP. This is called progress, especially since Microsoft offered to upgrade Windows 7 to Windows 10 for free, the fact that you didn’t do this is your problem. Moreover, carrying support for a product that has even run out of official support is a bad idea.
@Riddick_2K Unlike you, I understand the difference between the kernel and the OS. Of course, you wrote a lot of nonsense, I’m even too lazy to describe something here point by point. I don’t even want to go into detail, that the use and support of any old thing slows down progress, especially since it is useless to explain this to sectarians who worship all old things. As for work, if I used this approach at work, the companies that hired me would have gone bankrupt a long time ago. You can sit in a tin foil hat as much as you want and believe in the necessity of outdated things, but these are exclusively your problems and they do not concern others in any way.
Oh, here is my favorite person who does not understand sarcasm in any form. I'll tell you a secret: all Windows is based on DOS.
If age is irrelevant, then why aren't you running Windows 3.11 in 2023 on your PC?😁 Suddenly, you need Steam to run the game, Steam stops supporting Windows 7. Why should developers continue to support the old OS, on which it will not be possible to run the game anyway? And why are they poor? Firstly, the game does not have a native client for Linux, and secondly, Proton by default sets the Wine config to use WinAPI from Windows 10.
Transferring a character between servers with different maps.
Infernales replied to Infernales's topic in Servers
Coordinate parameters for such cases are already in cfgplayerspawnpoints.xml, but how to activate them? This is the problem. I am more than sure that this function is already on the server, but for some reason the parameters to enable it are not described in the documentation. -
Ну это заметно. Сарказм, не?
Ну начнём с того, что процессоры с одновременной многопоточностью появились только в 1999 году и параметр -exThreads как раз таки указывает на количество потоков процессора, а не ядер, но да ладно. Не, у AMD абсолютно всё по другому, у них на одно ядро 256 потоков приходиться, они же к нам на планету из другой вселенной попадают. К тому же архитектура amd64 ни разу не является расширением архитектуры x86. Да и все пользователи Intel наверное до сих пор используют 32-битные ОС с соответствующим софтом.🤣 Во-первых ни грамма пишется раздельно, а во-вторых к тебе это предложение тоже относиться.
Because it's mods and the official servers are servers without mods? But yes, I agree here that BI should have devoted more time to developing an already built-in administration tool, and not just adding commands for ban and kick.
Modders made CF and Community Online Tools to make the work of admins on community servers easier, because DayZ servers do not have any administration tools. I talked about this in the previous message. Just open your server without mods and we’ll see how you solve the problem with cheaters. Again, yes, thanks to the modders for such mods, but who provided the modders with such an extensive toolkit so that they could do all this? That's right, developers.
I repeat once again, the problem is not in anti-cheat, re-read my previous message. Not everything is decided by money, no matter how much money you give them, then from this they will not have a button "Fix the code in five seconds.". And yes, sometimes it can take several years to fix a banal mistake if the project was initially designed incorrectly. Well, about the admins, I wrote in the previous message.
Do you understand that it sounds something like this: “I want to eat and therefore completely refuse food”? Suddenly, the problem with cheaters arises due to poor synchronization between the server and the client. Well, because of neglect of the most important rule: “The client ALWAYS lies!”. This is solved by fixes in the code, and in order for these fixes to reach end users, updates must suddenly come out. Okay, you suggest that the developer find a good admin and what will that give? Maybe DayZ has adequate administration tools? No, and a good admin won’t do anything, because as far as I remember, without mods, the admin doesn’t even have the opportunity to observe the problem player while being invisible. Changing the anti-cheat and adding a few more anti-cheats will not solve the problem either, because the main problem is in the wrong code and the lack of checks for each action by the client. Okay, you can continue to demand that they stop updating until they fix this, but do you have any idea how long it will take, even on a relatively small project like DayZ? I imagine and understand that the game will die faster, especially without the release of regular updates, because the players will not see at least some gestures from the developers and will abandon the game.
BTW, about masks and hats: the developers made several colors for the plate vest, pouches for it and holsters, but why not add the same colors for the sheath? I don't think it's really a very difficult task that requires several years of work and it could be included in the current experimental branch.
Ну вот и рисовал бы маркером, в чём проблема? Данная софтина вмешивается в процесс игры? Да, а значит чит. Логика достаточно банальная. К тому же в игре и так есть возможность включить прицел, если это не запрещено на сервере. С баном от VAC тебе к Valve.
Тут никто тебе с этим не поможет, разработчики не имеют доступ к банам, пиши Valve или BattlEye, в зависимости от бана. Но учитывая тот факт, что ты читер, бан скорее всего не снимут, ибо cheaters must die.