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Everything posted by ryuujikun

  1. ryuujikun

    Question about the FAL

    ahh okay thx ;) maybe i must farm more the tents. the barracks are dangerous :P
  2. ryuujikun

    Question about the FAL

    I dont know, if the Wiki is correct. I found 2 Fals NV, 4 AS50, 1 Mk4 but6 no SVD, only a LOT of Ammo for her. So maybe she ist the rarest. What do you mean with Stary Sobor ? I thought only in Heli Crash is they spawnable
  3. ryuujikun

    Question about the FAL

    Gz to the rarest weapon in the game ;) but nope you cantz change it http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=FN_FAL_ANPV_S4
  4. Our Tent eat our Heli Crash Raids. 2 AS50, 1 Fal M249 with a lot of ammo. thats realy annoying
  5. ryuujikun

    Alt + F4 exploit

    Today i met another one of these guys that dont want a fair pvp. I scouted someone near the military Tents and shoot him with my M24. Nearly instantly i saw the message xxx is loosing connection. He were away and left. These happens so often, pvp issnt fun with these exploiter :(
  6. ryuujikun

    Alt + F4 exploit

    thx for the reply, havent saw the topic from rocket, my misstake ^^